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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. Yeah I might be able to get a dozen or so done, just need to know when we need to have them done by so I can see if I can get it done in time or not.
  2. bhurt


    Yeah, I'll get right on that dave
  3. Just finished ting these little bastards. These leeches have been very good for me this year, picking up fish at all time, mostly just swinging them with the spey and single hander. Once again sorry for the shitty phot, I'll get this indoor photo down some day.
  4. If you really look at it it has a greenish-brown color to it, most bows I catch have a pink slash in the center (not all bows have that mark but it is a real good identifing mark.) Think of bows looking very silver in color, most browns have that brown/yellow/greenish color to it. BTW nice brown
  5. Let me guess, uuuuuuuu shitty deal brad. :$*%&: ........
  6. I don't drive so I don't really see much of that *hit, but I tell you people on the trains are a sight to see. Today I was standing at the train heading for my bus and the warnning singls are going and there are people duckin running across, last time I checked that noise was a warnning to STOP TRAIN COMING anyways I counted like 20 people running across before the bars came down. Good thing the driver saw all of this too and was just sitting there. Then this lady comes by talking on her phone ducks under the bar and walks right across. It blew me away she didn't even think about crossing train tracs, thank god the driver had a brain, who said blondes aren't stupid (sorry Lynn you don;t count cause you scare me) I know when I am talking on my phone or listening to music when I reach the tracks I slow down and look at my sourrondings, but as a kid I grew up around trains in small towns so I knew the dangers of a train trac. I see *hit like this everyday, thank god I haven't seen someone serious injured or killed.
  7. bhurt


    Jon,Jon I get mine from Fish Tales. P.S Did you smoke weed????? Cause now your smokin rock, crack or ice??????
  8. I tend to disagree with you rick, that was me shitting in the woods, remeber I mentioned that in Uberflies post.
  9. I always wondered why you smelled like *&%$, know I now.
  10. Damn it I knew it, the pusher is in the house....... I'll be talking to you in a few days about a ORDER.....
  11. Nice casts brain. In the first vid I thought you were sitting down and I was thinking to myself, wtf is he doing, then I realized that you were up to your waist. I liked the fact that your line and d loop is formed all infront of you, nioce cast for some spots I go to on the bow for sure. Only question I have about the switch cast is that it looks very much like a single spey to me, am I crazy, if so what are the diffrencesw between the casts? BTW nice cast very smooth and was aswome to watch, one day I will be that good.
  12. LOL, But I am from the states so everything for me is in inches. Was wondering when someone would catch that comment of mine.
  13. bhurt


    Nice tie mike, looks like a winner. Once I get my leeches finished up it is time to start tieing some boatmen. I like to tie a leech onto my line then from the eye of the hook I trail it down to a Boatman or a backswimmer. Works very well. Mike when we getting out again dude, I now have Sat and Suns off, however this sat I got the scottish guy from across the pound coming in for a demo and class.
  14. Silver Ghost is now going to start doing hardcore drugs such as Meth, Crack, Herion To too boot he will start doing home invasions, and run an organized crime syndicate to support is habit. I bet if we looked more closly we will find more pot smokers then one might think.
  15. I am with Mike (Tungted) To me I guess most of the time as the size is only for myself. But I use to use my third leg as a reference, if its bigger then it was 24++
  16. Highly doubtful ever seen some of the people that come out of Taber, Coaldale, Purple Springs, Grassy Lake, Burdet, Bow Island.... Hey wait I have family that lives in all of those towns.
  17. I started to watch it at work then my boss looked over my shoulder and asked me if it was work related, I tried my best to tell him I was doing reserch into a potiental client but he didn;t go for it,m will watch the rest when I get home from the salt mines.
  18. Yikes..... I drink, Smoke, and love my caffine, I guess its time up for me.
  19. Are you Seriouse. To me there are alot of LEGAL things out there that cause alot more damage to our society. 1. Cafine (To most people this is a drug which in the end causes alot of seriouse health risks) 2. Smoking (How much money does our goverment spend on people that are dieing from cancer that is related to smoking) 3. Booze (How many people world wide is killed because of drunk driving, how many domestic disputes that turn very violent is relate to drinking, etc....) Most people say that weed is a gateway drug and once again I say bullshit. I have some friends that have some seriouse problems with cocaine and did you know that 90% of the time they do it, it is while they are drinking, and the reason why they do it is so they can sober up and drink some more, so with saying that the root of their problem is not the cocaine but it is the drinking. Also while going to work this morning I was listening to the radio and they were playing a excert from the interveiw that Opera did with Witteny Huston and witteny even said if it wasn't for all the drinking Bobby Brown and her did she probably would have never done any cocaine. But hey these are legal so it is okay but weed isn;t so its the devils smoke.
  20. bhurt


    Its kind of hard to see in the photo but they are tied in a semi-oval so when wet there is a bit of a point to them. Wolfie, Personally these ones were tied for the bow, for bull trout I like to go bigger. The ones in the photo are done on a #6 wet nymph hook where for bullies I usally tie them in a #4 2x shank, but then again I have only caught one bully so far.
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