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Current last won the day on May 10 2018

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  1. Current


    It's hard to give advice for an 8 weight rod to use for smaller creeks and little trout. Any eight weight will cast far enough and have power to fight small trout. Dry fly presentation will be tough! If you're looking just to match a reel you already have, you'll need to give more details on budget and what you might want to use it for in the future (e.g., pike, salt, steel, big bullies?). Otherwise just go grab whatever Sage is in your budget and balances the reel (or looks pretty). Or if you've a limited budget, pick up a TFO beater. That 8010 is a big reel even for an 8 wt. Cheers!
  2. Willy, Have you thought about reporting this to the Environmental Hotline? Sounds like it's worth the attention of AEP and maybe DFO. 1-800-222-6514 : AEP 24-hour Environmental Response Line ("for spills, releases, or other emergencies that could damage the environment")
  3. Brian C figures fish become more fussy about size, shape, & colour as the larval emergence progresses. Good little article here: http://www.gofishbc.com/Blog/Fishing-Tips/Blog-5-(3).aspx
  4. Just get two doubles and another rod!
  5. I looked and you are right!
  6. I've used regular sheet metal screws. They work fine but do wear out after time. I keep a box of screws and a battery-powered screwdriver in my wading bag. The slot-head ones add extra grip!
  7. "Frenchy's". Frenchy's and Barotto's. Moved down to 58th then became the original Wholesale. I remember going to the fire sale with my dad when I was a kid. Ribtor was pretty awesome too. For cheap stuff.
  8. Definitely good to be informed. Much info on conservation site management at the link below including inspection and maintenance reports. http://www.ab-conservation.com/programs/land/projects/conservation-site-management/
  9. Donated what i could.
  10. I've heard of them in Dogpound. Pretty sure I saw a dead one on the bank one day when I crossed it lower down. This was a couple years ago.
  11. I don't understand Loewen's comment regarding, "removing barriers to accessing Albertas fishing spots". Nothing about access is mentioned in the Plan. I wonder if this comment is directed to fishing spots that need to be accessed on foot. I thought there would be explanation in the Plan but didn't see it.
  12. That's so cool.
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