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Everything posted by Taco

  1. good place to raise a little hell too
  2. good on ya mang, edumaction is a damn light load to carry http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Edumacation
  3. An elderly couple were about to get married. She said: "I want to keep my house." He said: "That's fine with me." She said: "I want to keep my Cadillac." He said: "That's fine with me." She said: "I want to have sex six times a week." He said: "Put me down for Fridays."
  4. Taco

    May Pics

    Don't worry, I once told an ex PM to "GET THE F**K OUTTA THE WAY YOU STUPID PRICK" so tellin' you to FO is no biggy. I have tendency to say whats on my mind irregardless of location and the bullshit picture rule around here irritates me somewhat. I disagree, there is absolutely nothing wrong and or harmful with gilling any big fish (10 plus lbs) to control them, when done properly
  5. *hit Burla, I get pissy when I find my summer work boots fulla snow
  6. Taco

    May Pics

    FO learn about safe fish handling instead of runnin your cakehole, this subject is really startin to piss me off
  7. Tell you what Weedy, this deal pisses me off just a tad. If "whoever" (the peckerwood with the fast finger) keeps arbitrarily deleting posts and photos from knowledgeable fishers, I'm gonna fuggin make a point of never darkenin' the door or using any online services of any of the site sponsors whatsoever.
  8. some snivelin' little peckerwood gone power mad Ayr, fuggin bullshit rule, takes away from this board and pisses off more than just few people, maybe I'll do hafta go to facebook to keep in contact
  9. Anyone know who locally carries cliff's boxes? http://www.cliffoutdoors.com/products.php
  10. strange..........???? weather started going to hell in this country 23 yr ago this summer... coincidence??
  11. Don't own one but I've fished one, absolute frickin' cannon, pitch 90' of line through a 6" circle into the teeth of SW Alberta breeze. Really liked it, thought about buyin' one but I'm far too hung up on my RPL+s. Megafast graphite and slow glass rock
  12. Fish are amazingly tough for a critter with a pea sized brain. Then again they have to be, what people tend to forget is that fully half of given age class die each yr even without angling. Sweet Old Mother Nature is a mean cold heartless bitch in reality. Hell I'm rootin' for the pike, a native species chowin' down on a introduced one.
  13. A Saskatchewanian, an Albertan and a Texan were debating who had the best memory. The dude from Saskatchewan claimed, "I remember my first day of kindergarten." The Albertan boasted, "I remember speaking my first word!" The Texan exclaimed, "I remember going to the senior prom with my father and coming home with my mother!"
  14. sounds about right, my old lady could hunt me down anywheres but she's ascared of bears so that leaves everythang up west a safe zone
  15. Taco

    First Pike!

    Wait'll you see your first boil the size of a honda civic, you'll be standin' there, mouth hangin' open, airin' out your tonsils. Them little buggers are a hoot too on light equipment.
  16. Looks like Garmin it is.. Thanks a bunch
  17. Semi-hijack; I'm kinda waitin' on some replies on this one as well but am more interested in the software end of it. I'm about to start packin' a tablet PC for work and wouldn't mind turnin it into a GPS capable unit, which is easy enough but wouldn't mind fewer glitches and finer Canadian detail than the MS Mappoint based products. Any decent Canadian based mapping programs out there for under 500 bucks?? Sorry about halfassed derail Hoss.
  18. Not important Ray but I should change it to Most Hilarious Thread Ever
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