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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. Max kinda looks like Beaver Cleaver when he was younger. What a cutie
  2. Hey 420 - I didn't know Radar O'Reilly was in your paintball gang - he's the guy right beside you right? LOL
  3. Well speaking of cops, this bad story kind of has a good ending for me. A couple of days ago, Hayden was walking up the street and a couple of kids (one of whom he works with) confronted him and the other kid (a kid in grade 12 we think) sucker punched him. Broke his glasses, gave him a cut under his eye and a black eye. We called the cops to file a complaint (with no intention of pressing charges) but just wanted the cop to go and talk to this kid to keep it from escalating and to let him know that if this happened again, he'd be taken away to jail and charged with assault. When the cop came to our place to get Hayden's statement, he was very nice and told Hayden he was doing the right thing - take a stand, don't cave to the violence, report something when it needs to be etc. etc. At the end of it all, Hayden was so nice and said "thank you for your time officer" and the cop looked at me and said "you've raised a good kid - keep doing what you're doing". And so - this has allowed me to put things into perspective a bit better. Ya...the reports cards are painful and ya the video games and chores and all that stuff drive me crazy, but I'm not the mother who is getting "that" phone call about her son - and I don't think I ever will be...knock on wood. So he could be much worse - and I'm grateful that he's not. 6 foot 2 and 180 pounds and a gentle soul so far. He could have fought back - Lord knows I would have. But he chose not to and to do the right thing. Sometimes kids really surprise ya.
  4. Thank you kind gentlemen. In thinking it over, I think I'm probably overanalyzing too much - I mean...it's really all about getting that brain to arm connection going and if I already know how to do it, I should be able to figure it out again, right? That being said, I have some WICKED bad habits so maybe a little coaching isn't a bad idea. Regardless of what I do, I will be taking 420's advice no matter what And with regards to the spey rod - as much as I think I'd like to try it, allow me to translate what Mike said in a more...er....censored manner. Spey rod + boat + Lynn = certain death by line asphyxiation her and those within casting reach....so NO. He's very kind to me, really.
  5. The delightful news from my doctor this morning about my casting arm not showing any signs or progress of healing was met with much delight today. Or not. She said it's going to be at least another 4-5 months before it will get back to normal (lesson here: if you break a bone and they tell you they aren't going to cast it, get a second opinion....seriously). So....I'm thinking I might have to teach myself or learn to cast with my left arm if I'm to be fishing this spring like I hope to be. So....have you taught yourself to cast with your opposite arm or is it worthy to be taught all over again? I know the "mechanics" of casting but will I be able to figure it out with practice? I know how to write with right hand, but I can't write anything legible with my left to save my life so I'm kinda wondering if it's the same thing.
  6. No yer not. You just need to spend some quality time with it and talk to it gently. Crackbook is awesome.
  7. Oh God....why must this be?
  8. Good to see you're not picky anymore - old guys like you need to take what you can get. P.S. Can I borrow that picture sometime
  9. Happy Happy JR Ewing...hope your wife makes your b'day EXTRA special
  10. I was expecting cats on a Segway. Weedy...you are definitely on the right track there - I remember that's what the guy said now. I think I have a good idea of where to concentrate my search for it - somewhere near the fan/blower unit and something that fits in there like a U. Kinda gross about the whole dust thing though.
  11. Thanks Weedy - I"m gonna rip the doors off the front of the furnace today and see if I can't find it. I do know that it couldn't get sucked into anything - the filter is huge when it comes out - I remember it being like 3 foot by 2 foot and I remember the guy saying that, next to having a HEPA filter, it was the next best thing. Fat lot of good that is when I can't find it. But I'm sick of dusting twice a week so I have to figure it out somehow.
  12. I've googled all morning and I can't find what I'm looking for. About a year ago we had our furnace and ducts cleaned. The guy showed me how to take out and clean our furnace filter but, for the life of me, I just can't remember how and what he did to remove it. I do know we have what's called a "permanent apron filter" that is somewhere in the furnace and it's supposed to slide in and out fairly easily. But we can't find it. Anyone else have this type of filter in their furnace and could possibly direct me to its location?
  13. I don't know why, but that does bear some logic....doesn't mean I like it though!
  14. 14????? You're as old as my youngest. Happy Birthday homeslice. Love, Mom
  15. OK....2 stories about teenagers driving their parent's cars....I'm pretty sure I'm gonna welch on my promise to take Hayden for his learner's permit now....
  16. That's sweet Dube....really. Thanks. Sometimes I forget big picture. And BBT - I know that story wasn't about your brother either...and that it was a biography.
  17. Hey Rick.....I went for an X-Ray on my arm today and I'll bet that the way it was twisted and turned hurt worse than your silly snow in the face Anyways....I think I have something that will satisfy both your desire for kite flying and skiing the next time you have the urge. We were in Steveston B.C. last summer (home of the BEST fish and chips ANYWHERE) and we took a walk along the beach. There was a huge field in the middle of an area with heavy winds and cross-winds and there were these guys who were flying kites and had these roller blade things on but they weren't rollers, they were like the conveyor belt things on tractors and dirt movers and stuff (I don't know what they're called...but you know what I mean right?) So it was like grass skiing and kite flying all at the same time. Some guys were in little go-karts doing it too. You cannot believe how fast these guys got going - was insane to watch! Lots of body armour on too - don't imagine it'd be pretty if you wiped out or hit someone.
  18. Jensen ruffle feathers? No....he's so not all about that.
  19. Guess what Dave did today. He spent the day youtub'ing Segway videos.
  20. There's something to be said for combining insurance with the same co. We have our house and trailer insurance with the same company but there's no way they could touch my auto insurance quote that I have with someone else. I have never had a claim on any insurance EVER and our trailer insurance went up this year. I got the old "it's a standard industry increase bla bla bla". Wasn't much - just the principle of it that pissed me off. What REALLY makes me mad is my auto insurance. I pay SFA for my new vehicle (08 Outlook...about $1,058 a year). That's about to change REAL quick when Hayden gets his learner's permit. I don't know what it's gonna turn into but if it doubles you best believe I'm gonna do some yelling. I've been driving for 27 years - never an accident, speeding ticket or claim. I'm a gold star driver by their standards but it doesn't mean squat when you've got a driver under 25 in the house. Anything insurance makes me irate....all the money I've spent on premiums and I'll bet the day I make a claim it all goes to hell for me.
  21. Somebody....anybody....who is the parent of a teenager. Please give me your worst story of the worst thing your teen has done. I need to feel good about my parenting skills today.
  22. I WISH I broke my arm like that. That's cool. Taco - naked bacon frying? I can't even fathom the circumstances under which you would do such a thing. And no need to explain either
  23. I'm sorry too. Dave doesn't suck. Durka Durka
  24. Dave "I'm faking being up north so I could sleep in and not go to pancake breakfast" started the durka durka durka phase. Ordinarily I don't pay much attention to what he says, but I've been walking around saying this for the last 3 days for some reason and Mike had to go out tonite to get away from me. I think I have potential as a terrorist....ask Mike....he's seen the PMS. And, yep, I do believe I might be a little crazy. But in a good way. No need to be ascared. Durka.
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