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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Ok so, are we tying anything in specific or should we just submit whatever. and where do we mail the hockey pool flies? I am going to tie a dozen of my #18 midge pupae I like to fish so much, you guys will find them usefull
  2. Ok so we all sell our houses, subdivide this place up, and build on the land. sounds good. Dibs on the corner upstream from horseshoe bend
  3. Well I kinda like the idea of more events / trips rather than outrageous prices on a few, so hopefully we'll see you on the Oldman bud!
  4. I watched it last night driving to Pocatello. It was out the driver's window and I had an amazing starry sky to see it. It's something else to view from the top of Monida pass, with NO light pollution at all. Wicked event. Phoned the wife to make sure kids got to see it too, they'd never seen one before.
  5. I assume your making fun of me here Markd, but I brought up a serious point. How many of you SERIOUS bow river nymph fisherman notice line wear at the points that you hold while in a drift? or while setting the hook, etc. Check line guides, and cut yer fingernails... if you fish like me and set the hook on everything, your gonna cut into the line with anything and everything.
  6. I'd have to echo that... for all but the bull trout fishing all the rod you need is a 4wt. If it's too windy to fish a 4wt, you won't get a good rpesentation with any outfit, in my opinion. I love my St croix Legend Ultra 3wt, but I think youer be4st bet is to go try a bunch of rods at a shop willing to let you do so, and get the one that feels best and matches best with your casting stroke. you never know, it might be the $150-300 dollar rod that suprises you. And for a reel, I'd highly recommend Islansder.. have had 'em for 8+ years on two different outfits and they have been nothing short of superb (even taking the abuse of 250+ days / reel / year some years that I guided). I have never lost a fish becuase of an Islander reel, something I cannot say about any other reel that's ever graced any of my rods.
  7. bigBREASTEDbrent? lol, must be an inside joke... I voted for GGP... I love that originality. I really like pacres too, but GGP's eventually won out. If this had to be a fishable pattern, I'd go with Pacres fly for sure.
  8. I always clip my fingernails before fishing. I found that it actually really helps keep your line from cracking and waering where you hands touch it most, especially nymphing bow river style with a lot of hooksets , etc. Anyone else tried this or other things that work for you (aside from regular cleaning / lubing your line)..?
  9. Another good idea would be when your fishing beside ice (and your wading) you should be at LEAST as far away from it as it is tall... like if you got a 10 foot ice bank behind you, it can break off and fall 10 feet out pretty quick .I'd give it 10ft + 5 for safety. If you have to go any closer, your really taking your life in your hands, not only could it crush you, but even a 100lb peice of ice can pin you under if it gets you right.
  10. Dang I wish I would have seen this earlier. I had a sick idea just now. Maybe next year. Cool flies guys. I like them all.
  11. if it sinks fast, you'll be able to find many practical uses. I'd do what was suggested and paint on the eyes.. looks good though Should be a real god fly for bull trout hunting. Cast towards where water plunges into a deeper spot (a plunge pool), and let the current sweep it down right to the bulls waiting there on the bottom under all that white water
  12. I'd gladly do 'em but in my line of work I spend every second I'm home, with the kids, or fishing, instead of tying. Lately I've had far too few hours to myself, so my biggest fear would be that I'd commit to a swap, and then not be able to make time (or want to make time) to tie the flies. And I got no one to tie with now, I can't afford to drive to Leth for tuesday nights even if I was at home, and I can't tie by myself I find it really boring. I gotta be yapping about the fishing, to tie effectively. And talking to my wife about fhshing is like her talking to me about shoe shopping....
  13. I guess what I was trying to say that, I don't really think who is elected will make much of a big difference. educate me as to who and why to vote for someone who will make a difference (for SURE) in our fishing enjoyment. Becuase right now to me I don't think it matters who is in the gov't there, as long as good folks continue to organize and run programs that are working now I think they would be accepted in gov't... Do I really think some gov't is gonna come in and really clean up alberta's fishing? no... that's something we have to do... just my 2 cent's really.... (not a big gov't lover atm.... there in my pockets for 4k for something out of my control , kinda not happy at 'em)
  14. Max, Some awesome shots there man. One in particular brings back memories of an epic day....
  15. Don. I strongly disagree here. The govt never has and never will do enough... there always very slow and only reactive, not pro-active. I myself grow tired of pressing gov't for changes WE CAN make. How many views on the streamwatch auction page right now? Don't call us out on our priorities here man.... I think I speak for most of us when I say that I am sick of gov't dragging their feet again and again. Give me a cuase I know without a doubt is gonna make a difference though, and I'll be all for it...
  16. I gotta go with Iggy. He fights, plays hard, scores, leads by example, and I've never heard him whine or bitch once. Atta boy!
  17. $120 on item #29 please (4 doz oldman dry flies from fish tales).
  18. Ya I kinda go by Hawgstoppah now too on the road.... people are like WTF does that mean and I gotta explain it to them.. I go fishin, I catch hawgs, therefore I am the hawgstoppah.
  19. What a ton of amazing trips and items to be up for auction! Man I wish I had some cash! ... looks like so far this auction total is up over 5,000 bucks. wow!
  20. Well. At least I made it home and had a candlelight dinner with the funbuster. No flowers... I gave her a handmade card though... melted her like butter. And then the evening went south. I had to sit through West Side Story. Now don't get me wrong, but the only gangs that would be dancing around like that NOW, would be the ones with a misguided sexual orientation... heh... jee whiz anyways... I actually laffed my arse off at most of it, the cheese factor was very high. *Goes into a back alley and starts yelling MARIA MARIA*
  21. I know harry - H20 - has, hopefully he can offer some insight (such as, never driftboat on a river u don't know after dark) lol
  22. Considering the size of some of those bow river trout nowadays, and the above video, maybe a kayak ain't a bad idea?
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