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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Actually isn't a bad line in the wind either because of the small diameter, cutting the front end back a couple of feet may even made it better
  2. "I have no preference one over the other.... they're both pretty decent smoked" he said only half in jest.
  3. All my graphite rods are extra fast action so I mostly will not try underline them but I will go up 2 line classes to get the rod to do what I'm asking in the conditions I'm fishing. My vintage fiberglass rods I'll go up and down at least 2 line classes to find what feel the best to me or in other words, what the rod "likes". General rule of thumb, if a rod "likes" a DT whatever it will "love" a WF one class higher. Then you can play with various tapers within a weight class to fine tune for the feel you're lookin' for. For example, I have a 45 yr old 5/6 wt glass rod that feels somewhat clunky and tip heavy to me. Part of the problem it needs a heavier reel for balance but it just starts to come alive with a longer taper dt 6 so I picked up a short taper wf 1\2 line class heavier line to use on this rod. Hopefully it'll give the rod the "feel" I'm lookin' for. You just hafta keep playin' with it, maybe that why I've built up an inventory of a dozen or so lines and 20 reels and spools. No one ever said this was a cheap hobby, drives my wife nuts.
  4. http://www.flymartonline.com/article14.html
  5. Jesus.... betcha he bled a bit learnin' those tricks.
  6. Jesus.... betcha he bled a bit learnin' those tricks.
  7. I got a half competed 10' adjustable furled leader jig leanin' in the corner of my shop. I really should finish it before I use it to prop open the door in the wind or something. I just started usin' furled leaders last yr. I like'em.
  8. fish naked, it's good for the soul
  9. found it... cortland makes some shorter taper lines in 1/2 sizes
  10. need a 6 wt short steep taper half a wt class line like a floating bass or a bonefish line but without the coldwater coiling. A cutback Rio Grande? I suppose I could use a nymph or streamer line but those guys are nuckin futs what they charge for those specialty lines. Idea's anyone?
  11. Welcome to Alberta, wait until you get the same forecast for the August long.
  12. BTW Weedman what the hell is detterent? unless it's the Admonchuck way to spell deterent
  13. Stick to the pavement... better fishin' If you're a rider with some skill I'd imagine you could about anyplace a 2 wheel vehicle could go. I watched a baja bug go up and over Tornado Pass into BC one time , though I don't think you'd wanna try that.
  14. How do you spell CHOKE in Calgary? r-e-f-e-r-e-e-'s f-a-u-l-t
  15. the canuck innate fear of the boogie man from the south, keeps us lookin' under friggin' bed Went to bass pro yesserday for the hellavit to kill a half hour, impressive store, quite a few people not a lot of buying, even bought a coupla plano boxes and a ul spinnin' rod, price was decent, don't think I'll be back unless I'm in the area with the time and I need something. Been there ,done that, didn't bother about the t-shirt
  16. Well thats about the whiffllest thang I ever sawed. Still trying to speak Spanish to total strangers???? Cool pics BTW
  17. Why does that surprises you Rev? BBT been abusin' himself for yrs.
  18. what the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . heck?
  19. When you're over 50 they're all "gooders" because you can stand back and say "JESUS, did I really do that?" Happy Birthday Trailhead
  20. No WF is generally easier to shoot than DT and you're also correct with the assumtion that most people should slow down the action of the rod by overlining somewhat. Makes the rod more forgiving of casting mistakes.
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