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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. We were not targeting Bulls, but they seemed to like the nymphs. Grizz looked to had bin busy.
  2. Met up with Dekkard for a week get away...Covered a lot of water and new ground...The fishing was great on most days, some of the places we went to were just epic...It was a fantastic trip!!..I took over 500 pics, Ill share my faves.... Cheers...Jeff..
  3. Stunning pics Wes!!!! Cheers...Jeff..
  4. A lot of times while by my-self-when I get into a big fish, I quickly lay my rod down beside the fish, (if it co-ops with me) with the reel/rod but as a reference, then snap a pic, and measure my rod later, accordingly to the pic...But, I'm not big on lenght...I just like to catch fish.... Cheers...Jeff..
  5. Love the Brookie Pics!!! Cheers...Jeff
  6. Right on man!!...Great fish... Cheers...Jeff..
  7. Awesome, Gary!!!...Right on, Good for you!!!...Glad the Big Boys made it, to play with you this year!!.. Cheers...Jeff..
  8. Great Cutts man!!!...Nice work...Pretty sure I know where them fish came from...Im headin there (and area) in about 10 days....Cant wait!! Cheers...Jeff..
  9. Great pics/fish!!!...That is one hell of a spot...Bin goin there since I was young....(up and down river from there)....Kinda Looks like a CuttBow in the one pic??....There are a few CuttBows in that stretch....There are Also some Bows that grow to be giant in that stretch of the river as well...Right on dude... Cheers...Jeff..
  10. Great shots~~!!... Cheers...Jeff..
  11. Bin a while since Ive/we seen any pics from ya??...Great pics mang!!! Cheers...Jeff..
  12. Right on!!!...Good stuff...Seems you have been fishin/campin all summer....Good on ya!! Cheers...Jeff..
  13. Sweet fish Greg!!!...Right on!!...Good on ya... Cheers...Jeff..
  14. St.Croix makes some nice rods....Cheap, and life time warranty...Love my little Imperial 3wt..(prob one of my best casting rods)...$180.00... http://www.stcroixrods.com/rods/default2.asp?rodname=81 Cheers...Jeff.. Works very well on the bigger fish too....
  15. Great shots Guy's...Thought I would add this one, pic taken by my oldest daughter...A Brown from the upper Crow on our last trip...Was kind of a shocker, as I have never got any Browns on the Upper reaches of the river in the past.... Cheers...Jeff..
  16. Nice lookin Bow!...Damn near has a snout of a male Brown...Sweet.. Cheers...Jeff..
  17. Not sure if you will be able to see the are in the map, as photo bucket down sizes, and I'm far from a computer wiz to enlarge it, or highlite the area...The North end of the lower lake where the Smith Dorrian comes in, including the bay and the Creek it self is closed to angling...They have big yellow signs on the shore line (best seen from a boat) showing the area of closure... Cheers...Jeff.. Here is a pic of one of the signs, there is another one directly across from it at the mouth of the Smith Dorrian Bay....
  18. Twas the first thing I thought...Pretty good lookin fish mind ya... Cheers...Jeff..
  19. When nymphin, I almost always use bead head nymph's...Thought Idd change it up a little with "beedhead"...I know, a little lame...But has some meaning... Cheers...Jeff..
  20. More times than not....(especialy in a place I have never bin before)...I put my rod down, and do a slow standing 360, and soak it all in....Good thread...I find way way too many people fishing as a competition...Each to their own mind ya...I will not fish with people like that...I get just as exited when someone else catches a fish, cheerin them on ect ....Heck, my buddy can hammer six fish in a row, and me with not a hit, I don't get all pissed off....Hell, that's fishin.... Cheers...Jeff..
  21. My Daughter said to say ''Thanx All".... ... Cheers...Jeff & Bree..
  22. We shall hook up one day in that spot,(Im damn sure you bin there, no doubt!!) perhaps this fall???...That spot I got the Browns, Is a spot I have always wanted to fish...I finally got a chance to fish it for a small while, and I was happy....Got some Bow's too... Cheers...Jeff..
  23. Great lookin Fish and Pics Kyle...Nice work!!...Interesting, As I fished the Crow a couple weeks ago and also ran into some Browns....Caught them way way up above the falls....Here are some pics.... Cheers...Jeff..
  24. Sweet ass pics/fish/locations dude!!!!....Awesome!!... Cheers...Jeff..
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