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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. There are a lot of people try to keep up with the Jones's, and there is a lot of people at this sparing time, in way over their heads!!...Im not sayin thats why he did it...Im just sayin there are many many of people that have gone from riches to rags in the last year...I personally know a few of them...
  2. Im thinkin I might have came on a little strong in my above response..."Sundancefisher"-It never clicked in while I was reading your original post how you must feel about the whole thing, let alone you havin the Flu...Sorry to hear about it...I know I would feel some what shitty if I knew the guy and had witnessed the whole ordeal...But, On the same token, it pisses me off that someone would take advantage of the time, effort and money you Residence have put into your local fishery, and hell, yas grow some big Bows in there, Good work!!...I guess to relate-It would be like one of the many many people I have met and helped out at Bullshead over the years, became acquaintances/friends, and watch and or heard that they poached the lake...It would make me feel pretty disappointed... Cheers...Jeff..
  3. Wow that sucks!!!...Even worse that you know the guy!!...Pretty sad...Pretty sad...Idd suspend him from the lake for life...
  4. Sweet pics Man...Love the Browns!!!..Good on ya.. Cheers...Jeff..
  5. Great pics and stories guys...I had a few memorable fish this season...After catching a few Bows out of this pool way way up from Lumbreck Falls (Close to Coleman) this Brown totally caught me off guard, I can remember my heart pounding as I realized it was a beefy little Brown...My oldest daughter was with me, she was pretty pumped as well... Cheers...Jeff.. This scrappy brown was Kind of a shocker as well, Caught on the upper reaches of the K river While casting to a monster Cutt I could see Cruising the pool...Never did see the Cutt again after I got the Brown to hand...
  6. Brave people, past and present, for sure...Thank-you!! Cheers...Jeff..
  7. I was outa commission for 6 days...No energy, dazed and confused, sweating like crazy in my sleep, crazy crazy dreams, no appetite what so ever, felt worse after showers, really edgy, headache from hell, no focus on anything, Turned down a drillin job (bin outa the patch all spring and summer) sleep for hours on end, watched a lot of WFN re-runs...Its bin about 9 days now and my strength is still on the very low side...Did manage another drillin job mind ya, should start in a couple weeks, I hope....Pretty nasty sickness!!...Havnt bin that sick for 17 years!!...
  8. Not to get off the sign topic here, but, The enforcement at Bullshead the last couple years has been great...It just took enough people phoning in all the time...It seems to be a regular routine to stop in almost every day on the CO's part...And they dont piss around out there, they check everyone, they even hide in the hills with bino's to nail people, and they usually hand out a fine or two while out there on busy days... Cheers...Jeff..
  9. Sweet!...Like em all, especially the bamboo tray... Cheers...Jeff..
  10. Awesome footage, fish and scenery!!...Looked like a great time... Cheers...Jeff..
  11. Toooo many Shrimp Cocktails....Nice Hawg!! Cheers...Jeff..
  12. Nice Vid man...Well done!!...Whats the name of the band playin in the Vid??...Kinda sounds like a small traveling band I know as ''Water"...Lead singers name is Jeff...If so??...We rocked out high in the mountains in BC at a "Gathering" a while back... Cheers...Jeff..
  13. Hawgs!...Nice..Where is the little one??... Cheers...Jeff..
  14. Great pics and fish, Gary!!!...Looks like you had a great summer and fall... Cheers...Jeff..
  15. Thats one hell of a good proposal...Sure hope it goes through!!...Good on ya dude for makin it happen! Cheers...Jeff..
  16. Very, Very, Very, nice...Sweet work Buddy!!!! Cheers...Jeff..
  17. Sweet ass pics man!!!...Awesome fish!! Cheers...Jeff..
  18. On the last day we hiked to Lake Of The Horns. Only to have found a dead lake...We fished it hard for 4hrs. We did not see one fish show, or even cruise the shore line...On the way back, we talked to some outfitters that were camped by the base of the mountain, they said they had not caught or seen a fish show all summer. They also said everyone they have talked to this summer coming back from the lake also said they had not caught or seen a fish...We contacted the Biologists, and they said it had winter killed winter of 2007/2008...They did stock fish in it last fall, and said they should be of catchable size by 2011...Oh well, it was an awesome hike, and the lake and scenery was out of this world... By far, the coolest hike and Alpine Lake I have been to this year...I did happen to find a Horn Coral Fossil...Hence the name "Lake Of The Horns"... ..
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