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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Yeah.. that's the impression I got when reading through the "process" on the Alberta Civil Court website.
  2. Yes. I suppose I left out some important details with the Coles notes version. After a week or two.. the girl upstairs verbally admitted to overflowing their tub to both my wife, and the management company. My mom-in-law is a secretary at a lawyers office in BC and feels that we have a VERY good case.
  3. My wife mentioned that she "thought there was some place you can call that will give advice", but we weren't sure who/what. Good to know. Thanks!
  4. You're a big jerk. I've been trying to take it for 2 years now.. but $$ keeps needing to go elsewhere.
  5. So.. I hadn't posted this on here to date because I don't want to sound like I'm looking for a pity party.. (wasn't that long ago that the 4Runner was stolen). But.. most recently.. we've had to move again because of an accident by our former upstairs tenants.. I'll try my best to give the Coles notes version: Saturday, February 14 we come home to a flooded basement suite. Turns out the tenant upstairs somehow overflowed their bathtub. Fine, accidents happen. Called the management company to start getting things dealt with. Restoration company comes.. damage is severe enough that the ceiling and carpets need to be completely replaced. We have to move out for "anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months" as per the restoration company's supervisor lady. Eventually we find out that the upstairs tenants to do NOT have tenants insurance, therefore the physical damage to the place has to go through the owners insurance.. and our living expenses for having to live in a motel in the meantime need to go through our insurance. Later on, the restoration company found mold in our bathroom, which immediately voided our lease, and we used that opportunity to get the heck out of that situation! So I raised hell with the management company that it's absolutely ridiculous that the upstairs tenants caused the accident, but OUR insurance has to pay for it. Didn't get much support from them. We can't afford the deductible so our insurance company basically absorbed the deductible by subtracting it from the amount we were entitled to, and giving us a check. I need to ask the question, but it doesn't seem like the insurance company wants to go after them for the money. He made the comment that "these types of things can sometimes take YEARS". Anyways... long story short, we're looking to get some financial compensation for this whole situation. I delivered a letter to the upstairs tenants back in March asking them to pay us for the deductible (sure the insurance company absorbed it.. but it was taken from what we were entitled too). Not only that, but now we have a claim on our file from something we didn't cause. I'm also asking for lost wages at work for the time we had to take off to meet with people to get things sorted for both my wife and myself. A couple weeks back I stopped in to ask for any 'updates' and he told me "no updates, and I'd like for you to give me your receipts". So i'm thinking he's going to try and weasel his way out of this.. So I got letters written up by our insurance company and both our employers. I then looked online and researched small claims court - which suggested that before sueing, you should write up a "written demand letter" that gives an amount and a due date. So I wrote up the new letter, saying basically "we want this paid in full within 2 weeks (keeping in mind they've already had ~1 month)". Now.. we're waiting patiently HOPING that they'll just pay us and we can be done with the situation. However.. IF they choose not to pay us, we're thinking that we'll most likely take them to small claims court. In talking to a few people, we're basically being told that "if you take them to court, you might as well go after as much as you can!" I.E. - moving expenses, utilities hookup fees, extra gas travelling to/from the motel we had to stay in, etc. Then basically tell them.. "you can pay us this much, or we'll take you to court for THIS much." So.. does anyone have any experience with small claims court? Is it worth the hassle? Am I being completely unreasonable for expecting some financial compensation for this whole inconvenience (keep in mind we have a toddler as well)?! Any suggestions?
  6. What's that sound I'm hearing? Could it be? ... Uh oh.. she's definitely singing!!
  7. Was looking there.. but I don't see anywhere to purchase them? *edit* Just saw the little blurb at the top about sending him an email..
  8. Bumpage.. Just getting around to buying these books now.. more than a year after starting this thread. I know.. i'm fast. Other than Water Marks.. can anyone tell me if any of the local shops have these books in stock? I can get Western Trout Streams and Trout Streams of Alberta on Amazon.. but the shipping time is 2 - 5 WEEKS. Blue Ribbon Bow on the other hand.. I can get it on Amazon.. but the lowest price is like $153 (i'm assuming it's out of print).
  9. Yo mamma's so fat.. people jog around her for exercise!! Yo mamma's so fat.. the last time she wore a Malcolm X jacket a helicopter tried to land on her back!
  10. Well.. I'm an Oilers fan. Noone is supposed to hate the Flames more than Oilers fans. I watched the game last night and was disgusting with the refereeing.
  11. Do people not have the ability to search the internet for their OWN avatars?! That's twice now..
  12. I've seen them in pretty much every place I go to..
  13. Better than FiveBucks too according to a Consumer Reports article..
  14. Not at the McDonald's I go to.. "This restaurant was not chosen to participate in the coffee promotion." Which I believe is the politically correct way of saying "there's too many bums around here that will take advantage.."
  15. I agree Gary.. I think everybody should head north to fish this year. I'll even volunteer to stay in the south so you all have one more open space up there!
  16. Great choice. You'll really like it!
  17. The WHD weir is the boundary.. everything between it and the Caresland weir is open year round last time I checked.
  18. I catch way more rainbows than brownies.. so whenever I see the pale yellow/brown color.. I smile right away. However.. I love how rainbows fight!
  19. Just goes to show how "uncontrollable" Bert's temper is. What a criminal!!
  20. I think I just parked there a couple weekends ago.. good to know!
  21. The hits are flying now.. this is awesome!!! Iggy is going to kill somebody!
  22. Of course this will sound contrived at this point.. but before the series started.. I was teasing my co-workers - "Hawks in 5".. "they'll win both at home, split in Calgary, and then win at home again."
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