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Everything posted by birchy

  1. As much as I hated Roloson.. it was more for his constant whining to the refs, not necessarily because of his skill. He put up decent numbers last year. Khabibulan's numbers were better though.. he's definitely an upgrade. BUT, goaltending is not the problem with this team. They need a couple bonafied 1st liners to play with Hemsky.. including a natural goal scorer. Hemmer leading the team with 66 points and 2 defenseman being in the top 5 really tells the tale IMO..
  2. Some people just legitimately don't know any better. I took some friends out the other day who are spin fisherman. I had to pinch the barbs for one of them because they didn't realize AB was barbless - now they do. Then later, one of them hooked a whitey while I was at the other end of the run.. before I could get there he dragged it up on shore by the line in order to remove the hook. I ran over with my net and put the fish back in the water with my net and then we took the hook out. Neither of them did that again for the rest of the day and I didn't even really SAY anything. Like others have said.. it's usually just an education issue.
  3. Happier than I was a couple hours ago. They still need to beef up their offense though. Goaltending wasn't really their issue last year..
  4. Hey! I'm a freakin genius sometimes!! http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=283439
  5. WTH? http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=283429 Let's hope we can pull in Khabibulan for a season or two.. or something! I don't think JDD is ready yet.. as much as I really disliked Roloson.
  6. Wikipedia is often good for a chuckle.. check it out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_pin_fishing Hopefully you can read what I'm referring to before someone else makes an edit.
  7. Alright.. I gotta say, I'm really getting sick of this "no stars want to play in Edmonton" business!! http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=283382 I really hope it's the fact that he's trying to stick the 4 mil to Ottawa.. but I doubt it.
  8. Yes, but slowly. We were quite surprised as well.
  9. Which is another reason why it's beneficial to check the water temperatures each time. We were on a small trib to the Highwood on Sunday evening and the water temp on it was 19-20C. It varies river to river, creek to creek.
  10. Absolutely amazing. Hopefully I'll get a chance to do that some day.
  11. birchy

    Lake Fishing Trip

    Sweet! Thanks for sharing.
  12. Was using the original HiBore my last season before I stopped playing.. LOVED it.
  13. What's more fishable right now? Northwest of Calgary (little red, dogpound, etc.), or Southwest of Calgary (Sheep, Highwood, etc.)? Thinking of going out tonight and don't want a 1.5 hour drive only to find unfishable conditions..
  14. Some of you may do this already - but for the benefit of those who don't.. When assembling your rod sections together, I was always starting with the butt section. But a few trips back, the idea just popped into my head - "wouldn't it be easier if I started with the tip section?" Sure enough, instead of having to rest your butt section on the ground and possibly scratch it.. you just start with the tip section in your hand and work your way backwards. That way you can hold it out in the air in front of you the whole time because it's so much lighter. Very simple.. but I had just never thought of it before. I showed CDock last time out and he was like "that's awesome! I never thought of that before."
  15. birchy

    Fly Keeper

    Ingenious! Wouldn't have though of doing that in a million years.. funny how the simplest things are often like that.
  16. http://flyfishcalgary.com/hatch_chart.php
  17. You do seem to be a pretty happy fella!
  18. Just re-reading this thread.. really getting fed up with my front 3-4 feet sinking under when trying to nymph. Both my lines do it.. one Mastery Series trout taper, and the other Sharkskin trout taper.. i'm sure it must be the taper. CDock has the GPX taper and his is fine. Today I looked and the smallest pike line is an 8 weight.. are you guys just over-lining?
  19. Good job boys!!! Glad to hear you finally got to take that trip Brent.. you were talking about it for a long time!!
  20. You guys are missing the point.. It doesn't HAVE to change. They're just testing it right now. Once they know it works properly, you can CHOOSE to use the old one, or the new one. Nothing is being forced.
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