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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. Like Bob said above, its hard to pick just one, but this pic has ended up as my desktop background pic a couple of times and is still there so... Photo by beed, Fish by dekkard... Cheers...Jeff..
  2. Pretty dramatic video...Thanx for the reminder, Al... Cheers...Jeff..
  3. So thats how we got so many suckers here in southern Ab...Illegal transport/immigration.... ..
  4. ...Costco has pretty darn good meat!! Cheers...Jeff..
  5. Thanx BBT, I feel better now... ...Sorry no rum left, but do have a little nog left over... Cheers...Jeff..
  6. Is it my computer, me, too many egg nogs, or does this topic seem to be at the top of "View New Posts" since yesterday???...And there has bin no replies...Its been sorta buggin me out...Kinda weird...Anyone else notice this??
  7. Them pics were a breath of fresh Ayr...I know, I know, you can give me a shot in the arm this coming spring!!... Cheers dude...Jeff..
  8. Nice lookin fish monger...Thanx.. Cheers...Jeff..
  9. Great vid/fish, and footage Humble, Thanx for sharing... Cheers...Jeff..
  10. Cheers to that!!!..I wished I could get out...Gettin stir crazy...The only thing that keeps me kinda on track is looking at prior pics of the summer/spring/fall/winter fishin trips...Goin to be a long sad winter, (as all winters)...However, there is always hope, the Crow always seems to settle down the shack nasties from time to time in this season of despair....Wish I could make it to the fish out this weekend...Sigh... ...Jeff..
  11. Pretty awesome pics Wes/guys...Fantastic work!!...Thanx.... Cheers...Jeff..
  12. Great fish and pics Ayr, thanx for posting!!!... Cheers...Jeff..
  13. Happy B-Day Gary!!!...Have a good one...Hope ya get a chance to wet a line... Cheers...Jeff..
  14. Sweet Man, Sweet...Nice Cutts!!!...Great footage...Thanx... Cheers...Jeff..
  15. monger, I bet that water from the gravel would be Cold!!, Never knew the facts of the private hatchery...Thanx monger, for the info...It just maybe random genetic mutation that has disfigured these Bows...However, from what I understand there is a good chance, it is a hatchery related instance (no body's at fault)...But who the heck knows...They are definitely freaky lookin fish and seem to maintain great health...Goes to show how strong trout are...As most of us know, Rainbows (Oncorhynchus mykiss), are a species of salmonid...Very strong back ground of reproductivity and all around health , unless introduced to over harvesting, pollution and loss of habitat...We have to, and we do, show trout up most respect, but on the same token, people get so damn up tight to see a pic of a trout being so called miss handled, or slightly on the rocks or weeds (not on this thread)....I mean there is a line to be drawn....O.k, where am I goin with this???...uhmmm..Sorry, just got carried away I guess...Bottom line is, trout are tougher than most make them out to be....Not meaning we can hold them out of the water for minutes on end for measurements, pics ect., or let them flop around on rocks or grass....From my own experience, I find trout have a much better recovery rate than Pike, Walleye White fish, Goldeye, pearch ect...Ill stop ramblin on... ... Cheers...Jeff..
  16. Some diggin around revealed, The Fish at Sundance lake were from a private fish farmer (please Correct me if Im wrong)..With water temps at the higher end of the range ie., makes the eggs develop faster and that can cause skeletal and cranial abnormalities. That is about all I could come up with... Cheers...Jeff..
  17. Orvis produces and assembles "Helios" and "Hydro" Series rods... And are now the only 2 series of rods/blanks made from scratch in their shop in Manchester Vermont (U.S)...Meaning there is more attention to detail, technology and extensive testing on the select models that were mentioned...The rest of the Orvis rod models are made in Korea... Cheers...Jeff..
  18. She might be able to fit a dry in er yap ...All pun aside, Things do go wrong in the hatchery, no body is perfect, and I can vouch for that ..lol......A lot of it has to do with Chemicals added to the water to prevent disease, while the fish are being raised in the hatchery and or hatched...I know why a few things happen to fish, but not sure whats wrong with these above pug nose Bows...Ill do some research/talk to Bio's and try to find an answer...Let yas know... Monger, your right, is a Pennask.... Here is an example of Bulls from a hatchery that had under developed gill plates and some missing pectoral fins or on occasions-both (gill plates and fins). ... All it took was a very small mis-calculation of Chems....Dont forget, Our Bio's do their very very best to raise these fish to keep up with supply and demand on a tight budget...And In no instance am I givin the Bio's a hard time....They care very much for the fish they raise and stock...I know 1st hand... Cheers...Jeff..
  19. Eeessshhh...pretty sad...My kids learned to fish with spinnin gear...How else are they to learn??, cant put a fly rod in their hands at age 3...Man O man, Not sure what I woulda done in that sitch...I think ya handled it well...Good on ya for teachin your son to fish and get him out...Some fly-casters can be real dicks....Dont give up on teachin him, you are goin to need a fishin partner in times to come... All the best...Jeff..
  20. Tooo funny... I caught a fish like that this spring...Wonder whats wrong with em...
  21. Pretty cool Don, thanx, Ill be lost in it for hrs... Cheers...Jeff.. Edit*...Chose the option to fade the pictures into each other, Its really neat "O"...
  22. Great pics!!...New camera takes nice pics...Ive bin thinkin bout gettin one of those W80's... Cheers...Jeff..
  23. LOL...That be your style you Redneck... ...Kiddin on both ends mind ya.. ..
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