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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Tough losing a dog, a good dog is our buddy. It never get any easier no matter how many dogs you've had over the yrs.
  2. Buy a new can and use the old one for practice shots so you can see what it's capabilities are. Don't try it in your basement, I used an old can on some noisy dairy bulls and that's when I found not to use it indoors if you don't hafta.
  3. keep it and use it.... you'll swim better circles
  4. Made you wanna stand testicle deep in some water holdin' a 10' graphite rod over your head did it?
  5. Cause Yankee bears can't cross the 49th parallel without a passport.
  6. And it were goood, little buggers are still spawnin' up high though, different but not that unusual.
  7. It ain't fresh so keep fissin'... only time to be worried 'bout bear *hit is when the bear's still humped up.
  8. Tex has got it, it's all about the strike, I just prefer it do it with hair and feathers, beyond that I could care less how you fish. I'm going fissin' now.....
  9. Huh, learn somethin' every day, and here I thought the lime was to hid the skunk in stale Mexican beer bottled in clear glass. But what the do I know, my definition of a good beer is free and here... if I'm real picky, cold
  10. ur still a punk kid mang...nice set of pics BTW
  11. I was south'ish of calgary in the foothills and I was more than a little surprised @ the water temp but the water flow are abnormally low for the time of the yr. We need a week of rain badly. I'm hopin', since spring was about a month or so late, that maybe the scheduled June rains are about to wash out 2/3rds of the Calgary Stampede.
  12. I was on a stream yesterday and the water temp was 70F or 21C by 2:30 pm, time to start watchin' water temps if you dont wanna killin' fish. We need a week of rain.
  13. Take Dutchie's advice is what I'd do. I haven't paid new market value for a quality rod or reel in yrs
  14. I'm goin' out and kill some brookies today if that'll help......
  15. whatsa pederast or do you mean pedofile ??
  16. else't it's momma was a lazy old bag and it was raised by a mudhen family
  17. I think maybe Monger nailed it, middle of the molt, I've never seen that before.
  18. How do ya get a lawyer outta a tree? Cut the rope.
  19. Maybe I should change that to OILER'S FAN
  20. Bow river fish are prone to grow expedientually the farther you get from the water....any fish or any water for that matter
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