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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Ah.. the good ol' rejection hotline!! Classic.
  2. Bandee.. it was me who used the "report" button, and I have no problem owning up to it. I personally don't take offense to many pictures.. but I know that lots of others do.. so I always "report" them as soon as possible to avoid the inevitable flame war.. In this case, I did not notice the "and to be taken" part of the post.. so I do apologize for that.
  3. I'm right-handed and to date, have been casting left and reeling right. But I think I'm going to switch to casting right and reeling right. I just have some weird thing about reeling with my wrong hand.. it just don't feel right!
  4. Awesome dood! Cute little fella.. Now here's a trippy thought for ya.. Noah was 5lbs 6oz. when he was born.. so what's that? Like ~30% smaller still?!
  5. Presumably from 'jumping' and spilling coffee on said junk.
  6. Wow! For a minute I kinda felt bad for the rat because it was drowning... but then I remembered that I used to feed my snakes live mice and hamsters.. so it's really no different! Crazy video.
  7. Well.. I'm not very good with MAC's.. but on a PC, you typically just need to type the IP address of the router into your browser. Most routers have a default IP address of So maybe try opening up Safari and typing that address into the address bar where you would normally type in www.flyfishcalgary.com. If it's correct, you'll get a prompt for a username/password. Again, by default, most routers are either admin/admin, admin/password, or admin with no password. Once you're into the configuration page of your router, you should then be able to set the wireless security settings. You can either change the password for accessing the wireless network, or you could set it so that only one computer (or however many you have at your place) can connect to it by limiting the number of IP addresses it hands out. Typically this is done by setting an "DHCP IP address range". I.E. - If your routers address is, and you connect a computer to the wireless network, it will typically get the IP address, the next will get 1.3.. etc. So what you can do is make it so that your router will only give out 1 or 2 IP addresses.. if any more computers try to connect to it, they will not be able. Hopefully that's layman enough for you.. if not, feel free to ask more and I'll try my best to explain better.
  8. The first one is always special!! Good job dude.
  9. Oh okay.. sounds like they're saying Buckland all the time to me! haha.. It took me so many times hearing it before I realized they were talking about the same guy!
  10. What I wanna know is.. how do you get "BUCKland" from Byfuglien??!!
  11. I pretty much echo the sentiments already expressed. I try my best to open doors for ladies (and men), or hold the door open if I've already gone through and they're not too far behind. But yes, it does annoy me as well when people expect it, and don't say thank you. One thing I have noticed more recently, is how selfish so many people are these days when it comes to helping out my wife when she's struggling with the munchkin in his stroller! For example, she comes downtown to have lunch with me once in awhile. My building has a 2 level set of stairs in front and no ramp. I would say it's probably like 75% of the time that she tells me she has to struggle to pull the stroller up the stairs backwards and NOONE offers to help. The majority of the time there are people around too! Pretty lame if you ask me.
  12. This contest was obviously rigged.. All the best Dave and better half!
  13. So I went out to the park across the street tonight for a bit. Now that I have a reel/line combo for an 8 weight that an overly kind board member handed down to me - I had to go try it out. I tried casting with my opposite arm (my right arm), and it was surprisingly easy! I think I had at least as much control with it, and I was getting tighter loops. That being said... I'm right-handed. The reason I've always been casting with my left hand is because I prefer to have the reel in my right hand when i'm fighting fish. After tonight, I think I might just have to start casting with my right hand AND reeling with my right hand. I'll just switch hands on the rod when the fly hits the water. Does anybody else do this? PS - Lynn, how's the arm healing?
  14. Just talked to him on the phone. I think we got it hashed out for now.
  15. Balls! We missed April Vokey at Cowboys for a B-Day party?!
  16. Got this letter in the mail today.. Greetings Birches, I much enjoyed your letter. The first thing I enjoyed was "since you've already had a number of weeks to pay we expect payment of the full amount…" I was waiting for the insurance bill. You are welcome to sound like a collection agency, but I don't think you have that standing. My understanding is that had I had insurance it would have paid your deductible, and no more. If that is not the case I wasn't aware. I came back from retreat to discover that this had happened. I subsequently found out that you wanted me evicted. I normally would have sat down to discuss other expenses with you. However, not under these circumstances. I am sending you a check for $X today, and will send another for $X in 4 weeks. If you want more you can try sueing us of course. *name removed* Of course if you name your son noah… Just joking. The only problem anyone should really be upset about is whether they are ready for death. Thoughts? On the one hand.. i'm a bit irritated with the attitude.. on the other hand, he's giving us a good portion of the money we asked for so I don't want to push it too much. We will most likely accept this amount and let it go. Side Notes: - we did not try to get them evicted. We read through our lease and found 3 clauses that they broke. Assuming they would be evicted, we told the management company that we'd be interested in moving upstairs. This was taken as "we want them evicted", and apparently they were told this. - The very last comment my wife takes as a threat. Personally, I think he's just trying to say something similar to what Toolman said above "don't sweat the little things." However.. very poor choice of words either way..
