I even caught a few fish...
This one fell for a parachute Adams...
This one annihilated a Chernobyl Ant, and put on an air show!
Gorgeous colors!
Another beaut...
21" Brown...
That's all, for now!
'Til next time...
It ain't just about the fish...
Watch yer step out there; almost stepped on these plover hatchlings today...
More babies...
Nature galore...
Don't have to worry about stepping on this guy...
More to come...
Great pics, Riley!
Nuttin' says 'Downhome' like a pic of a puffin!
What part of the island were you visiting?
Where was the sunset pic(in your first post) taken?
I grew up in a little town(Gillams) on the Bay of Islands; the sunsets there were spectacular!
Some sweet pics, as usual, Max; I particularly like the shot of the walleye dorsal sticking up outta the water.
Lots of spectacular fish; that is a fine cutty!
Great pics, Chris; looks like you guys had a good day.
Rick must REALLY want you to take him fishin'; otherwise, he'd be calling you gay 'cuz you posted pics of flowers!
BTW, those flower pics are just so fabulous...
Nice pics, Vic; gotta luv the variety!
Bob needs to be more careful when handling invisible fish; he's got his thumb right up in it's gills! :$*%&:
Of course, that's a moot point IF he was retaining that particular fish...
So, you're saying that it's a waste of money?
Just like your parents wasted money on school & tutors for you...
<--poke--< <--poke--<
Looks like you had a good day, Snake.
It's nice to see I'm not the only one who takes the time to stop & smell the flowers.
Took this pic on Saturday...
These are from last month...
I like this one...
Good-looking brown, BTW!
And others stroke their egos by looking down from their high horses on the people posting pics; you may be stroking for a different
reason, but yer still strokin'!