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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. That's great.....thanks Don. As if I needed even more justification/reasons to drink wine.
  2. Looks like BBT's first day back at work in a month is a busy one But you're right. Dave does suck. Durka Durka Durka
  3. Thanks Rick! We had fun as well. Nice to sit and shoot the *hit with folks who come from long and far for a pancake or two! Just wondering - didn't anyone want one of my dogs????!!!!
  4. You're pitchin' to break Barry White's record aren't ya?
  5. Best hit Denny's before you come then.....we're serving camping food.
  6. OMG...that's hilarious! Taco - I'm gonna get my dogs to show you on Sunday if they're depressed or not. With your leg hahahahahaha
  7. For free: Kijiji and Craigslist. For not free - the RV and Boat Trader. That's where I'd list mine if I were selling.
  8. What do a toilet, a clitoris and an anniversary all have in common? Men always miss them.
  9. Sorry....should have mentioned it's Sunday there TS.
  10. Pretty blonde huh? Extra hashbrown casserole for you sir!
  11. Hmmmmm....a wake up call by a Texan and a big Dutch Cowboy? Can't says I've ever had one of those before Forgot the timing on Brian's seminar. Come whenever you want....OK...not whenever you want....anytime after 7:00 is great. You don't want to see me before 7:00 and a couple of cups of java....you can ask Mike...it's not pretty.
  12. Toxoplasmosis right? I had no idea guys with transplanted livers could get it Soooooooooo.....Darren's gonna be a daddy too huh? How did we not know this? Are you and Dave the Presidents of some new club or board now - something like FFC WHB - forget fishing cuz we have babies?
  13. Those look too good to eat! By the way - next year make a double batch and ship some up to me about mid December. My Mike's birthday is right about then and I'll bet he'd love some of those yummy cookies!
  14. So....in keeping with the first annual tradition that our esteemed RickR began this time last year, Mike and I would like to invite you all for a pre-fly fishing expo pancake breakfast at our house. I think last year we aimed for 8:00 so if y'all are up that early and in the mood for some good greasy food and coffee to start your day then you wanna come by! We live in the S.E. in Douglasdale. As most of you know we have 2 "puppies" - a golden and a lab who love people and who are moderately well mannered but often forget them. The trick for you will be to resist feeding them your yummy breakfast because they will give you their best "they never feed me and always kick me" look. Mike and I will provide the eggs, pancakes and hashbrown casserole (a personal request). What we need is for some folks to bring bacon, juice and coffee as per last year. So we can make sure we've got enough to feed you hearty souls, please let me know, by PM, if you will be coming and I will give you our address. Hope to see many of you again - and meet some new folks that couldn't make it last year! Lynn and Mike
  15. Welcome back LS! Well...since I just got back from Mexico wherein I had a lovely first day poolside, spent the next 3 under cover from torrential rain, the next 2 under shelter from the wind and clouds and got a stellar 3 hours in the sun on our final day, I would love to accompany you to Cuba - or to anywhere warm for that matter. I somehow think, however, that Mr. Freeman might not be so encouraging in light of the fact that he wouldn't be able to go. Anyways, I hate weather. All weather. Everywhere, anytime. I want my ****ing money back and I'm way ****ing bitchier than any of you whining pussies all put together. Plus my arm won't work right and I have a feeling I'm gonna get spanked by a doctor when I go for the X-Ray I should have gone for some 5 weeks ago. Hmmmm....doctor spanking. I'm feeling suddenly not quite so bitchy now. Oh ya...Luongo deserves to be on the All Star Team. He's an all star goalie.
  16. Wow....I had no idea what this thread would bring. I'm amazed some of you guys are alive to tell these stories, to be completely honest. There is not one thing I could think of adding that would be worse than any of those. I'm humbled....and grateful for all the things that have never happened to me!
  17. Oh my Fishpro....that's an awful way to lose your dog. Well..no way is a good way, but that's very sad. We used to fed our family dog steak bones and pork bones and I can't believe we never did him any damage. Those are the worst possible things for your dog - as you have found out. Raw bison bones (and others if your dog has a stronger stomach) can be found at any high quality pet food store - Barking Lot in Midnapore, Pet Planet - anywhere where there's a freezer and they sell BARF food or high quality dog food. I just cringe when I see people in the pet store buying cooked bones and those really cool smoked beef bones with big hunks of fat hanging off them and thinking they're doing their dogs a favour. The idea is that when you cook a bone, it dries it out and it becomes virtually undigestable by the dog vs a raw bone that is raw calcium, does not sliver off and has the full moisture of a raw bone like dogs eat to use when they lived in the wild way back when. That's the basis for the BARF diet too. I could go on and on about the benefits of raw, but I think I've made my point.
  18. Oh Boy....I'm so sorry to hear that....I hope your guy is OK. I'm going to further the warning and tell everyone who owns a dog that no dog should ever eat a bone that has been cooked, cured, smoked or anything like that. Bones fed to dogs should be raw. We give our dogs raw, frozen bison bones because our lab has the wickedest sensitive stomach ever and they're lifesavers. We believe in the BARF diet and feed our golden part BARF, but even if you don't, raw bones are the only way to feed your dog. And rawhides can cause intestinal damage and, depending on the amount consumed, can inflate and expand enough to cause death depending on the size of your dog. It's amazing the things I used to think were good for my dogs but really are so bad. Sorry to sort of threadjack, but this is a great opportunity to save another dog and dog owner from heartache like yours. Please keep us updated on his condition/progress. All the best.
  19. With computers and electrical systems in cars these days, this is something I wouldn't mess with. So...you get what you pay for and if it costs more then it's gonna be done right. After market, Quinn Security is, by far, the best on the market right now. They are pricey, but they know what they're doing and they won't mess your van up while doing it. Get one...seriously. My Outlook has one on it (first vehicle I've had) and, although it sits most of the time in a warm garage, I love it when I can sit in a restaurant and start it up while I'm waiting for the cheque and have a warm car to dash to. They are worth the $$.
  20. Good God.....you guys should post warnings about eating before you type that stuff. That is some major bad *hit.
  21. I bet your definition of often is much different than mine
  22. Poor Rick....we took his misfortune and really did a threadjack number on him. So.....how's about we all share our biggest ouchy - has to be the most painful incident or thing that you've ever experienced. I'll start: Just off the top of my head, I've had 2 babies, an epidural that went awry in a bad way, a hysterectomy, a fractured arm, wisdom teeth and molar extraction - 5 at once, root canals and carpal tunnel surgery. BUT the worst pain by far out of all of those is the gall bladder attacks that I get once a year or so. It is debilitating, knock me on my ass and pray to God for mercy type pain. I understand it's very similar to passing a kidney stone type pain. I would much prefer any of the others over this type of pain.
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