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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. If not this year...Next year...Keep up the fly fishin young fella!!!...Your doin great!! Cheers...Jeff..
  2. I switch back and forth from the Mikwaukee's to the Oly's and sometimes Black Label's for a change...I call them "Recession Beers"....I think I like the Waukee's best too... .. Cheers...Jeff..
  3. St. Croix Imperial....Sweet little rod...Casts streamers like a 5wt, yet feels like a 3wt...absolutly layed the boots to them bulls with it no prob...It totally passed my test...I highly recommend one....The price is right too...$$180.00...Cant go wrong....Love the feel of it... Cheers...Jeff..
  4. Couple of stragler pics.... This Male Bow put on a pretty good show.... Dekkard likes the Female Bulls... ...
  5. Dekkard and I hiked into a Cutty lake yesterday...We were kinda hoping for bigger Cutts....But these guys were a hoot!!!...All sight fishing with ice cream cone Chronies in 7-15 feet of water, and right close to shore...These little guys kept us entertained for hrs....It was the highlight of my trip....
  6. I was hunting a pig of a cutt that I seen cruising....I then hooked into this Brown, Thinking it was the big Cutty. After releasing the Brown, she was hanging out, crusin beside me in the shallows, Happy as could be...I then called her my pet Brown....
  7. Given the new 3wt a bit of a test...Worked Great...Love that little rod....Lotsa back bone...
  8. This Clean female was really gettin into my backing...Diggler said "I cant see your fly line in the water anymore, Better make sure ya got enuff backing"...LOL...She was one hot Bow!! Dekkard with a hawg!!
  9. Met up with Diggler and Dekkard for a few days...Was a great time!! Cheers...Jeff.. Diggler... Dekkard...
  10. Great Pics Gary!!!... Cheers...Jeff..
  11. Good on ya, for tryin something diff... Cheers...Jeff..
  12. Sittin here thinkin...Im just guna have to try the red hook one day...1st spot to try it prob Bullshead...Next spring...or the Crow... What brought you to try a red hook ???...Were ya outa SJW'S??...Or have ya had luck in the past on that high tech pattern??... Cheers...Jeff..
  13. Sweet ass pics man!!!...Sounds like it was lotsa fun!!...Nice hook ups on the SJW Bare hook... .. Cheers...Jeff..
  14. If its a dirt magnet, and slowly saws off your fingers while stripping...Im sure its not to good for the guides on thee old rod...
  15. Great Pics...Very Nice...I remember the 1st time I heard bout these monsters....I think I spent half a day researching them on the net....Wow, they look like over Grown Bullies to me....Here are a couple links to some cool vids... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0B1RuWuK1Q http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1915955198380647881 Cheers...Jeff..
  16. As someone said earlier...Incorperate one of Din's pics, or some other pics that have been posted from members..(In the logo)....There have been some gooders since this board has been created....Just a thought.... Cheers...Jeff..
  17. Nice fish/pics...Thanx... Cheers...Jeff..
  18. That Spruce Coulee is a gem of a Family spot...Lots of trails...Fantastic scenery...My Oldest daughter and I have trecked a few of the paths, and there always seems to something interesting around every corner....And hell, sometimes the Brookies are on the bite too...(Well, not really)...Last fall was pretty good mind ya, if you recall me tellin ya about it...Im sure as my gender, that it was due to the extremely low water levels at the time...I did hear they made it through the winter and ice fiserman...Us flat land prairie folk are sure lucky to have the Cypress hills...It can be a lot of fun...Spent a lot of time out there in my days.... Cheers...Jeff..
  19. Did it hurt???...Man, just the thought of it hurts....Hope all is well...To a point anywho... Cheers...Jeff..
  20. I have not been out there since last fall...But one of the Construction workers I talked to, said it was to be done this spring....I'm sure with the great patterns you create-you should be able to get some to hand.... .. Cheers Jeff..
  21. Nice fatty... Cheers...Jeff..
  22. Thats one heck of a hawg...Nice work!!! Cheers...Jeff..
  23. Thats a big 10-4....Over... Cheers...Jeff..
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