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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. bhurt


    DNA and Krystal Flash
  2. Okay I think I will start things off with this one: Reward The best thing I remeber about this photo was that gregg had dragged my ass out of bed all whinning and we went down to this strech and I remeber looking at the water and saying to myself, yeah like there is any fish in this strech. Low and behold we had a steller day with many big fish to hand. And to raise the standards I'll Also show this one: Say Chesse This photo always brings a laugh, cause I went out with ed and brain and we went down to a pretty good wintering hole and absoultly slayed them, ed got in touble cause he was like 5 hours late getting home, and brain was stuck on the number 13, laughing all day it was well worth it.
  3. bhurt


    Not feeling like doing *hit tonight, I decedied I would tie some clousers. Here they are. BTW, sorry for the shitty photo.
  4. The only good thing that comes out of edmonton is Highway 2
  5. bhurt

    Bow Questions

    I have been throwing small little black or brown #6 lead wrapped leeches in the evening and been doing very well.
  6. Wolfie, Just PM Gordie (Speygillie), and I suggest doing it ASAP as he is going to be in town next weekend. As for the boxes I absoultly love my box, good and durable, I have throwen reels and what not ontop of it and it has yet to break.
  7. Actually his name has nothing to do with G.I Joe or Cobra commander. The Scorpiondeathlock was a finishing move from the wrestler named Sting, he had two moves The scorpiondeathlock (figure Four) and the scoripiondeathdrop (ddt) it took me awhile to figure it out but one night I was watching TNA Wrestling and all of a sudden the announcer yelled omg sting is going for the scorpiondeathlock, and I was like *hit man I knew it was from somewhere. But then again what do you expect from someone that cheers for edmonton teams
  8. I just iquired with sage about replacement parts and you must send back both broken parts.
  9. Rick, Good to hear that everything went fine for you, so what you are now saying is that you can now size your trout acurate????? Just kidding buddy, we really need to get out on the river on of these days.
  10. Great photo guys. Its good to see scorpiondeathlock not wearing that disgusting edmonton hat, lol j/k
  11. Dwyane, Compare our transit to Tokyo's is like comparing apples to oranges. The asian culture also is very much diffrent then the N. American culture. Another thing to remeber about tokoy's transit system is that they move over 9 million people a day. Do I like beeing cramped in a train, no but it is much better then taking a hour to get home when the actual train trip is only 10mins at the most.
  12. Well I have been taking the train for the last ten years and always take it during peek hours and even with the seats in place you still get cramed in, and alot of times I have to skip one or two trains before I can even get on the train. I think removing some seats is a good thing personally that means I will not have to get up at 5am to get to work for 7am because I might not have to skip two or three trains. For the people that live at the end of the train line it might be a pain cause now they will have to stand instead of sitting, but have you ever tried to catch the train at Anderson at 6am? or even at Chinook at 3pm? On most days it takes me 1hour to get from anderson to chinook in the morning and coming home it takes almost the same amount of time. During the summer time it might be diffrent but during school time and winter, removing the seats means more people can get on and I will not have to skip two or three trains before I can get on, winter is the worst cause there has been times when riding the train I get trapped and people will not move to let me out while others are pusing to get on.
  13. Bobloblaw, Looks like you had one steller of a trip, good on you, and I hate to admit it but you are one of the few people I have always wanted to get out with. Keep posting the aswome shot, I know I have much enjoyed looking and reading of all your adventures.
  14. Beeing the hardcore football fan that I am I watched the game and I was shocked at the preformace that edmonton showed, but after the start the stamps had I was not surprised at their showing, hufnagal (sp) probably gave them the roit act, but then again if you look at years past the labour day classic is usally 50/50 with calgary winning at home and edomonton winning the next game. I am personally very intrested in seeing how edomonton will come back from the sound beating calgary gave them, either it will make them a better team or else they will be done. However, the west has always been a tuff division to play in with calgary, edomonton, and BC beeing very competitive, just recent Sak has been showing promise but I still think in the end it will be calgary vs montreal in the finals, can you say I am a bit basis in my prediction, you are probably right but that is what I am saying and we will see. Oh by the way I got my Grey cup tickets and regardless to the outcome I will most likely be drunk on that day.
  15. Here is my 2 bits. What do you want? What are you willing to spend? How often do you honestly think you will use it? These are all very important questions that YOU must ask yourself. If you want I am willing to meet up with you and let you try my 3wt 9 foot loop multi. I personally love using it on the bow for dry fly and I also use it on all the small creeks. In the end you must deciede what YOU want, and as always I suggest you try a wide veraity of diffrent rods to find what suits YOU the best.
