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Everything posted by birchy

  1. I'll look into the campground.. By "random camping", I just meant, sleeping in the travel trailer overnight..
  2. Now THAT is good customer service.
  3. CDock and I are heading southeast to the Lake Newell area for pike on the fly this weekend. Going to be doing an overnighter, so I'm pulling my camper trailer down with us. Does anyone know if it's okay to park the trailer in an open area around the lake somewhere for just one night? Is there any crown land around there so I can do some "random camping"? Or maybe I'll just leave it hooked to the truck and park on the side of the road somewhere out of the way?
  4. 100 yards sounds about right on the Bow.. I suppose it depends on how many other people are around too though.
  5. Holy crap.. this game is insane!! Luongo is crapping the bed.. PS - Sundin might start crying..
  6. Once you get up into the 50's it gets pretty tough to keep that thing up in the air!
  7. Do the regs still apply to "private water"?
  8. You were right, he was wrong. He should have tried talking to you first and found out your intentions, and then went from there.
  9. That's pretty sweet! I've been looking to get a Loop rod recently.
  10. http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?...amp;hl=snagging
  11. I believe that is Didymo (which is the nasty stuff that is always talked about in reference to cleaning your gear before going to different rivers).. http://www.fish.state.pa.us/water/habitat/...didymo2x600.jpg
  12. That's a funny visual right there.. "Dammit fish! Hold still!! Wait... just let me flip him upside down for a second..."
  13. I think so... because I remember my dad's best friend always joking when I was young that "left-handed people are the only ones in their right mind".
  14. You should also be looking around for any leftover Scott A2's.. beautiful casting rod. They were discontinued as well just like the Sage FLi, and replaced with the A3.
  15. You guys are missing the point.. I'LL be fine.. the Bow River on the other hand.. is doomed. No need to fish it anymore.
  16. Holy! Does that ever bring back memories!! I wonder if they knew how true it would eventually be, back when they originally made it?!
  17. I've had a sore throat and have been sneezing the last few days.. Last night I was on the river and sneezed on the water a few times.. You're all going to have to stay off the Bow for at least the entire weekend.. just in case it's H1N1.. and the river is now infected.. Sorry!
  18. ... Of getting struck by lightning while waving a 9' graphite rod around during a thunderstorm? You see... I really really really really want to go fishing tonite!
  19. Interesting. According to that, I'm actually left-brain dominant. Which makes sense with the "verbal and analytical" comment.. I'm also "self-centered" according to the first test.. haha
  20. Absolutely.. 32" rainbow + no pictures = Santa Claus
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