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Everything posted by Taco

  1. http://www.tucanada.org/reports/AAR06-111_...vey%20_2008.pdf It's public knowledge girls, a simple google search
  2. You know about sex and travel Ray???
  3. Bullshit.... hiding and secrets just makes them much more vulnerable, over the yrs I've come to realize one thing, more people more eyes. FYI for everyone, the OMR bulls are early spawners and are beginning to spawn right now in their primary stream 49° 57.852'N 114° 28.187'W
  4. Happy Birthday....................go fishin'
  5. People are way too bitchy right now for some reason, myself included and it'll be @ least another week before I can get some fishin' in and decompress Sorry Ray
  6. Still am, I'm about as "rural" as you can get, @ the end of the day my boots are covered in cow *hit
  7. Pot calling the kettle Sarge? Aren't you a mod on a site that likes to jerk posts that may or may not give away locations??????????????????????????????
  8. Funny it must be all perception... my daily driver/work truck is a 7 yr old made in Mexico "domestic" w/430,000k and climbing w/no major issues, my third one of that make and mileage. Then again I usta own a coupla Japanese built 4bys that could climb straight up the side of a mountain but liked to have their head gaskets refreshed on a annual basis. <--poke--<
  9. use'em to practice with a 20 gauge and buy a sat radio
  10. unforntantly ya stil ain't ben usin' the spel cheker nohow eather
  11. Ah christ, keep that sensible *hit up and I'm gonna hafta start likin'ya, you're just as bad as that damn rickr
  12. Cdock probably gave up and went fishin'...............lord knows I should
  13. Continuing the hijack; The way it was explained to me in the 70's BNP, Gorbie is what someone who's been here 3 months calls someone who's been here 2 months.
  14. Hi, my name is Taco and I'm a prick in real life too Sorry couldn't resist Ryan
  15. Must be all the green grass then
  16. http://www.billcasselman.com/cwod_archive/gorby.htm If in doubt about water temps spring for a good fishing thermometer and quit fishin @ about 20-21 degrees C but if you stick to the higher elevation streams you should be all right, in spite of what Pookie the SupremeLeader has to say.
  17. I'm willin' to bet your eyes are brown
  18. sorry mang I missed that, too busy bein' bitchy I guess Hope ya had a gooder Hoss
  19. A landowner is a landowner and he controls pretty much who can access his land even grazing lease. The vast majority of farmers and ranchers will let fishermen access the waterways if asked politely. The wannabes with the trophy ranches, trophy houses and trophy wives different story. Show up with an attitude like you're packin' and you're liable to end up with a very irritated redneck and restricted access for the rest of us to some very prime fishin'. You on the other hand may just end up with a sore set of nuts.
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