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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. No worries on this end either....Cheers to a good season of casting!!
  2. Cheers to that...alot of people have not fished Bullshead on a daily basis in the spring...as I have in the past ...To see some of the *hit that goes on out there! And trust me... there is alot of crap that goes on...and have called the CO's many times.
  3. I didn't mean to make it sound like ice fishing is a bad thing...And I'm not saying Tako isn't a dedicaterd flycaster...What I meant as far as a real flycaster is...People that srtrictly flycast...Sometimes I take conservation a little to far...And find myself getting a little worked up over it...I'm very protective of Bullshead as it is close to home and is a fantastic fishery and a wish for it to stay that way. I'm not trying to start a batttle about ice fishing on Bullshead...I'm just voicing my opinion. Cheers...Jeff....C&R...
  4. I doubt any of the REAL flycasters from this Forum...Will be Ice fishing @ B.H. Tom.....Let alone... till it's open....
  5. BALLS????.... I got huge BALLS....And so do most people on this forum....Most of us love... and live to flyfish....Be damned if I am going to ice fish at B.H....If this fishery is not open to fish in the early spring....let's leave it alone!!!... till we have open water...It's only going to benifit the fishery... that has only suffered of huge fish since 2006...
  6. I coulsd see alot more poaching...Use of bait and barbed treble hooks...as people would be spread all over the lake...And not so confined to a few open spots of water where others can take notice of illegal activities. And as Randy said...''Frozen gills"... Thats just my thoughts.... Jeff.
  7. That is a damn good thought!!...I think it should be open to open water only. The less pressure on this fishery...The better. Let mother nature take its course...And if the lake is not open...We don't fish. Thats my 2 bits. Jeff....C&R..
  8. Nice lookin fish Brent.
  9. Thanx for the pic...I just gat back from Sask. and was going to head to the Crow tom...Til I looked at the forcast...Oh well...Have to wait til Wed.
  10. Just got back from Sask...Going to Calg. tom. Was going to go south from there to the Crow...but the weather's not looking to good til Wednesday. Ill try to get out to Bullshead tom. and check it out and give a report...If not tom.... the next day. Cheers....Jeff.
  11. I just placed an order from Icky as well (great deal) for the Bullshead opener...Ill let ya's know how they stand up to them Bullshead pigs...and some of my back casts in the bushes. Cheers...Jeff.
  12. I'm not sure bloom gets enuff reconizion for what he has done for this fishery...Years ago it was a all right fishery, with large trout...but very few...and hard to catch at best. The lake was drained by Ranchers/farmers, and they had the rights to the water...and for a couple years...was dry...The rains came...filled it up and...bloom got a petician going around Med Hat to get it re-stocked.. and sure he talked with Terry Clayton about it...And the lake was re-stocked...Now we got one frick of a fishery.. Is that about the way it went bloom?
  13. From what I have read...and have read a fair bit...And some P.M's with bloom...The best thing thats going to come from our new southern A.B. Triploid is...We are not going to have such a slaughter at Bullshead in the spring...and thats fine by me!!!...Do to the fact... We are not going to have the bonkers come out for theire one fish and leave...Day after day...and in some cases come back the same day for another. Cheers all.....Jeff.....C&R...
  14. Ya...they can be a little boot like while in the spawning mode. ...Did I just say that?
  15. Only time will tell my friend.
  16. I understand they are not a new species...But from Ive read...They seem to be a fair bit new to southern AB. I totally agree with stocking them...And from what I have read today, and under the RIGHT CONDITIONS...We are going to have one Hell of a fishery ...Than we all ready have. Can't Imagine that!!!
  17. Thanx monger, for someore interesting info...I have done a fair bit of reding today about Triploids...And starting to wonder...''Is it a big advantage to have these fish stocked in our lakes?'' What do you guys and gals think? Iam not against it by any means!...I find it VERY interesting to be able to fish for a new species...
  18. I got off topic on this thread... as well as everyone else..."bloom" started this thread about triploids...and we should maybe stay on that track, as I don't know a whole lot about triploids...And I'am sure alot of us don't know a whole lot as well...Lets talk Triploids...cuzz I'am sure interested in them...And we should all try to learn something new about this new species... that are being intoduced into southern A.B. still waters. Cheers ..... JEFF.
  19. Here is another interesting study..... http://afs.allenpress.com/perlserv/?reques...AD%3E2.3.CO%3B2
  20. Found this absract about female triploids. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0044-8486(94)00338-O Whats this mean for the hot summers out at B.H.?.... Anything? ..Maybe they will stay deep in the summers...And stay away from the whack and stackers...
  21. I've watched pelicans out at Bullshead eat from what I could see would be 5lb. fish... One day last summer there was this one Pelican that would come charging at my fish while I was playing it... About three times he did that...I had to throw rocks in the water, while playing my fish...just to keep him away! I am sure he would have got the fish if I hadn't thrown rocks in the water!!
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