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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. great game....never expected that high a score....but great to see the Canadians win...they deserve it.
  2. If that's the best you can do while changing your way through the myriad of poopy diapers that you aspire to, then I applaud your goal and may actually participate, depending on the temperature of course. You should aspire to greater Dave.....I'm disappointed with the same lame threats since Halloween.
  3. I had lobster and prime rib for dinner, am on my 3rd bottle of wine and leave for Mexico in less than 2 weeks. I don't have anything mean to contribute at the current point in time.
  4. Been waiting all week for this game. It's awesome!!!
  5. Of matters of the greatest importance: who is gonna host the pancake breakfast this year?
  6. Trust me there Cowboy....we're gonna be makin' up for lost time this year. And you're invited....in fact you're the tour guide. I wanna hit "that little hole" where you caught "that big bully" that you talked about last time. I don't care if I'm bear breakfast....we'll do a coupla shots of rum and hike the *hit outta those hills.
  7. One more thing I learned: big salmon make me wanna pee my pants. And I wanna go fish for big salmon again every year even if I pee my pants
  8. I learned a bunch of really huge lessons this year, in retrospect. But the single, biggest thing I learned is that life without fishing and camping is not life at all and it's not the way I want to spend another fishing season. Oh ya....and there's too many good red wines in this world to choose from.
  9. I have but 2 simple goals this year 1. Buy a fishing license 2. Fenagle another free salmon fishing trip in the summer I'm 100% confident about #1. #2 is a crapshoot, but I'm feeling kinda lucky
  10. This hasn't been a stellar year for us with the loss of our Jessie....his loss is still quite raw for us, despite our great new dogs and we will remember this year in that regard. This is the first year in 9 that I didn't even buy a fishing license (stop the tomato throwing). Because of this, and the events that took over my life this past year (too many to mention), I appreciate more than ever the effect and impact that fishing and camping has on my life and my mental well being (leave that one alone please - I know I"m asking for it). I sat back and reflected on the things I didn't do this year that I normally do and felt really ripped off and had a bit of a pity party. But it it what it is, or was what it was and I've come to appreciate these things that much more because of it. Therefore, you all will need to get the hell out out of my way the first warm day in April cuz I'm going to fish THE CRAP out of the Bow and any other trout stream I can get to before this time next year. The boat will float many, may kms this coming year. Although I didn't fish Alberta waters this year, I will say that this year is memorable for me for the time I spent on B.C. waters. I fished for 4 days in the Queen Charlotte Islands and, as disgusting and cold and wet as the weather was, I had a friggin' blast. And I hope I get to go again this year - it's one of the "perqs" of Mike's job so I"m not 100% about that. But I still hope. I caught my first big salmon and got to see a part of the Earth I thought I never would. So this year wasn't a total bust piscatorially speaking. As always, I appreciate this board and the fine gentlemen (and ladies - hey Tiana...where the hell are you, BTW?) that I have met. Mike and I both wish you and your families nothing but the best this coming year.
  11. I have you all beat. Please don't ask me by how much either.
  12. What I want to know is....who started the tradition of calling Christmas XMas?
  13. You are all paving a road to hell. And LE is leading the way. Bad boys and your boobies. If you guys had those things, you'd be playing with them all day I'd bet. No work would ever get done, ever.
  14. Oh fer Chrissakes Dave. ANYTHING from Sephora - seriously...just go in there and pick whatever looks/smells good to you. Scented candles, bath salts, bubble bath, Vic Secret lip gloss from La Senza, Junior Mints, any Vic Secret body lotion from La Senza if Sephora doesn't work out (and if it doesn't, then you deserve a braining with a frying pan). Magazines - what interests her? Probably baby ones are good at this point. Scratch lottery tickets - lots of them - that's always fun to do together on Christmas Day while the turkey's a cookin', Junior Mints, paperback books, comic books, find a words, Soduku, Junior Mints, photo frame with a suitable picture to commemorate your first Christmas together in your new house (and, no, not a photo of your unshovelled sidewalk). And, the always obligatory but necessary things - good lady razor, lady shaving cream, toothbrush, dental floss, whitening toothpaste. Leaders, indicators, fishy gadgets .... oh wait...she doesn't fish does she. Skip that last part - or just buy it and put it in your own stocking.
  15. Booooooooooooo.....no shaving cream for you.
  16. Yea...Mike really knows how to shop for me.
  17. We did the obligatory minimum half hour trying to get someone and then the 20 minute diagnostic. Turns out the last twit that did our satellite configuration when we went to HD put us on the wrong satellite #. They changed around a few things and now we're at 100%. Go figure. Thanks for the replies (and the offer to fix Murray!)
  18. If so...can you do me a favour. Could you do a signal strength test and post your reading? We sit, typically, at 64% and I've been told by guys at work it should be 85% or better. I"m sick of this POS not working consistently and if I have to phone the aholes at Bell one more time about their technical bullcrap I'm gonna tell them to just cram it and go with Shaw in the new year.
  19. BBT's post was so friggin' cheery because he's heading off to warmer climes this month. Everyone commence hating now.
  20. Dave just needs a ring box. I'm just sayin'
  21. Definitely what Hammer said - I backed into a tree and my plastic bumper split top to bottom in a straight line about 4 inches long - almost identical to your bumper injury. No rust - plastic bumpers don't rust do they? And I left it for over a year before I got it fixed. A hitch would absolutely do that to a plastic bumper - they either crack or shatter completely. It's not like a steel one where it would just dent. If you're gonna make an insurance claim then go with any auto body shop because they're gonna tell you to replace the whole bumper - my Tribute was $1,500 for a painted one. BUT if you just want to fix it yourself, then find someone you know and trust because they'll use Bondo to fix it and it'll only be a couple of hundred bucks. Trust me on this one - I took my vehicle back in May to Mazda (lease return) expecting a $1,500 bill from them to fix it and it was $239. Sure glad I didn't replace it beforehand....don't let yourself get conned is my point.
  22. Wow....Merry Christmas to you! That old stuff is lost on me - I like the shiny new stuff. But I'd love to give her a go sometime. I could provide you some tips to keep you out of the doghouse if you would be willing LOL Here's a freebie - random foreplay with no strings. You'll be EBAYing through to New Year's. Nice purchase.
  23. Chuck Norris just looked at it.
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