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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Sorry, what? I can't quite hear you over the screaming Stampeders fans..
  2. Don't forget "RAD!" dude! PS - Ellen Page is in the movie as well. Was at my buddies last night and he's a Calgary EMS. A colleague of his was out there looking at her because she hurt her ankle.. had no idea who she was until someone told him after. haha
  3. Uber - It's the Korkers "Cross Currents" that seem to have the issue with the seams coming apart around the toes.
  4. I'm surprised by your experience with them! In my experience - and I have worn both as well - I find that my Simms Guideboots are just as good, if not better, in every situation I've been in. And they're way better for the hiking side of things because, 1. they're extremely light, and 2. the streamtread soles give you excellent traction on the dirt. No more "skiing" down the banks to the rivers for me.. As far as the algae covered boulders, I don't think any studless boot gives much traction on on those, they're an accident waiting to happen.
  5. Man to his friend: "Being married to a deaf woman was tough. After a number of years, she decided to leave me for another deaf man. To be perfectly honest, I should have seen the signs."
  6. Another interesting perspective: http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2009/11/12/...cine-costs.html
  7. Just when I thought you didn't have a sense of humor... pure gold. I think the answer is obvious - I don't think Orvis makes spinning gear do they?
  8. I've heard that plugging them in when it's not cold enough can actually do harm.. is that true? Doesn't seem to make much sense to me seeing as the regular engine running temperature would be a heck of a lot hotter than a block heater would be..
  9. I'm appalled by the fact that the 2009 Green Car of the Year - the Volkswagen Jetta Clean Diesel - wouldn't qualify for one of these parking spaces! Uber.. it's totally serious.
  10. I believe Michelle and Vicki came in like 2nd and 4th or something like that..
  11. "What are we doing tonight Brain?" "Same thing we do every night Pinky....."
  12. Sorry. I punched it in it's big ugly face.
  13. Being born in 1981.. i'm pretty naive to Polio. Have had to Google it, basically. Couple questions for those of you who lived through those times.. Was the Polio vaccine fully tested on humans before it was pushed out to the public? And how does Polio compare to H1N1 in both prevalance and seriousness of symptoms? Is it fair to compare the two?
  14. Disappointing. I always liked stopping in from time to time and chatting with Gus and Bernie.. and the manager, who's name escapes me right now.
  15. Sweet deal Jay! Thanks for sharing. Another one to add to the bucket list.. (including the heli trip)!
  16. I had been getting the regular flu shot via my employer for the last number of years. Didn't get it this year, and I don't plan on getting the H1N1 shot either. I'll try and remember to check in a year or two from now and let you know if I noticed a difference. The confusion about this vaccine is certainly snowballing.. the fact that it seems to be 50/50 even among the health care workers definitely doesn't help us average joe's make a decision either! I don't think there's a blanket "right answer". Do your own research, and then make the decision that's right for YOU. Other people shouldn't criticize you one way or the other, it's YOUR decision, not theirs.
  17. Being an Oilers fan.. I felt that was a big momentum shift in the game. But in the end, we had 8 powerplays to your 3, so I couldn't complain really. I don't buy the whole conspiracy argument.. but I totally agree the refs are pretty brutal way too often! Like you said.. for both teams.
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