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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Little different situation there Uberpeter No? Too bad it wasn't cost effective to do a dna trace and dump it back on the offenders lawns. Did that with 4 bags of garbage some pig left behind, nice part of Kalgree too
  2. call it in and unclench your asscheeks. Stupid people are everywhere, I refuse to let stupidity ruin a day spent fishin'
  3. Well Weedy's certainly in a fine mood this mornin'.....did something "special" happen last night??
  4. I wouldn't know what a good rod nowadays, I still fish RPLs and fiberglass Phillipsons
  5. Ya know I do admire who stands by their convictions, best of luck SL
  6. Clive 'n Rex.... pair o cynical basterds if I ever saw any... damn boat rockers good to have you back Schaupmeyer
  7. Yup, that's a good brook trout, face full of talons
  8. Good to know, thanks jack
  9. contact these people, they may know of someone http://www.badbeekeeping.com/beeclub.htm
  10. Sally Hansens sells a nail polish thinner but I just use the Bitter Half's nail polish remover (acetone), go slow
  11. I would think the people who are shocked at vegetable matter in the firepits carry their own turds out for disposal when they go trekking in the back country.
  12. They better do the same for Hidden on the OMR too and for the same reason.
  13. It ain't traditional cutty fishin' but with those fished over picky risers I've found you needed to start droppin' the size of your flies more than matching the hatch, like sz24 and 7x floro if need be. Those fish have seen a bunch of sz16 and over flies. To me the cloudy water just means I don't hafta be quite so sneaky. Treat'em more like a picky Crownest fish
  14. Yeah, the Alberta Way, run over the signs. Funny how over in Saskabush the trails stop @ the signs and here the excuse is "I never seen no effin' sign" Also damn funny is the assumption around here is that it's the local redneck hillbillies doin' the damage. Since I am or was a local redneck hillbilly long term random camper I have a news flash for y'all, the vast vast majority of us local rednecks quit our rippin and tearin' 5-10 yrs ago when the new crop of strangers showed up, the ones with absolutely no respect for campsites, signs, trails or waterways. I've often wondered how long term of residents some of these fuzzy balled idiots are.
  15. A chicken and an egg are layin' in bed. The chicken leans over, lights a cigarette and lays back blowin' smoke towards the ceilin'. The egg says "Well I guess that answers the age old question"
  16. Piss poor PR for 2009, but relocation is not a very good option, I know what happens to ear tagged bears when they turn to camp raiding. Hundreds of habituated bears ended up shot when they started close or fence the dumps yrs ago but there's virtually no excuse nowadays. I hope someone's testicles or facsimile thereof are held extremely close to fire for lettin' it slide this long.
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