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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. awwwwwwwwwwwwww....he's got such a great, honest face!
  2. Based on my experience camping and fishing in that area for the past 10 years, I'd feel comfortable packing everything up and taking a chance. Even on a long weekend there are spots to be found - not primo ones, but even the Oldman campground has been known to be practially desserted if all else fails.
  3. Well...after 3 days of collecting EI, it seems I'm employed as of tomorrow. Not 100% sure it's the job for me, so I'm gonna try it out much in the same way I'd try a new pair of shoes. Temp is a wonderful thing. Was kinda liking this not working gig. Oh well.
  4. I dig creepy stuff. I'll show up.
  5. heard that all will be returning to normal starting Thursday. Thank God...little unnerving driving around keeping the tank topped up for fear of not being able to get gas. A sign of things to come perhaps?
  6. $1439 all inclusive on redtag.ca. That's the cheapest I could find.
  7. And others who currently don't have jobs, might have a shot at a particular job that would affect the other who has a job but spends way too much time not working
  8. Congrats Birchy....that's awesome! I remain unemployed.....and am not sad about it LOL
  9. I bought Memorex ones from Staples. Guess I'll go buy some CDR's like I should have in the first place - never had an issue with those.
  10. an audio cd
  11. God help me and my technology conundrums, but I need to know why the CDRW's I bought tonite aren't working. I bought them so I could rewrite over them but it appears neither my car's CD player, a stereo CD player nor my computer want to play them (I'ved burned music on them). Any ideas as to why?
  12. We have booked with Itravel2000.com for the last several years. On the advice of a friend, we checked out redtag.ca as the supposed "cheapest price website" but Itravel actually beat them. Great customer service and great prices.
  13. we've floated early and will be doing so again tomorrow. Guy was there at 7:10 last Sunday we floated so we'll be there at that time again tomorrow. Says 8:00 they open, but Louise told us he's there between 7 and 7:30 typically. Not a city guy either - they've obviously contracted out.
  14. or like Friday night rush hour going into downtown. WHAT IS WITH PEOPLE??????????? This gives me an idea.......
  15. Birchy - contact Techworks if you haven't - 403 266 2437. Talk to Ron or Rick and let them know I gave you their number. I know they are always on the lookout for good techs - and they're an awesome firm to work for. I've hired them as my IT provider for the last 2 companies I worked for and they are top notch. Good luck.
  16. That is case in point why I'm not allowed to drive when the boat trailer is hooked up.
  17. Teck her 'er figured out - win/win for him and her! I don't know what I did to deserve such an awful reputation - I really am a pussycat - ask Taco LOL
  18. hahahaha.....awesome! Never thought I'd ever see the words Newt Gingrich in a rap song though.
  19. OK buddy....let's take this offline. I'm not interested in who I do or don't look like but I'd love to go a few rounds with ya about this MJ issue. You wanna have an intelligent debate (if you're capable of such a thing) about the whole MJ thing then PM me. Be prepared though - I've had this debate a dozen times with morons like you who think that the innocent pedophile was nothing more than a wrongly accused martyr - and I've got pages and pages of facts to back up my position. You bring yours and we'll go. So bring it. If you're interested in just trolling further in this thread, continue on by yourself. Because I won't be posting any more in here about this. Looking forward to hearing from ya.
  20. Au contraire Mr. Troll....I find you quite amusing.
  21. Get your head out of your ass. Money talks, pedo walks. Oh...and by the way...you flatter me...she's way prettier than I am. Thanks for the compliment though. And FYI if you knew your stuff you'd know they aren't Michael's kids.
  22. I got something from Clive that I'll craft a new letter out of rather than sending something they've all seen in years past - and it's worded much better than my previous attemps. It obviously should include the pics on this thread - if anyone (flyfishwx or other) has any objection to the use of those pictures in this letter, please let me know. Thanks.
  23. I'm trying to dig one up - I think it might be on my old work computer. If I don't have it, Clive will. I'll post it on here when I find it so that everyone can cut and paste it. Time for another writing campaign - we should all pony up as we have in the past.
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