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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Did ya see a stepdeck with a log home package on it go flyin by yah? Actually, truth is, were a lot higher up which gives us beter visibility, and when loaded up heavy, we have about 80,000lbs on top of those tires to keep us on the pavement.... so a lot of the time we do find ourselves in the hammer lane passing a LOT of cars when it's icy. Of course, the empty trucks, would be a different story...
  2. Hate top break it to ya, but I am not going to stop shopping at WalMart, nor will I watch the vids. Fact is, it's *MY* hard earned money, and if I can get a better deal on something like diapers, milk, and so on to support my family, then I'd be stupid to pay more elsewhere and not have enough to get what I need each month. I'm sure I'm not the only guy that feels this way. But I don't buy fishing stuff there, that $$ goes to the shop that treated me best during my years of guiding, and continues to do so today.. fish tales.
  3. Well until Dion can prove he's a real player and not an overrated peice of sh*t... hopefully not much. As for the rest of the team.... they don't have any heart. Can see it now. They won't go far unless there going to give 100% each and every shift.
  4. Would you trust your life to a $350 cheaply made pontoon boat though? I suppose some stuff is "the cheaper the better" but some stuff just isn't
  5. I'm a trucker and I've never seen a sasquatch near golden BC (unless you count the waitresses at the husky truck stop *shudder*)
  6. Greg, when we last fished the Bow, I was on your 12'6 right? If so, it was very manageable given the very tight shoreline we worked, but an even shorter stick might be better there, BUT... I'd think you'd lose a bit of distance in other wide open spots. I'd say go with something around the 12-12'6 range if I were u rusty.
  7. Google Map of what Im talking about Follow hwy 20 north of Idaho falls, towards west yellowstone, then go up hwy 287 thru Ennis and Three forks... amazing fishing all the way I stop often along this road
  8. Yeah I've parked the truck in back there. That one sure SUCKS to get back to the freeway from though!!! I agree with you, prices look great but quality looks marginal at best... Did you come back on the freeway or did you take hwy 20 from idaho falls up to Island Park? And then along the Madison river into Helena.... good road, and LOTS of fishy spots , plus all the BEST shops in Ennis!
  9. LOL Buuurrrrnnn!!! Maybe he ran 'the bison off the cliff near Ft Mcleod....
  10. There's some big fish in it. Few and far between right now, but that'll soon change This spring in a 200 fish day, I managed one of 28", one 26", 2 @ 24", and a few in the 18-22" range. That was a physco productive day (no wind, calm, warm) in late May. All were released. Believe it or not...I never got another chance to fish it this year.... explored a few other honey holes around here though Can't wait to fish it again!
  11. LOLOL... That would be awesome. Have like 5 guys in the middle of 10 flags. All in chairs facing eachother. Tackle ice fishing. Game on! Rule #1 ) First one to touch the tip up gets to reel it in. Rule #2 ) No more rules......
  12. Sorry to hear about your friend. Glad you got to spend some precious time with him. I guess my number one from '07 would be: Every night I fished the Bow on the dry this year..... from meeting guys like MTB, Glenbow, Toolman, Maxwell, and many many more. The highlight of the year was the steelhead trip to BC with Toolman in Oct. We didn't catch a whole lot, but the experience and friendships we made out there were amazing and I can't wait till next year!
  13. I'd be game for the golden's too. As a bunch of us have said - it's on the list but never been tried. Maybe 2008 shall be FFC "Golden Years" lol
  14. all I can add to this is "woo-hoo!!" having a fishery like this only 20 minutes from home is... well... AWESOME. I'll have the opportunity to be on it a LOT with my kids. Could'nt be happier!
  15. Ok here's mine. To do another steelhead trip. And meet more of you guys. Let's hear yours..
  16. Japanese / Chinese vids are the best. They sure know how to make something cheesy on purpose and make ya laugh...
  17. Ahh, well I don't know what there worth really. I got my 10 footer in exchange for demoing his rods and advertising through my old guide service, which he now actually owns. I thought the rods were in the $900 range, don't know much about the blanks though..
  18. Here's mine. I had an awesome year. Met some great people this year. Had an EPIC trip for steelhead, and learned to fish the 2 hander! Probably my all around favorite year, even though I didn't catch anything REALLY huge... (best fish of the year was a 26.5 brown that I didn't get a pic of) so here they are.........
  19. aww crap. I forgot about this post. I just got back today. Played at a rink in the SE i dont even know which one. I had my 2 boys 13 and 14yr old so we didn't go to hard but we had a lot of fun. Played at a little pond in Okotoks too.. was fun.
  20. Full gear NOT needed... just skates and a stick.. it's a lotta fun. Full geared goalies would be sweet
  21. Hey all. Im gonna be in town from 26-29 or so, have some hockey planned. There's 5 of us that are gonna lace up for sure... if anyone else wants to join in some fun friendly shinny type hockey at one of the outdoor rinks in town, lemme know. I usually go to a rink around 40 ave and 40st somewhere I dont know the address but if people are interested in meeting us I'll GET u the address. We'll basically be there every night till they shut the lights out...
  22. sadly, this might end up being all we can send in a greeting card soon.............. we've taken the lord's prayer out of schools but allowed the schools to supply our kids condoms. anyone else see a problem here? society sucks.....
  23. I think we have it all summed up right there. It's been written that there are phases of a flyfisherman's evolution. I have my own, have read some slightly differing ones too. But in the end, you end up back at that favorite stream, struggling to tie on a fly in the faded half light of the canyon....
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