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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Spoken like a true steelheader!!!
  2. Bah... I've tried to TRY to enjoy ice fishing. But I can't. Long live the chinooks and new years day on the Crow!
  3. I think I read that syncline does NOT have hookups. You can survive a couple days wihtout 'em can't ya?
  4. Ok so you guys definately wanna stay away from the long weekend and Im fine with that So we should do it where people can make it on weekdays OR a weekend. So vote...
  5. The trand appeared to be "let's go south" Here's a narrowed down version. Most guys wanted Highwood / cataract or crowsnest area... soooo...
  6. Well I think based on people's opinions, this should be on a NON long weekend, and run either * thursday - sunday * or a * friday - tuesday * kinda thing... agreed?
  7. Yup!!! LOL.... ok we really do have a posting problem. Let's try and get completely off topic. So... what do you guys think of BC's regs?? LOL
  8. LOL... dayaaannngggg it was TWO fish.... and 5 loaves.... so if 2 fish can feed the 5 thousand, a 2 fish day is certainly a 5000 fish day, isn't it?
  9. Sure they werent looking at the tent you probably had in your pants Harry? LOL
  10. I might know the one your talking about *grin* Bring your bear spray, and make sure u can run faster than LS....
  11. How bout we start on a wednesday or something, and go right thrhu to sat or sunday. ? Then we'll book maybe the one at syncline with 16 sites. 125/night. BYOB... sound good to anyone?
  12. Been tying for probably about 8 years now. Can't tie alone I find it too boring so I don't really tie a lot. I'm the kind of guy that needs to be chatting about fishing while tying, and at the end of the night look down and I got 2 - 3 dozen of something. Had a lot of fun tying some steelhead flies for the trip to BC this year though... while prodding toolman to hurry and and finish his work commitments.
  13. I've had some great luck most winter days I fish just before or even at the fall of darkness, with streamers fished slowly. The brown in my profile was taken in January a half hour before dark. I'd go anytime ya can! Unless it's too cold lol...
  14. Dustin. I had a client when I guided tell me about some very VERY interesting fishing in Sask. What do you get when you have a province full of people who know nothing about trout and a few lakes stocked with them? (answer:lakes with trout that no one fishes with prolific bug life and 15+ lb trout). There fine...
  15. Vote for location... or add comments if you like none of the above.
  16. Ok awesome.. allright fellas, vote. I'd like to keep the ball rolling so we can get to booking and planning who's gonna bring what, etc and where.
  17. Hope this poll works - I never started one on this forum before...
  18. I tried - HARD - to become a stamps fan. But born and raised in Sask till I was 14... I guess I just bleed green... GO RIDERS!
  19. LOL you guys are horrible Enjoy the ONE day of the year (if your married) where you got at LEAST a 75% chance....
  20. Oh and I should add, that I bought the korker's this year too, with steel laces thing, and I love them. I find them quite lightweight actually, but that's compared to real cheapo boots that can take a beating that I use to buy every year..
  21. LOL.... how the HECK are ladies like you single? I don't get it. My wife doesn't fish at all. It's sad in one sense ... but... heh... a guys gotta get away from it all every now and then too right?
  22. and um... where is it? lol (I should probably know but I never really ever had to go to a campsite a whole lot except racehorse or Livingstone falls)
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