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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. Clive....Your pics never cease to AMAZE me!!... Cheers...Jeff..
  2. Corb Lund...Hank III...Metallica...Iron Maiden...Led Zepplin...Chille Peppers...Presidents Of The United States...Limp Biscut...AC/DC....In about that order... Cheers...Jeff..
  3. WOW...Them are Big Pike...Nice!!.. Cheers...Jeff..
  4. I did some googleing and found this....A good read... http://www.gofishbc.com/tips_articles/perch.htm http://www.gofishbc.com/specstrains.htm
  5. monger...Are the Blackwater a strain of Rainbow, that were introduced/created to eat unwanter/over populated bait fish??? Cheers...Jeff..
  6. I thinkin...Not sure...But I think you are talkin bout the lakes/Bows that are Close to the U.S. Boarder???.....Close to the Native reserve??...Heard some good things.... Cheers...Jeff..
  7. Ah... yes O double haul master...You are so very right....I have seen you in action....you do so very very well in your "Light Side" fishing....while you ask me to leave the "Darkside''...Im am so workin on it.... ....But away from the goofin off...Yes Gary...you are right....Damn indicators... ....I did get a few on the "Light Side"...Just not on the Dry!!!... Cheers...Jeff..
  8. Sorry to hear man....Not to sure what Im guna do here in the next while my-self....I have sent resume's all over the world....You will find somethin, Im sure...Your Up to date....I'm a damn oilfield worker....lol... Cheers...Jeff..
  9. I tried some Dry's later on the in the eve's when the water was glass....But....No avail....Maybe they will come up in the next while for our man made dry's????.... Cheers...Jeff..
  10. YA....Was worth it to me to get all 3 species....Pretty awesome fish....And like ya said...They freakin JUMP!!!...Might have to meet ya out there before to long....Was thinkin bout not goin back this year....But....Im gettin an itch....lol... Cheers...Jeff..
  11. Sweet pics....Them Chrome Bows sure put up a scrap in that Lake!!!...Some come out of the water like missiles... Cheers...Jeff..
  12. Sweet!!...Got to try that sometime...Caught them on the fly before, but was never targeting them...And were far from the size you got there Brian...Awesome man.... Cheers...Jeff..
  13. Right on guys!!... Cheers...Jeff..
  14. beedhead

    Three Species

    Great fish and pics Gary!!...Thats Awesome that you and your good friend got out for good old time sakes!!...Good stuff!...Enjoyed fishin with ya the other day...as I had a great week of fishin too...I got three species as well...Well four, if ya count whities...LOL...I got no Cutts mind ya... Cheers...Jeff..
  15. Nice fish man.... Cheers...Jeff..
  16. Nice pics...Thanx for sharing... Cheers...Jeff..
  17. Great shots and fish! Cheers...Jeff..
  18. As always, another great production!...Thanx for sharing as I sit and wait for Bullshead to open up ...You guys should come down here and shoot film/fish a day or two...Can be a hoot at ice off!! Cheers...Jeff..
  19. I will fish this lake...if it kills me, as one other on this forum has fished it (as far as I know)....Cant remember his handle...LOl...One lucky SOB!!!... Cheers...Jeff
  20. I just got the 1st edition loop magazine 2009 4 days ago (sweet mag), and it said they had a made movie about Jurrasik lake to be released April 2009...Anyone else get the mag?? Cheers...Jeff..
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