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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. SteveM


    :D Yep, Tungsten is my favorite, for sure!
  2. Your post is now politically correct, sir; you're welcome!
  3. SteveM


    Just this one... My next project will be fly fishing themed; it's a little ambitious( by my low standards), and will take some time. I'll keep you posted when it comes together.
  4. SteveM


    Forget what I said in my last post about not doing burnings of fish; for you, I'll make an exception! We'll figure something out!
  5. SteveM


    Haven't done many fish, as I don't think I'd be real happy with the end result (I've kinda figured out my limitations). I did this one many years ago, that turned out pretty well; crappy pic doesn't do it justice...
  6. I did this one for my bro-in-law, who is a huge Cowboys fan (he just recently flew down to take in a game in the new stadium). Thanks to Mike (Tungsten) for supplying the oak for this one! This one was for my bro... My next project is in the planning stages; I'll post up some pics when it's done (it'll be a while, as it's a little more work than most of my projects).
  7. Yeah, we can't all be rocket surgeons like Rick... See, even "not very smart" BobLoblaw can upload pics!
  8. Rick's been workin' out; he ain't a'skeered of no one! BTW, Tex, I'm hoping to make it for 'Pancakes & Bull$hittin'/2010'; about 80% sure...
  9. This just might be my fave Humble-vid, so far. Beautiful spot; too bad the water wasn't a little clearer...
  10. There ya go, Parker; if you go out with Dutchie & Brian, your Bow River Blues will be cured! You're a good man, Dutchie; real nice of ya to make that offer...
  11. Really nice, guys! Looks like y'all had some fun!
  12. Dude; when he has to explain his humor to 2 guys (while the rest of us actually get it), he did not fail. Seriously, though, Rick; please start using the "gay pokey thing" for the benefit of forum members who don't have an advanced sense of humor.
  13. Yeah, it was like switching between a gold medal game & a funeral; only switched a couple times before it stayed on the junior game. Such great atmosphere @ the juniors. Fun to watch!
  14. Oooooh! Pretty flowers? Yay! Now I gotta go see this movie! (Very funny, Jared!) Seriously, though, I do wanna see it in IMAX 3D...
  15. Really hard to pick a favorite; I'll say this pic of a 25" small creek brown. My 12 year old daughter took the photo...
  16. Congratz to Dale(Avalanche) & Smitty. Having fished with Dale a couple times, I'm here to tell you he's one of the good guys; happy to see him win! As for Smitty, I always look forward to his posts, & I'm never disappointed; keep on postin', Smitty & enjoy Panorama! Congratz to you, too, Tex; another great job of raising money & awareness. Well done, guys...
  17. Very nice, Rob; I'll bet it took you back in time some, huh?
  18. Thanks, Noud. Here's a few more... And, just for Rickr, an example of my other, other hobby; taking pics of flowers... BTW, great idea for a thread, Dale; some interesting stuff, so far. Should be lots more to come...
  19. My other hobby is pyrography (burning images into wood). I've posted some of my work on here before, but here they are again. Sorry about the quality of some of the older pics.
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