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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Schweet browns, all-around! Nicely done, lads!
  2. For some strange reason, I kept expecting a couple more bull trout to show up & kick the crap outta Jay & try to take his camera... . . . . . . . . . . ...just sayin'... . . . . . . . Too soon??? (Sorry, Jay... ) Beauty bull; it looks bigger in the pics than it does in the vid. Looking forward to your next vid!
  3. Nice! Must be hard to cast into that little hole in the ice, though...
  4. The Venutians??? I have some of their blinds on my windows. Should I be concerned???
  5. Very cool; can't wait to see the finished product. Keep 'em comin'! :bow: :bow:
  6. So sorry to hear about Bailey, Gary; condolences from my family to yours. I know a coupla Wheatens; they are a very special breed.
  7. Congratz, dude! Handsome boy, for sure. Did you name him "Little Toad"?
  8. Dude, Google the word "smarmy", since you're such a Googlin' sonuvagun... Aw, heck, I'll save ya the trouble... smarmy - A certain attitude often accompanied by a squinty look and a superior smile that makes you instantly hate a person.
  9. Doesn't matter how big or how great your unit is, you still gotta know which buttons to push...
  10. That looks pretty sweet, Chris; kinda cool idea, just switch tips to make it a 4wt. You could also check with CDone here on the forum. I see he's got a very cool custom-built 2wt for sale ($75) in the Trading Post section. I'd consider that if I was looking for a small creek rig. I own a 2wt & a 3wt, & find they're kinda redundant; I usually opt for the 2wt.
  11. SteveM

    Dry Only?

    Tex, this might be the best thing you've written on this forum! Well said, sir!
  12. So, we won, right??? I threw my remote through the TV with 24 seconds left in the 3rd period...
  13. Brilliant! Amazing work, sir; absolutely incredible!
  14. That boy's got talent, for sure; some excellent work. Personally, I prefer the trout 'art' in Taco's signature, especially the one on the far right; tastes WAY better!
  15. PFFFTT! You think that's intimidating??? Try fishing with Tungsten sometime; he makes Freschi look like a rookie! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (That oughtta be good for another float with Mike... )
  16. WOW!!! That's what pyrography is supposed to look like??? Sure is an entirely different ballgame when an artist does it. Incredible stuff; I love the bear- must have taken a few hours, I bet... To say that my woodburnings inspired this...I'm flattered. But, it's kinda like saying Michelangelo was inspired to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel when he saw a Paint-By-Numbers done by a 7-year old! Oh, well, I'll just bask in the glory of taking credit for unleashing your talent... Besides pyrography, do you have other artistic talents to share? Let us see what else you do... Great work; you should be very proud!
  17. Are ya kiddin'? Love Princess Bride! One of my faves to watch with my daughter...
  18. SteveM


    I use an El Cheapo soldering type burner that I've had for over 15 years for most of my work; I also have a second similar one that burns a little hotter(neither has any adjustment). I use the hotter one for shading in larger areas quickly, and use the angled chisel tip 99.9% of the time.
  19. Good things in small packages...
  20. "throw rocks in Taco or Bhurt's pools." Is this is euphemism for something dirty??? Perv!!!
  21. Neither??? Or both??? I dunno. I stole it from BBT's sig, which he stole from someone else's post. Pretty sure it doesn't mean what the original user thought it meant. I just used it for the helluvit; attach any definition you wish to it...
  22. Amen to that, Ray; absolutely a true "good guy". Seemed kinda redundant that Paul was doing an ethics course; plenty of folks in this city could use some ethics training- he ain't one of 'em.
  23. I always figured you for trouble, dude, and this statement just rectorates it for me!
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