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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. And you are the Admenstruator? Classy! Kinda reminds me of an episode of 'Arrested Development'. They had found some pictures of what they all thought was the Iraqi desert; eventually, the family lawyer (played by Henry Winkler) looked at the pic & identified the subject correctly:"Those are balls..."
  2. Thanks, Mom... I actually have a lanyard; I use it when I'm fishin'. Figured it was pretty safe in a buttoned-up pocket. Figured wrong...
  3. I like to believe my camera & I are best known for shots like this... ...and this... ...but, we all know that's not true! LOL Here's a celebratory flower... ...and one more... AHHHH! I feel better now!
  4. My lost camera is lost no more! A gigantic THANK YOU to a gentleman named Paul Morrell. He was working at the Healing waters booth at the expo with FFC's resident ex-army hippie, Flyfishfairwx. BTW, Ray, Paul spoke very highly of you; how much are ya paying him? Here's the story of how he found my camera: Paul sat in the chair outside the little wrangler's room (where I was fairly certain I'd lost my cam) & pulled his cellphone out of his right side coat pocket to make a call. His left hand was by his side & felt a camera in the chair. He thought, "Oh, I dropped my camera..." & slipped it into his coat pocket without even looking at it. Later, at the booth, he pulled it out to take a few pics & had a 'WTF' moment..."This ain't my camera!" Turns out he had left his camera at home that morning, and had picked mine up from the chair. Lucky for me. Being a smart fella, he figured FFC would be a good place to check for the idjit who lost his camera. He was right; he joined the forum & sent me a message. All that was left to do was find a time to get together. I would have been happy to drive across the city to get my cam back; turns out I didn't have to. Paul phoned me yesterday evening ; he was in my end of town. Fittingly, he was doing a course on ethics. Gave him my address & a short time later I was shaking his hand at my front door & had my camera back. We had a nice sit-down, swapped some fish stories & made plans to hit the Bow together. Couldn't talk him into accepting a monetary reward, but he's got a gift coming his way; I'm working on a pyrography (woodburning) project for him. Least I can do, I figure. Moral of the story: there's still decent people out there. To any of you who know Paul Morrell: next time you see him, shake his hand & thank him for being a decent human being. Glad to be able to share a story with a happy ending. Thanks a ton, Paul!
  5. And you are one of the moderators? Funny! BTW, this is how I will be starting any posts that are directed toward you in the future, BBT: "And you are one of the moderators?"
  6. Yeah, folks, I certainly wouldn't have held nearly as much hope of getting it back if I'd lost it elsewhere. Don't believe the media; there are still some good, decent people out there!
  7. Thanks, Mike. I used a Photo Effects app on facebook...
  8. I'm gonna go with the old standby-"There's an exception to every rule"??? I'm real glad to get my camera back, too, Taco; so many flowers just waiting for their chance to shine on a fishing forum... It was nice to chat with you on Saturday. You seem like a decent enough fella; I don't believe half the crap Rick says about you...
  9. I am not like you!!! :wave_smile: :wave_smile: :wave_smile: YEE-HAW! Looks like I'm gonna get my camera back! Just got a PM from a new member that my camera was found; sent a message back to make arrangements to get it back to me. So relieved! Thanks to all of you who were good enough to look for it for me; y'all are the best! A great big thanks to Paul; just confirms my contention that fly fishing attracts the best people!
  10. How did I not meet Smitty? I'm a little disappointed.
  11. BTW, this post was in jest... I actually LOL'd at your post, Weedy1; if Rick wasn't watching the Colts this afternoon, he prolly woulda been saying the same thing. Also,
  12. I'm glad this is a source of amusement for you. Please don't feel one bit bad about the fact that I've lost a camera that I can't really afford to replace right now. Don't fret about the fact that it contains precious family photos that can never be replaced. Just make (crappy) jokes. Thanks...
  13. Thanks for looking out, guys; I appreciate it. Birchy: I was long gone from the expo before I realized it was missing; I called Max, he checked at the front, etc. Before anyone says,"How do you know you didn't lose it after you left the show?"- it was in the top pocket of my coat & could only fall out if the coat was upside down. I don't remember doing any cartwheels or handstands after I left; only thing I can figure is that it fell out when I laid my coat over the arm of the chair...
  14. Last interview I saw with Jarome, his mouth was saying those things, but his body language/facial expression was saying "I give up"! I'm a big fan of Iggy, but he ain't himself right now, and it ain't just one of his usual mini-slumps. Somethings going on with him; could it be something not hockey related (his personal life)? No, I haven't heard any rumors; just grasping at straws... Part of me says he doesn't deserve to be on the Olympic team; another part of me hopes that will be just the tonic he needs to get his game back. Time will tell.
  15. "The human emotion is to seek revenge. Unfortunately that rarely does anything except breed hatred and contempt." This is about perch, isn't it? When it comes to perch, you believe in capital punishment for trespassing in a trout lake! BTW,I'm available next weekend to help some of 'em walk 'The Green Mile'.
  16. Stupid thing is, my name & number are on the case. Unfortunately the case is right here in front of me; I didn't take it, since I just slipped the camera in my pocket. Dumb, I am...
  17. A great big thank you to BigBowTrout! I was lucky enough to see him at the pancake breakfast & again at the show, and got kicked in the nuts both times! Very exciting & super-swift! Thanks, you big ole sac-smasher; you rock! Now that I think about it, that second kick may have dislodged my camera from my pocket...
  18. Hey, all! I lost my silver Olympus Stylus 850SW digital camera today while at the expo. I'm pretty sure it fell from my pocket when I laid my coat on a chair outside the men's room for a few seconds. Reward & huge amounts of gratitude offered for it's safe return. I'm hoping that in a building full of fly fishermen/women, the person who found it would realize how important this camera is to a fellow fisherman & do their best to return it. Here's hoping! I'd love to at least get the card back; got family pics on there... Thanks in advance(he says hopefully), Steve
  19. I don't suppose anyone happened to find a camera at the show this afternoon? Yep, this idjit lost his Olympus Stylus 850SW; CRAP-CRAP-CRAPPITY-CRAP!!!! I'm guessing it fell out of my coat pocket when I laid my coat on a chair just outside the men's room. Didn't even realize it until a couple hours later. Hopefully, whoever picked it up will find a way to get it back to me. I'm a little more hopeful 'cuz the place was full of fly fishermen & they are all decent folks. Right? I will come up with some sort of token of appreciation for it's safe return... Fingers crossed!
  20. Nice job, Jeremie; great song choice. You'll be hearing from my team of lawyers about the unauthorized use of my photo. j/k, of course; you're welcome to use it!
  21. Speaking of pickerel rigs, here's a rainbow I caught on Friday... That's some mighty heavy mono. Hook was way down the gullet (couldn't even see it); assume it was a hook loaded with bait. Also got this poor little guy... He's missing half his bottom jaw, seemed healthy otherwise & was still trying to eat. Not sure if it's a birth defect, or the result of some not-so-gentle catch & release, or something else. Also found a 3-nymph rig in a bush; all 3 hooks were barbed. Yep, there's some ignorant a-holes out there, for sure! Since this thread is about whites... Me like cracka-fish!
  22. She's a cutie, Dax! She surely does look proud... Too funny!
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