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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Be carefull what ya google when typing in "intruder" lol Maybe I shoulda typed in intruder FLY
  2. He better stay off the highways then, with my track record over the last week I *WILL* prove sasquatch exists by the evidence on the side of the road... albeit flattened, will still prove conclusively that bigfoot exists. Then the debate will shift to, "was there only one?"
  3. Not too sure this is possible on a nymphing hookset. I mean, if you set slow these bow river fish that have seen thousands of flies have spit yours by the time you set up on it. I say set fast and set hard, you'll find out how many fish you've been missing folks. 90% of my clients hardly had to change anything, except for their hooksets, to increase their Bow river success by triple or more.
  4. LOL come to think of it.... maybe it WAS *begin creepy music overtones*
  5. Seems all too common though.... in my opinion
  6. Well, she's certainly slowing down on the auction here. But wow ... almost 7000 bucks!!! awesome!
  7. This is why our fisheries are in trouble. If enforcement doesn't take the regs seriously, how the hell do we expect poachers to?
  8. Actually, just looked at yer original question again. You never specified "bow river" nymphing. In smaller rivers I go with a weight at the bottom (wether it's a wire san juan or a tag end with a knot and some splits, either way works well)
  9. and.... in using tougher "tippet" I found that if I did want the weight between flies and tied a knot to keep it there, a weak point was really a non issue.
  10. Amen. Forget your light tippets for nymphing the bow guys. I used Berkley trilene XT spools for years. 6 and 8lb test. Gotta have something that's tough.
  11. VP. For nymphing, you sound like your using the style I teach (or taught anyway) and that's banging the hell out of everything that even twitches your indicator. That's good, trust me. And no, the fish don't spook from your line spalshing the water when your nymphing or I woulda never caught a dang thing, and I got my fair share. I was probably the noisiest nympher the river had ever seen at the time too. I guess it all depends on the water you in though, becuase if it's slow deep stuff they might spook, and if it's riffley, there not going to. So I'd say... adjust your angle's so that you have nothing behind you, or wade out a bit so you have nothing behind you and can make shorter casts into the fishy water... and keep at what your doing. if that's not possible, try the things like strip setting (rod tip low, strip a yard of line when you see any movement on indy if it stays down smash it with a hookset).
  12. No, that's my work. I hit everything smaller than deer over and over again.
  13. Brown is where it's at. And gold. the lovely colors of alberta. And white...... this year.
  14. If for some reason Picklejar is open in June, I'd make sure you got some reports before you go. With all the snows this winter I can't see any high mountain hikes being doable till mid July.
  15. So far yes, barely, ...but yes. Had a few near misses with those fellows at night. Black horse in a snowstorm = a "WTF is that AaaAAAAAAaaaHHHHH holy crap how'd I miss it?"
  16. Paolo Tagliano Not too scary. unless I don't get my delicio pizza.
  17. And yes, I did say "of the year". I think I am a dog "ace" already since I moved here. For some reason those reserve dogs can't figure how to stay away from 18 wheels...
  18. I ran over my first dog of the year going through the reserve with the truck. Yup, spring is here!
  19. I think I'd stay put. Far enough from calgary down here that no one's around (for the most part) and there's some "secret" spots that don't see more than 10 people a year I bet. Close enough to the pass and the oldman / liv, castle etc, and I see just about enough of the Bow in the summer to keep my feet wet but at the same time I have no desire at all to move back to Calgary. I like my 2 stoplight town.
  20. That's just... well... pisses me off to the extreme that people can get away with this for next to nothing. 4500 bucks is a step in the right direction, but his vehicle should have been taken too. I want to see a picture of this dude. We all should, so we can kick his friggin a$$ next time we see him at bullshead which will be this coming season... since they didn't take away the vehicle...
  21. Ya I guided chuck norris in the gap, you guys know that one rock that's split in two? He has a pretty powerfull cast! I told him to land on BY the rock, not on it... O well...
  22. Nice looking flies mate. I use a similar pattern for most of my lake fishing
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