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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. OK well syncline --- is it nice and treed? More info + how can we book it, and at what cost? sounds like there will be more than enough interest to go ahead with it..
  2. Really cool presentation... I love it.
  3. Hey Clive/Taco... you guys know any good group campisng spot down south we could book then? Looks like people wanna get away from the Bow. Maybe something around Hiawatha would be good (there's a dozen rivers and some lakes within half an hour).. Though, if we fish the Crow... I'll probably have 45 guys following me in the bushes trying not to trip on sticks wearing ninja camo....
  4. They always counted fish back then. Wasn't it 5 fish and 2 loaves of bread?
  5. whatever we come up with I'm down for a hat and T shirt for sure.
  6. OMG he lives @ McKenzie and has 3 kids? That's where I lived in Calgary, must be something in the water
  7. Are we pretty much leaning towards this being NOT on the bow then? would u guys prefer the SW corner with access to livingstone, oldman, crow, castle area? We could always random camp provided we spend the time to clean it up too. and do it properly. I kind of agree on the Non weekend if were going to be anywhere in cutthroat country. Weekends down there are a gong show. Keep the idea flowing. Sounds like at least there's a lot of interest, and I'd be glad to do some arranging on this.
  8. Wow... ya try and invite him fishing and I think he mistook ya.... and got all offended.. simmer down man... simmer down...
  9. Nice pics man! Looks like fun!
  10. True, but for now, this far in advance, lets get one together for somewhere so that everyone can have SIX MONTHS to make arrangements to be there. I started another post for NON competitive campout.
  11. Nice ride. Got a tying bench in it? Can you guys imagine having to fish in alberta "dry only"... would make this a whole lot more challenging wouldn't it..
  12. Why should I respond to something about guide licensing? I don't guide anymore... I've always thought it should happen, everyone knows that. Except you, by your tone. Being a guide isn't about having this and that.... it's about tailoring a trip around someone's needs.. you seem to think a bunch of shiny boats and reels is all you need... maybe we outta worry about licensing allright. make it based around people skills.... weed out people like you I guess...
  13. Wow. Fishhead. You are an ass. Did you ever stop to think that good old Bowcrow took people to reliable spots to teach them HOW to fish the bow river without a boat? And now most of 'em could catch just as many fish as anyone WITH a boat. Go take your boat and your attitude and shove it... as far as Bow river spey. When I got a steep bank behind me, and I can only wade out 5 feet (or not even that) and there are lot's of places like that, the spey can do what a single hander can't. Even when wading I can cover a LOT more water than normal. It's very usefull. Nothing can be bad about covering 50% more water on swinging streamers through deep pools in winter can it? The only thing I can't find it usefull would be for dries. As far as nymphs and streamers, and SHORE fishing becuase not all of us can afford a boat and a jet boat no less, the spey is better than all other single rods as far as covering the whole river, close and far, period. My first time nymphing a winter hole with a spey, with runners on, I fished a mid river seam and pulled about 15-20 fish from it. Fish I wouldn't have reached with any other rod.... in a run I can't see any other way to have gotten to those fish.... from shore. How the hell does having a boat make you a BETTER fisherman? In my opnion, it makes you a worse one.... you can drive right up to the fish instead of having to work for them. I should'nt get in an arguement with this guy.... but he's logic is simply stupid. And he obviously is too high on himself to realize the term "niche market".... and teaching REAL people how to fish not the rich...
  14. Who is interested in a non competitive FFC campout? In July, some weekend? If we get enough interest now, let's book something. Only competitions will be who can consume the most bevvy's around a big campfire. Don't some of you guys play guitar? that'd be cool for around the fire. We could do some fly tying as well. Anyone got portable tying gear? I do... Anyways, who is interested?
  15. Well... all I really wanna do is camp and meet everyone. Let's plan a weekend in July. Book it now. That way the people who are in the fishing industry can book it off now (if they really want to come)...
  16. ROFL..... who can cast into a hula hoop at 30 paces ,..... AFTER 6 beer........ !!! lol
  17. Maybe it fell under the following, but if u PM the admin's I'd say you probably could get the OK to post what you had up... I can't see it harming anything... Here's the bit "Do not use the FlyFishCalgary.com forum features to sell or trade articles or services as a business entity. While users may wish to buy, sell and trade items through Private 'For Sale' areas, these areas are for use by individuals only. Any 'business' wishing to offer product for sale should contact the FlyFishCalgary.com administrators via Personal Message or Email and request the right to sell or advertise merchandise through the web site." hope that helps
  18. Daggone, your right, that's no whitefish!!! Good thing you left the spey back home! Look forward to more. Looks like a pretty place for sure.
  19. So no one likes my idea? No offense to u guys spending hours on this "madmax" logo. BUT.... how ya gonna get that on t-shirts that u can tell what it is from more than 2 feet? Just a thought. Plus it's almost gonna have to be a white or light colored T or Hat or whatever for that to work. I dunno bout u guys, but I wear dark clothes most of the time. Most ninja's do..
  20. Ok so team Hawgstoppah is Hawgstoppah, Kritofr, 3 open spots. Or is is team captain and then 5 members? My team is going to be semi experienced bow river fisherman. Let's see if the young guns can take us down. MTB you on my team? Need yah. Need a few more vets too. Lynn, this sounds awesome, let's roll with it. Anyone know how to book the group campsite area at carseland? Let's do this. Can't think of anything more fun here. If we plan it now, I'm sure everyone can get the time off....
  21. I'll have to see if the funbuster will let me attend this one. She might have a lot of honeydo stuff around then but.... I'll put in the request now.
  22. Some thoughts - on the "skills competition" side of things. an on the lawn target casting course perhaps? someone bring things like - a hula hoop, a dinner plate, a pop can etc. If ya hit all 3 from 30 feet, you go on to the next round, etc. And a long cast competition, on the lawn, with any ONE rod (anotherwords, someone can't come in with a 10 foot 6wt rod and compete against some one with a 7 foot 3 , 3wt rod)... so we'd need to decide on a rod we all figure we can cast at the competition. On the river? It's all about one's ability to catch fish... the true skill on the river isn't being pretty or precise... it's catching fish. If being pretty AND precise catches you more fish... then great. But I've seen a few fellas that are as sloppy as hell on the casts that could outfish 95% of the Bow river fisherman..
  23. I agree Teck. I don't care about the competition per se.... all though one half day of competition, measured success by total inches of fish, between teams, would be fun. I'd like to camp and meet everyone who would be willing to come out. I know some of you guys out there think there's an elitist "group" involved in this community... I kinda hope not. Here's our chance to all get together and share stories, tips, tricks, info, and a good time.
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