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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Yeah... same. I'd say 90% of a big bull trout's diet is suckers / whites. The only time I think they can get a trout is when it's injured, big bulls are just too slow to catch a darting little rainbow or cutt.
  2. awesome. Maybe someday the funbuster will let me go on an epic trip like that.
  3. Hawgstoppah

    Cuba Si 2

    Tarpon AND bonefish in the same place... sounds like a sweet trip!
  4. I think this is where the young ones would say "PWNED"!!!!
  5. One line for coffee only, one line for anything else. Problem solved. Half the lineups, period. Most people just want to grab a coffee and that's it. Suggested that hundreds of times to different timmy's staff and managers. No idea why a good idea always falls on deaf ears.
  6. Tako. Sorry man but to maximize fishing locations we gotta do this mid summer. April sees only very limited open water on only 3 streams in S alberta. The rest of our trout water is closed until June 16th
  7. Who wants to join me tommorow on it? Thursday Mar 13th. Any takers?
  8. Late June and early July you'll smack those "fussy" crowsnest sippers with a #20 PMD. And never go without #20-24 trico emerger and dry combo. With the right presentation, you can pick of those fussy crosnest rainbows one by one. My box for this summer would include Caddis of various patterns #16-20 PMD #18-20 BWO #18-22 Adams #12-22 Green Drake #10 Golden stone #6-10 Salmonfly #2-4 Trico #20-24 (and emerger patterns dropped of 24" of 7x leader in #24) Black Ant #16-18 Hopper (#4-10) That's about it. 10 patterns I rely on year after year. If they don't work, I figure I need to go work on MY skills, becuase my presentation was dreadfull.
  9. I second this. Also, when doing this, make sure you also try, add weight, cast upstream (slightly), mend upstream, tighten line, feel tapping along bottom, let flies stay on bottom and swing in without stripping at all until there right below you, when you feel a good tug set, most times it'll be just bottom tugging at you but soon enough you'll have something tugging back. Make sure you have enough split shot on to bounce bottom about 5 seconds after you mend. This works best where a long riffle section slows down a lot and gets deep (sort of just where the "chop" ends and the river glides along slowly and deeply) ... walking speed water...
  10. Cheeler, I drove by the aftermath of a bad wreck there once involving a timmy's line and a big rig. Not a nice sight. Get off the damn highway people!!!! Is your LIFE worth a cup of coffee?
  11. Naw. I don't think I really have a chance at yah unless Miller goes down. You loaded up on goalies, and it was an excellent strategy.
  12. That would be sweet to hit that in the next day or two then, thjose fish havent seen much for a good while. Could catch 'em "off guard"
  13. I guess we could get this sucker rolling eh? There was a lot of interest. Maybe we should pick firm dates / location and get a sign-up sheet going. Can anyone organize that? I'm just too dang busy @ work right now to be reliable as far as the heavy duty organizing goes.
  14. I'm coming for YOU palemornin!!! Looks like Im in good shape to make the "playoffs" and recieve the bonus
  15. This was waaaaay better in person than it looks in the pictures. Taken near Shelby, MT last year during the fires in Montana.
  16. I was on it for a small time sat evening, and we had good success. #4 sjw and #18 midge, and / or #18 red bloodworm was a meal ticket for me. As was said before, lots of open water now (though down from the falls was still frozen on saturday, which meant I couldn't try the section from hwy 3 downstream)
  17. Just some observations here. 90% of fish takes will *NOT* make it move "erratically"... so you must hit everything that makes it move, period. Second observation. You say your always snagging bottom. Adjust your indicator for the run your fishing so that you only occasionally snag bottom. Fish are about 6 feet deep right now in slow water, there not in riffles until mid afternoon (if it's a sunny warm day). Try heading out on a sunny day at 2pm, and fish some 4 foot deep chop with your setup, with 2 BWO (or phesant tail) nymphs size 18, and a #4 sjw on the bottom as an anchor to the whole rig. Good luck out there. If all else fails having max show you around for a bit definately will make a difference.
  18. Yeah. Some of these warmer southern reservoirs would be prime bass water I'd bet.
  19. I do to. Check out the "wired stone" article in fly fisherman mag. I cant remember the date of it, but I use the tie almost exclusively. It's not as good as the one pictured, but it's good. If Korban still lurks this site, you should see some of the stone's he came up with. I would be afraid to put one in the water it might swim off!!
  20. Well I am almost embarrased by the simplicity and ease of this pattern, but I am going to enter it becuase of it's effectiveness. BWO nymph / emerger Thread: Olive 8/0 Hook: Daiichi #1130 size 16-20 Tail: Mallard Flank Thorax: White calf tail Body: built up thread Fish under your BWO dry on about 2 feet of 5 or 6x, and watch this little puppy do it's wonders when you can't get fish to rise to your BWO dry pattern.
  21. BTW birchy, that will work great tagged off the "big red midge"... like as your bottom fly. Then both will be down deep and you'll pick up fish on both. Real bloodworms in the Bow are about a size 20, and pretty close to that color of red, have pumped 'em outta fish this time of year, almost every sample had numerous bloodworms in it. (mind you I haven't pumped a fish for 3 or 4 years, but I sure things haven't changed too much)
  22. LOL.... I call these one's the bloodworms or midges, and a #2 san juan a BIG RED midge
  23. Oh come on, save yourself a ton of dough and just get yourself a thong
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