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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Ya for those of you that want to increase your learning curve on the Bow, or even if your pretty good and want to learn something new, Max knows how to catch 'em. Just don't let him fish with ya, cuz you won't catch squat if he puts a line in the water near ya LOL (damn that kids catches fish!!!)
  2. Well I for one think that society wouldn't be going in the direction it is going if more people put their butts in a seat at church... however, having said that.. I ain't very good at attending myself either. I do believe... it's just hard to beleive when it's gonna be +11 and no wind,
  3. Hey without a million flushes / day the bow just wouldn't be the bow..... now would it?
  4. I sure would NOT want to see it cross those wetlands. The least impact would be to build the 4 lane road on the existing roadway with a barrier between opposing traffic.
  5. No. That fish is 23 inches and 5lbs at the very best. This guy said he got a 38 pound brown in the Bow too, so yeah, he's full of it on fish sizes that's for sure. These guys hit the highwood area every year for a month, and pretty much gill every fish and THROW them back in on release to spite fly fisherman. I suggest we get a C.O. down there this year, or someone should film him when he does that, so we can show the world what a arse he is.
  6. not sure on that becuase no money is being exchanged between the "guide" and "customer" for the act of guiding. Would have to look into it, of course. I don't think most of these trips offered are actual "guided" trips, really. Who has a license? Not me... I quit a few years back and even then no guiding license was required in Alberta, but who has a business license, insurance, etc. Bidders had better be aware that most of whats offered here is "at your own risk" type stuff.... I'll look into the BC angle. Hopefully it can be done.
  7. Fisher26, got any resources or info I can go look at? I havent heard, nor can I find, any info on this.
  8. No one jumped on this? Man... I hate to, too easy but Max come ON.. ya can't make it that easy. Next time we fish I'm gonna stay farther away you cackhander!
  9. Might be why my bow river weapon of choice is a 10 foot 6 weight brutha!!
  10. River etiquitte at crowded spots has been bad on the bow for 10 or more years. Being there first doesn't seem to metter to some people, even when there's tons of fish elsewhere. If they see YOU catching fish in YOUR spot, there gonna crowd you and tangle in your lines and do everything they can to try and bust in on the spot that your catching fish at. Then when YOU get pissed off after 5 hours of this kind of behavoir, and have left your spot several times to catch lots of fish where others where fishing and getting nothing, and have the same jackasses continue to step all over you, then the same people will flame you all over internet bulletin boards and in flyshops for years, telling tales of how "you" are a pompous ass with no respect for others, even though it was you who got walked all over. So yea, river etiquitte's been gone to hell for a long time. I personally go by the rule of, if you wanna fish where I am come talk to me. If you wanna fish where I am and don't talk to me (like all the jackasses on the day I refer to) then I'm gonna make your fishing through where I am a miserable time for you. Anyone who comes up to me and chats before fishing, is more than welcome to fish where I'm at and will probably get info on how deep, what flies, and where.... Etiqutte on one small stream down here I have fished a couple times is, if someone's paked there, don't go... period.
  11. I was there when I was about 15 and JUST learning to fly fish. I remember the yellowstone river itself didn't open till July 15th... but maybe that has changed. I hit it on opening day and there was a LOT of guys on it (like, 15 in view everywhere you went), but even I managed 4 big cutts by using stonefly nymphs. The fish would actually use my legs as a current break, it was crazy. If you get a chance, take a boat ride over to the south end of the big lake (yellowstone lake) in the park. The cutty fishing was insane... really insane, a fish on every cast almost. Maybe they still run those boat rides over there (they drop ya off with a canoe or such)...
  12. Ok so how did I start? Been fishing since grandpa first put a rod in my hands. I think I got addicted to the fly fishing bug when I moved to alberta when I was 14 and saw a fella at Nic Sheran at Lethbridge land about 5 huge browns in an hour. He taught me a few simple things, and I also started with the trusty berkley cherrywood Picked up almost all of the rest on my own, through hard practice, reading, and observing the good fisherman and asking a lotta questions. Learned a lot from watching others.
  13. Still works on sunday's at my house, although it's the wife wondering if I'll be joining her today or not... LOL
  14. amen.... thought it's nice if once or twice a summer if the wife and young kids come along and we just spend a day (read a few hours) on some small little stream chasing small little fish.
  15. LS It'll be up again next year for sure. I hope someone bids on this years edition of it... it'll be a lot of fun 3 days chasing bulls, cutts, bow's etc. If the guys wanna go over to BC for a day since I'm not technically guiding that'd be ok as well, I know some spots over there too.
  16. I'd come when I can if this gets set up. Probably better off doing it later for now so people can get off the river and then come, and earlier in the summer so u can go fishing afterwords. Saturdays might be the only day that works for me, as sometimes when were in calgary that's the best time for me to escape the family stuff.
  17. Sad news. Thoughts + prayers are with ya. If I only had 6 months I'd quit work and fish it out to the last day. Without a doubt.
  18. Sure I do. I have absolutely no rights in my own damn country, while just about every other race gets special rights. Anotherwords, we get hosed.
  19. Greg. Can I get $175 on item 30 please. I would love to spend a day increasing my spey casting skillset.
  20. Me and Greg used these to good success (well, unless you count fish to HAND, but we had a lotta pulls/hookups on these) for BC Steel... I'm sure in a nerfed down bow river version they'd be deadly. I'd tie em with some brown, white , red gills and they'll trash the bow.
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