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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. I agree Teck. I don't care about the competition per se.... all though one half day of competition, measured success by total inches of fish, between teams, would be fun. I'd like to camp and meet everyone who would be willing to come out. I know some of you guys out there think there's an elitist "group" involved in this community... I kinda hope not. Here's our chance to all get together and share stories, tips, tricks, info, and a good time.
  2. Dang.... I'd love to go but I'm stuck with the kids for a few days myself....
  3. All I want for christmas is a new front tooth literally... lol
  4. What? No whiteifsh or burbot yet? I'm afraid to say it Glen... but it looks like you got your work cut out for you! Have fun man... look forward to some more pics!
  5. I'll captain the Old Vets team. Need 5 flyfishers who have been on the Bow for a while... let's say... fished it for 10 or more years. We should make this a "clave". July sometime. I'll book it off work now if we do. We could book the group use area at Carseland.. and all camp and have fun. Make it for about 2-3 days. I'll bring the weinies!
  6. Ran into the whole Blue Collar comedy tour entourage at a truckstop once. Jeff foxworthy, Ron White, Bill Engvall, and Larry the cable Guy. Larry the Cable guy is as funny in real life as he is on his shows. Talked to the boys for a half hour b4 they had to get moving. It was awesome. There hilarious
  7. But to be honest.... how would you breathe if someone put you in muck, and maybe got a little bit in your lungs? Just something to think about, not saying I am a saint, but we should all try to do better.
  8. Wasn't really directed at yer pic man. Your fish is mostly in the water. It's these shots of fish NOT in a net, against dry leaves, rocks, ice, whatever....
  9. Birchy. The Bow river isn't the only gem in Alberta. It's just the one all them "YYC'ers" have to spend there time on cause it's close. *wink* PS Clive... you a pilot or something? Not many people use the term YYC... you dang YQL'er. Or does coaldale have an airport? lol
  10. Um, the video wasnt made by "toolman"... incase your confused here. A few of us that know toolman kinda ribbed him, and that's not where this thread was intended to go. Apologies. Back on topic. I agree on the use of a large net as Max suggests. Or keep 'em in the water. Beaching is OK if the beaching is done in a foot of water. I think we tend to get a bit too crazy on the handling of fish. If you guys are going to *hit on this guy for his landing of that fish, then please get on the people who continually post photo's in the photo's section, of fish laying on the rocks / in the mud / on leaves / on ice. Don't just get on one guy that posted a video. there's enough blatant misrespect of the fish *AMONG US ON THIS FORUM* to be worried about.... sadly.....
  11. LOL.... but no............ We should have an ornage hat somewhere in all this. Make Greg happy
  12. LOL.... good to see I'm not the only guy who shops on the 24th
  13. 1 - sugar cookies, shortbread cookies. 2 - halfway there. Tree is up lights are on it but it's not fully decorated yet. Lights on outside are up (nice weather, take advantage of it guys, get that ladder out.... come on hop to it.... ok.. ok.. I ADMIT IT!!!!... I left 'em up all year!! LOL ) 3 - all dang year Lynn, no excuses needed but if you need one.... after 10AM.... perfectly acceptable 4 - Spey gear. And my wife is getting it ... wow! wooohoo! and a table saw. But I'd rather get the spey gear...
  14. Ooohh just read the other post. Hey anything you want when your around, just ask. If you want to try the Crowsnest River, by all means... I just happen to know a few spots. *wink* I'm sure Toolman, Max, and myself, and a lot of members on this board , can show ya some great fishing.
  15. Glad your home. Hope your feeling well enough soon to go enjoy some of the last nice days out there. *HE CAN ROW*
  16. Hey I was just teasing you mang................ relax.
  17. It can be some of the very best fishing of the year on the Bow. Normally the first week of July sees some very prolific hatches, including golden stones and thick evening caddis hatches. The water is usually still fairly high and cool, and the trout are quite active. Late August the water can be low, it can be +30C every single day, and the fishing can be very poor (unless you like night fishing). However, you might get some terrific hopper fishing... although for some reason the last few years haven't been quite as good on hoppers as it can be. Do you plan on just the Bow? or are you camping and hitting cutthroat streams too? give us some more info.
  18. I do like the fisherman holding a fish logo if you guys can fix that fish. Right now it looks silly to me ..... other than that I do like it. Here's a few more of mine . I think some of you thought it had to be a square. I can be whatever ya want.... a circle, rectangle, blue on black, whatever you can come up with for colors... just I like the simple idea... and probably so does whoever's gonna pay and / or embroider for these items. here's an example more of what I had in mind for it. Tell me you wouldn't get recognized on the river sporting one of these!
  19. Hey Greg. I dunno if you and max should do a release video... unless Max holds the fish LOLOL (inside joke, but every time Greg holds a fish for a pic with me behind the camera, it's flapping around somewhere or it's gone for a swim....lol ... the fish pick up an extra 95% slime factor or something)
  20. OK here's next year's steelie trip. Get in chopper, don flying suit, grab speyrod, find good looking hole from above, and FLY IN!!!! BBBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Oh and I forgot to mention, I play fairly extensive and graphical online games on it all the time (world of warcraft) so u shouldn't have any problems. And, yeah, I'm addicted to those dang games... /sigh
  22. Amen I have the Linksys "wireless G broadband router" works amazingly well. I had a D - Link before that that was a peice of sh**.... so that's 3 votes Linksys... if your gonna get a replacement..
  23. Ok here's my thoughts. Fancy logo's may look great and be appealing... BUT... if you want instant recognizability anywhere, it's gotta be simple... very simple. The mayfly isn't a bad idea, but the first thing that catches my eye in a new place I drive through is any outline of a trout. We all naturally see the outline of a trout and associate it with our passion, rightly so.... I've driven right by fly shops that had a mayfly, or rod and reels, as a logo, and never even knew it... so here are MY choices for a logo... These would be easy to embroider, as well as to get put on T-shirt's, etc. Ya like or no like?
  24. LOL... Yeah. we should go chase that fat bastage........... might have some free time this week actually.
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