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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. Dave's using his powers for evil again. Boooooooooooooooooo
  2. I'm crafting another cheesecake tonite Administrator. But not a plain one. Plain ones suck as much as you do. Pardon me though - could you add my new bad to my avatar for me...I can't seem to do it. I've exceeded my technological limit by installing Twitter on my Blackberry this week.
  3. I love you guys!!!! I'm going to make you both cheesecake.
  4. Ummmm...Jamaica pictures. I only stalk on Facebook....I am very private about my stalking activities.
  5. Sorry Don...I could have sent you a video link showing some guy getting it done and some other weird stuff that I TOTALLY don't get. I just figgered everyone knew what a PA was. I forgot your age...I always think of you as such a young and hip dude LOL. I gotta go find me that really really old woman who was pierced from head to toe - in every conceivable spot on her body you can imagine....with things dangling from parts that had no business dangling anything. Mind you, when you get that old, it pretty much dangles on its own anyways. Gotta go.
  6. OK...this much I know: Dave is lying and he has no idea what is about to happen to him. Darren is cool as a cucumber and still has his sense of humour which means he got regular sex throughout the pregnancy. Therefore, my prediction is thus (just give me my prize now and let's do away with all the formalities): Dave: a baby with no penis, just like her daddy. I've seen his lovely girlfriend's belly - it's a girl fer sure. I'm gonna say April 22nd. April 18th is a good day though - that's my son's birthday - we could have fun future birthday parties together. Darren: I have also seen his wife's tummy and I say girl as well. But she's gonna be more laid back and cajjjjj like her dad and come out on her own sweet time - I say May 8th. Both ladies are very lovely and uber-pregnant cute. You won't get this unless your a woman or a dad-to-be.
  7. Since all Mexican folk sleep in hammocks every night of their lives, I bought one from Mexico. Doesn't help you, but I'd have no problem sleeping in it. In fact I have - passing out still counts as sleeping.
  8. My nose piercing does nothing for my cell phone reception or my ability to make it stop ringing. Nobody will ever convince me that getting a Prince Albert is a way to improve their hearing.
  9. I need a few questions answered first before I guess: 1. Have either of the ladies dropped yet? And, if so, when. 2. Have either had Braxton Hicks yet? If so, when did they start 3. Have either lost their mucous plug? (don't be all grossed out and indignant - you all know what it is) 4. Have either started doing an amazing amount of cleaning and/or baking and asking for sex on a more frequent basis (this is called nesting in case you didn't know). 5. Is your nursery ready? 6. Do you have a bag packed? 7. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being "very f**king"....how freaked out are you? I think that should do it for now. Honest answers to these questions will help me win this contest hands down.
  10. 60 BUCKS???????????????????? Last time we fished it was $45! Anyone know the price range last year between the different companies? How many are out there now?
  11. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! Hope your all gonna get out there and get you're party on in the white stuff today. Its you're last chance to make snowmen....well....propably not....this is Alberta and supposably we'll get a couple of more dumps of snow to welcome spring.
  12. I'm kinda hoping, in light of the fact that we plan to fish the *hit outta the Bow this year, that the cost of shuttles goes down. Surely they can't go up this year.....
  13. Gentlemen....OF COARSE it was LOL
  14. Ummmm....if you can't spell Grammer then you shouldn't be in charge of grammar. Maybe we should make you the spelling police. Oh wait....reference earlier sentence.
  15. OH MY GOD. FINALLY somebody is willing to raise the taboo subject of grammar!!! And this is one of my biggest pet grammar peeves of all time!!!! If I get one more email from a supposedly "educated" adult who writes "hope your doing well", I'm gonna go grammatically insane. Thanks Dave....my day is a better one because of you're post.
  16. BBT.....you do know the initiation to new moderatorship right?( A quick romp on my heart shaped bed!!!) mod edit Grape juice, Babybels and letting Dave outfish you on the Bow. Hmmm...looks like you just have to cough up the juice and cheese.
  17. Man.....if their standards are that low, then I'm a shoe-in for Mother's Day.
  18. I had a 2000 B4000 rated to tow the same weight. I don't care what the specs say, it's a crock unless you're towing on flat pavement. We hooked our old 19 foot lite trailer up and towed it around the block for giggles. That's as far as it got. Tent trailer or small boler is it man - for both the engine and the suspension. You'd need a tranny cooler too. Tent trailer is the way you want to go as much as it sucks.
  19. I once crashed my motorcycle into the side of a car, going about 20 kms/hour in front of a group of about 15 people. My dog eats my other dog's poo and I've now become obsessed about picking up dog poo 10 times a day. That's it...that's all I've got. I need to dig deeper. I'll be back.
  20. Our retirement plans factor in Hundred Mile House or Littlefort B.C. Choice of great rivers or lakes to fish. Beautiful country, almost no people. I can't wait.
  21. I didn't know they let my mother out of the nursing home. Guess I was at work and missed the call.
  22. I'm the envy of all the neighbourhood moms right now....it's good to have a son who works for Tim Hortons. Even though I hate their coffee, their cruellers are the shite and I intend to perfect the Crueller Casting Technique....the double haul with one hand while licking your fingers on the other. Watch and learn boys.
  23. AHA! So you're the friend I lost today. It's a sad day for us Crackbooker's. Sorry to see you deactivate....but you never poked me back either so what good were ya LOL. I think you and Clive are the same way....actually Mike too. I think I use his Facebook page more than he does hahahahahahaha
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