  17. Golfing Hit Man Two old friends were just about to tee off at the first hole of their local golf course when a guy carrying a golf bag called out to them, "Do you mind if I join you? My partner didn't turn up." "Sure," they said, "You're welcome." So they started playing and enjoyed the game and the company of the newcomer. Part way around the course, one of the friends asked the newcomer, "What do you do for a living?" "I'm a hit man," was the reply. "You're joking!" was the response. "No, I'm not," he said, reaching into his golf bag, and pulling out a beautiful Martini sniper's rifle with a large telescopic sight. "Here are my tools." "That's a beautiful telescopic sight," said the other friend, "Can I take a look? I think I might be able to see my house from here." So he picked up the rifle and looked through the sight in the direction of his house. "Yeah, I can see my house all right. This sight is fantastic. I can see right in the window." "Wow, I can see my wife in the bedroom. Ha Ha, I can see she's naked!! Wait a minute, that's my neighbour in there with her.... He's naked, too!!!" He turned to the hit man, "How much do you charge for a hit?" "I'll do a flat rate, for you, one thousand dollars every time I pull the trigger." "Can you do two for me now?" "Sure, what do you want?" "First, shoot my wife, she's always been mouthy, so shoot her in the mouth." "Then the neighbour, he's a friend of mine, so just shoot his dick off to teach him a lesson." The hit man took the rifle and took aim, standing perfectly still for a few minutes. "Are you going to do it or not?" said the friend impatiently. "Just be patient," said the hit man calmly, "I think I can save you a grand here..."
  18. WHAT?! Kipper isn't a freakin hero?!? Get out of town!! PS - Roloson would've won 45 games for Calgary this year too if he was in. (I can't stand Roloson)
  19. He didn't play any worse than any other top forward would against Seabrook/Keith. Plus, the Chicago players knew better than to fight him.. it wasn't for any lack of trying on his part. I'd have Iggy captain my team any day.
  20. Was writing up a big reply saying basically the same thing.. but decided not to post. But I agree Hawg.. time for some of these teams (Edmonton too), to put more stock in their young goalies and let the veterans take a seat for awhile.
  21. Thanks for the reply orvisonly.. definitely makes sense. Another friend suggested that we go after the management company instead of the tenant as well. It's just that, to date, they've been very uncooperative and often downright condescending to us. I'm 95% sure they'd do the same if I go and demand money from them. But.. definitely something to ponder. The management company did tell me that they told the upstairs tenant to pay both our deductible and the owners, however I have no real proof of that other than their word. As far as retracting the admission of guilt.. I can see your point. At the same time, the plumber that came purposely filled up their tub upstairs to make sure the overflow was working properly - it was. The only way it could have overflowed the way it did was by being on "wide open" for awhile. Perhaps I could request him as a witness if it got to that point? However, I'm sure they could think up some other bogus excuse. I'll look into the U of C thing for sure. PS - It's "faucet". Sorry.. I couldn't resist!
  22. Harps, Forgive me for being pretty naive with this stuff.. But when you say "suckers first".. Can I assume that there are too many suckers in alot of these streams right now? Because I would imagine that if all the suckers were gone, that would throw things out of balance too wouldn't it?
  23. That big Bow Broonie is a popular girl! I think that's the 4th or 5th time I've seen her posted on here. Sweet job guys!
  24. It makes me throw up a little in my mouth every time a hear a Flames (or an Oilers fan for that matter) fan say Stortini is "our tough guy" or "our fighter". He is not. He's no different than a Sean Avery/Matt Cooke/Matthew Barnaby type of player.. he just happens to be bigger than they are/were. MacIntyre is Edmonton's goon. Stortini is a joke, and I have a feeling whoever the new coach is will send him packing ASAP.
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