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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. Thanx Brian, Im doin good in the stick department, they never stole any rods, But I might be interested in buying one of those 8wt reels...Ya, we might have to meet up this spring and try it out... Cheers...Jeff..
  2. Thank you all for the kind offers and p.m's...Very very much appreciated..... Thanx to some fine people on this board, I have a couple things back in order fly equipment wise...And knowing I can borrow stuff as needed makes me feel better too..Wow, I dont know what to say...All I can say is, I went from being pretty pissed of at people in general, to feeling a lot better...I don't want to sound like an Amy, but I was very Heart broken about my gear, and still am...The camera, well, it was a camera, But There was years of stuff I collected in that backpack, that will never be replaced...O.k, I think Im starting to sound like an Amy again...I did talk to insurance and, Im better off taking a loss in the long run, In my opinion...I could have lied and said more was stolen to make it worth while, but thats not my nature, and dont want to get into a Jam...Once again, Thank-you to all the fine people on this board!!...Have a great season!!! Cheers!!...Jeff.. ..
  3. I Had someone or somebodies, break into my truck through the rear sliding window couple nights ago...Got hold of my camera and my fishing backpack that contained 4 reels, ALL my flies and boxes, leatherman wave, fly-lines, sink tips, tippet ect...Good thing they never got to my rods, and never got my 3wt reel (my now only reel)...Im thinking they were targeting my camera, which was out of sight unless you were looking very hard for it through the window, it was under the passenger seat in its bag....Im assuming while coming through the back window, they saw my backpack behind the seat, and grabbed it...I 1st noticed the camera missing and was pissed, but when I noticed my fishin bag gone, My heart sunk, and my stomach went into knots, Terrible feeling.... If anyone has a 5wt or 6wt large arbor reel they are looking to sell, or any related gear for that matter, I might be interested, as the budget is tight right now and cant afford to replace with new.... ..Jeff...
  4. Really sorry to hear Gary... Condolences...Jeff..
  5. Great pics guys!! Cheers...Jeff..
  6. Happy B-Day Terry...Hope you got out on the Crow!! Cheers...Jeff..
  7. Heimdallr, you got some sweet pics dude!!.. Cheers...Jeff..
  8. Sorry all, Didn't mean to get this fine thread off track...My fault...Lets keep it going along with all the great pics everyone have been sharing...Great pics guy's...Love em!!! Cheers...Jeff.. My oldest really enjoys catching still water Bows...
  9. Here is a pic of ggp lovin a fish only meters in from the Salt...Aint no redds at the very mouth of a river (tides) ...Salmon can/will turn Color prior to totally committing to fresh, A lot of the times they move in and out of fresh and salt (To adapt) till ready to run kms/miles to spawn up river...
  10. Forgot to add Diggler1 Fish kissin... I lovem too...
  11. So, pkk, Can ya give us some tips on "How To Catch Clean Fish" that are Spawning in the Rivers???... Thanx...Jeff..
  12. Right on Max!...Sweet Pics!... Cheers...Jeff..
  13. Great pics guys!.... Keepem comin....I know there are guys/gals on this forum that have more great pics!... ... Dekkard Cutts..
  14. I have had several emails over the years, with those two pics attached, And they all had a different story... Big pike non the less..
  15. Triploid Silver Bullet....Jump and jump and jump.... ..
  16. My fave Bull, Not big, But the colors and patterns were sweet, the Camera shows no justice on the colors/markings...I bet Maxwell has a few pics from the last while???...Max always has some cool pics...
  17. Great pics Guys!!! Cheers...Jeff..
  18. Awesome pics Guys!!...Lots of great lookin fish!!...Thanx for sharing... Hawg by dekkard...
  19. Sweet...Looks like early in the morn, or early in the night...I wished Alberta had more still water Brown lakes, or even some Tiger Lakes for that matter... Cheers...Jeff..
  20. Sweet pics Lorney!!...Thanx...Im a pic junkie!!!.. Here is a pic of my favorite Brookie, caught last spring, and still wearing some of his colors for some reason...Maybe he never gotter done in the fall... ...
  21. Tigers are so cool...I need one under my belt...Thanx for the pics..Brookies and Tigers are my favorite lookin trout... Cheers...Jeff..
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