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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Snowwolf, In order to successfully fish the Bow in the winter you need 2 things. A chinook and no job. If both of those things happen at once, you can get a lot of fishing done. If not, you end up like me, having not fished since the solstice event on dec 21st on the crow.
  2. Just did some quick math and all together we've raised OVER $5000 so far!!!! Awesome! I'd love to go on Clive and ADC's pike hunt, but I can't top that 400, maybe next year Unless ya cant go to your fav lake there and it's opened up for 2 people to bid. I could go in with someone to top that bid.
  3. Montana sucked too. Just got home. Slid down the hill north of Helena (literally) with 86.000 lbs of stone as a load. When 86.000 lbs can't hold you to the road, nothing can. Lot's of 4x4's in the ditch.. lol .. clowns.
  4. Ha! Greg you got about as much chance as I do tonight eh? I hope your presentation entices an aggressive strike from one of those beauties lined up at the back of the pool
  5. Guys. Please let you bosses know about this one. what better way to reward the employee's of the year with a 3 day getaway. Let's get some big corporate bidding on this one please Plan is to hit the Oldman, Crow, Livingstone, Carbondale, castle, or whatever else the winning bidder wants to do. I hope this one goes off big. Guys this lodge is excellent. Anyone who wants more details on the lodge please visit Kai's website. You'll be able to relax after your day on the water in a very freindly atmosphere with lots of beverages of your choosing available... (the TRUE pilsner Kai serves is amazing)... So if anyone has any contacts in bigger companies, or any companies that treat there employees to the odd something or other, maybe drop an e-mail to the boss for this one. Thanks guys!
  6. Oh and I can take as many as want to come along (within reason, 4 might be ok while FORTY would not be.. lol)
  7. Hey Greg, can you just let folks know that the trips will meet in the crownsnest pass (or at the Gap) as I won't be able to pick people up from Calgary unfortunately. And there the same as my old trips used to be when I ran guiding services. Bring yer own lunch/snacks/beverages and prepare to start early and stay as late as you want... none of this 8 hour stuff... this can start at 7am and end at 11pm if you want. Be prepared to do a bit of walking if you want the best spots, but if the winning bidder is not able to walk far, I have some nice spots for that too. I'd like to make this a friday/sat/sun thing, unless I have a gap in work schedule. Winning bidders should be flexible on dates please I have 2 rods that can be set up for the trip, or bring your own (recommended rod is a 3-5wt with floating line, and if you got an 7-8wt kicking around in case we spot some bulls, have it lined with fast sink tip). Hope they sell well, =)
  8. Come drive my truck for a week and ya might change yer mind Seriously though, let it snow. Hope the snowpack is real good up there, we'll need it for the summers we seem to be having lately.
  9. I got way too many. But just from last year. Every time I went out, thunder and lightning followed me. Then, it was wild animals. Cougar stalked me for a half hour on the Bulkley with Toolman, and then on the Crow at the solstice we saw FRESH cougar prints as well. Funniest was when I was camping with a couple clients a bear came into camp and drank 21 cans of beer (and ate the remainder of our ribs and chicken) and we found it the next morning passed out 200 yards from the campsite on the road out. (Livingstone area)
  10. Ha! That totally made my day. I'm glad you got a chance to experience it! Aweseom ain't it?? I too would love to do a lot more exploring out there..
  11. Aww man snake, thanx for sharing. I too had the pleasure of fishing this river. There's a big pullout just when you turn on to hwy #17 right there, big enough for a truck to park *grin*... In a couple hours I had 4 of those guys, all on a SJW, and all in the 19-22 inch range, and it was in late August and the colors were ridiculous. I've misplaced the pics somewhere in 4 moves in the last 10 years, or else I'd scan some in to show ya as well. The bellies were SooOOOOooooo red it was unreal. Prettiest trout I have ever caught by far.. Long live the Nipigon!
  12. Hey I see that the FFC booth will have FFC gear up for sale (hats, shirts, etc) PICTURES please! I will 99% - 100% not be able to make the show, but I'd like some gear if it's nice.
  13. Just make sure it's on your truck and your keys are in YOUR pocket...
  14. Glen, glad YOU did well. I on the other had, try this kind of stuff and get told "come on ya wuss get back to workin on that chore list".
  15. LOL..... *sigh* I hate all this politically correct horshe shYt.. I'm gonna start bitching about whitefish then. I find it offensive to have a fish named after *MY* people.
  16. And... that's gotta be still open as well... I was last thru about a month ago and sure enough, people were out in -5C temps to fish there...
  17. Oh, for something closer to whitefish, you might try the river that goes thru Colombia Falls, MT. Sorry I can't remember what it's called BUT... every time I cross the bridge into Colombia Falls on highway US#2 , there's usually people fishing from the bridge. Trolling some sorta stuff in the current from the bridge. My boss says there fishing for whites there, but that the river has a lotta trout too.
  18. Looks like a squawfish. I got those by the boatload trying to catch a trout from a dock on a cabin on Okanagan Lake several years ago.
  19. I see lots of people on the Missouri River west of great falls (near Craig, MT) every time I go by... so it's gotta be open to fishing and from what I hear, a VERY productive fishery. It's about Bow River sized.
  20. Well I hate to see them shopping Tanguay around.... if it means keeping Huselius and Langkow... then ... I'd trade tanguay... Lombardi has potential. Lot's of guys didn't think a certain guy named Marty St loius had any potential either. Too small... only thing going for him is speed etc etc.....
  21. No, Im a die hard flames fan who's a bit tired of not seeing everyone on the team give 100% each and every shift. Getting a bit tired of the seemingly league wide bulletin that went out to the refs this year to give the other team twice as many power plays every game too. Every game I see, two guys do the same thing, one guy with a flames jersey goes to the sin bin, while the other one just gets away with it.
  22. Haha best line ever!! welcome to the site!
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