  16. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. You'll never know unless you try. Which I have
  17. Now people don't get me wrong I never said they wouldn't catch you anything, I just said they WEREN'T AS PRODUCTIVE (btw I am not mad) Wolfie, When I use the term "Classic" what I am talking about is the original tie such as for the clouser the one that Bob (I think that is his first name) Clouser I am in no way shape or form talking about "Classic" wets, dries, etc.... but the original tie for that particular tie. I also find the type of material, buck hair vs DNA or any other type of synthetic doesn't really, I think it has more to do with shape and color (for daytime) size and shilotte (overcast, rainy, or night) is more important.
  18. mmm I see where you are coming from wolfie but if you ask me comparing bait to lure isn;t really a fair comparision. Now if you said 2 guys were using earth worms while the one guy was using maggots then I would say without a doubt the wroms would win out. As for flies there are certain patterns (which are classic patterns) that I find far out produce any other varation that I might tie, but heck what do I know, I am just a *hit disturber afterall
  19. I used to use it a couple of years ago but found it sometimes worked for me and sometimes it didn't.
  20. Andy, please don't tell people my secerts
  21. First of all I am not defending them, I agreed 100% that they needed to be ticket never said they didn't, Since you missed it the first time I will repost what I originally said so you can read it more slowly and more carefully Not that I do not disagree with what happened to them but how do you know they were poachers? As far as I was concerned they were fishing without a lience and not poaching, cause as I understood it poaching was a) keeping fish that were either over the size limit or more then a catch limit or b ) fishing in water that is either closed or out of season. Second, I agree if you do something stupid expect feedback, but do you really have to result to name calling and acting like a 5 year old, if you ask me there is a better way to get your point across then name calling. IF you don't know your ilttering it doesn't count, man I think its time you get off your high horse, if you litter REGARDLESS to weather you know it or not you are still littering, pretty simple if you ask me. I can just see it now, a immigrant comes from vitenam, where you do not need a licence to fish, he/she doesn't know you need a licence here so they fish, according to you this is okay cause they after all don't know that you need a liecene and if you do not know then it doesn't count. Plus you think all the garbage in the river comes from people littering? I bet a good chuck of it is crap that is blowen from the city dumps into the river or along the river bank, what is you solution to this problem or is it just easier for you to complain and lay blame on other people? According to what you said about abusing the enviroment, I guess it is time you stop driving your car cause the pollutions that come out of your exhust and the windsheild whipper fluid is just as bad, so bad that the city is making stelement pounds through out fish creek to help stop the *hit that comes through our storm drains. Is it okay then to do one thing that abuse the enviroment but stomp your feet and get mad over other issuse of the samething but in a diffrent method cause after all pollution is pollution, and by your own statement absue of the enviroment falls into the A-Hole catagory, so I guess that just makes you a A-Hole with the rest of them.
  22. God damn it jay stoking your ego again, lol (incase people jump to conclusions me and Jay are fishin buddies and I am bustin his chops, he knows what I am talking about) Anyways I can releate to you Jay, I spent many days with my grandfather with a pole in our hands, even though we were tossin bait back in the early 80's I have many fond memories of him and when we lost him three years ago on my birthday it hit me really hard, and still does to this day, all I can say is remeber the good times and don;t let them go, and when you get back we'll have to go out and slamin some trout and take many many many ego photo's.
  23. Okay so I looked up the word poaching and yes fishing or hunting without a liecence is a form of poaching, so I stand corrected on that. I've always seen poaching as keeping fish or fishing or hunting in areas that are not allowed, but if you want to get technical and go by the actual diffentation then yes Fishing without a liecnce is poaching, however in this case the offenders did purchase a liecence the previouse year so I would think it was more of beeing forgetful (still not a reason not to purchase) then blanityly not getting one, but in the end by the diffination of the word it is still poaching. My biggest beef with this is the way that people treat and talk about things like this, for the most half they are called low lifes and idoits, etc... for me if that is how you see them then fine but why not keep it to yourself, are you much better then the offender when you come onto a web forum and act very immature and call people names? I don't mind people sharing the information or story but do we really need to be name calling, I did that when I was in the 5th grade.
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