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Everything posted by Taco

  1. just keep your head up for the gorbies, bastards can blindside ya @ all the good holes
  2. No thanks Hoss, don't want and/or need one cause I'm old. Wouldn't mind one of these though, should get me some good fishin' places
  3. 50 of one and half a hundred of the other. I use both Telus and Shaw and while both could use some improvements overall I'm satisfied with both and wouldn't be afraid to deal with either company. Although Telus could hugely benefit if they lost some of that BC Tel attitude. Looks interesting, could save me a few bucks if I could bundle all my land line/mobile/tv/internet needs with a single company...competition is a good thang.
  4. all native fish waters, anyone who wants to fish them pays extra, all extra money raised goes directly back to that resource. The Bow, Crow, Stauffer, Bullshead and the like are all special regulation waters and really don't need much else than more enforcement.
  5. Smitty, the "native species, native waters" fishery needs to be protected differently than a "wild" fishery. When the native salmondae in a stream are gone it can almost never be put back the way it was because native species are genetically distinct from stream to stream or drainage to drainage. In reality a "wild" fishery can be restored the same way it got to be a "wild" fishery in the first place........from the hatchery truck.
  6. guy could step in over his head watchin' that
  7. Wicked, nothin' like a few plus 45 high humidity days to acclimatize yourself to 30 degrees back ta Kalgree... When ya gettin' back Big'uns? I got some days off comin'
  8. BC doesn't bother classifying streams w/effed up genetics like the bow and the crow, waste of time, money and effort. Edited to clarify
  9. He musta had a drive like my little 600 km jaunt today, the asshats were out in full force
  10. As long as the outfitters are limited to X rod days I voted #1
  11. if I gotta pay full retail? 444 Peach, best bang for the buck that out there,
  12. Purchasing The math on the Paul McCartney-Healther Mills divorce is as follows: After 5 years of marriage, he paid her $49 million. Assuming he got sex every night during their five-year relationship, it ended up costing him $26,849 per time. Leasing On the other hand, then New York Governor Elliot Spitzer's hooker, Kristen, an absolute stunner with a body like no other, charges $4,000 an hour ... for anything! Findings If Paul McCartney had "employed" Kristen for 5 years, he would have paid $7.3 million for an hour of sex every night for five years -- a $41.7 million savings! Value-added benefits are: a 22-year-old hot babe with two legs, no begging, no coaxing, never a headache, plays all requests, no bitching and complaining or "honey-do" lists. Best of all, she leaves when you're done, and comes back when asked -- all at one-seventh the cost. And NO legal fees!
  13. Excellent Excellent Article! Everyone who wants to spend time in bear country should read that especially the "guns are way better than pepper spray" crowd. As someone who used to routinely one shot drop running 'yotes, I far prefer to carry a large can of pepper spray when fishing in bear country.
  14. I ain't from Kalgree nor am I one of the overly protective bridge city bunch
  15. Yeah looks like we're finally gettin' our june rain
  16. No worries onthefly7. Ray and I were just bein' sarcastic to each other...fish away, the bullies are in various rivers anywhere from Grande Prairie south but just don't lip 'em
  17. I wouldn't worry about it onthefly7, there is no such thing as a stupid question, only dumb answers.
  18. even the fish below the dam are Castle fish Ray, upper old man fish don't stray much below the gap falls and basically spawn in 1 stream anymore. i know they useta spawn in south racehorse too because i useta catch a lot of juvey bulls up there but don't anymore because of a big logjam just upstream of where north and south racehorse join. castle fish have been found as high as maycroft and all throughout the lower drainage. yes i was @ the same lecture sarge
  19. Well I'm gonna piss some people off (and I really could care less) without a doubt the Castle system hold the biggest and the most migratory bulls of all the rivers in Southern Alberta.
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