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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Sweet. Most RCMP still have shepards... I've been trying to look at pictures of that breed for a bit now. Malamute?? that's my best guess... My dad was a dog handler in the force...
  2. I've fished with people that say they have fished for twenty years, and can't cast a good line. They admit to fishing once or twice a year. I've fished with someone who is just 3 months into fly fishing but has been out 30 times. It's all about time on the water. Years has nothing to do with it. People that come on internet BB to attempt to derail good conversations every chance they get (giovanne and egocop) should be banned. Your only intent in any posts you have made is the intent to make derogatory remarks towards people. Keep doing so you two. Your IP's are logged on here. Civil law will take care of you guys eventually. There's a lot of lawyers who make big bucks out there just on people like you guys.
  3. Holy heck, are both #2 and 3 from the crow? Those are some bombs for the crow. Not as impressive as that 23" brown u pulled out your... ehhem... this spring, but darn close!
  4. Holy crap those are some badazz perch man!!!! Nice shots, that second one releasin' that hawg rainbow is awesome.
  5. That totally sucks. Hopefully it was just someone going for a ride and dumping the car somewhere and hopefully everything is intact. Give everyone on here a bit more info: What school. What possible time of day it was stolen.
  6. welcome to Calgary. You'll soon leave lake fishing as a distant second preference to all the amazing rivers we have around here... I'd suggest asking for someone from the board to join you on the bow and show you the ropes for a day... most people on here would take a new guy out in a heartbeat. where did you move in from?
  7. Sundance, I think that actually IS an orca from sea world. Rainbows don't get that big My gosh!! LOLOL Nice work cheers
  8. When fishing the bow set on anything that even changes the drift speed slightly. You'll be able to watch a foam bubble or something near your fly... if your fly suddenly hesitates or slows, set the hook. Every time. Your not going to miss a chance at a fish if there was NOT one there, but if you do not strike you'll miss 100% of the fish that were there... the old saying ... you'll only make a small percentage of the shots you do take but you'll miss 100% of the ones you don't take. So even if your spidey senses tell you to strike and you see NOTHING, set the hook! And I agree with twitching... especially if your fishing from a boat... long drifts along shorelines with twitches can produce some awesome fish... expecially along those slow banks where fish have a long time to inspect the fly. cheers.
  9. Not suprising that you can't leave it alone, either. Hi pot, meet kettle. Kettle,... meet Pot. Glad you got a nice introduction to yourself.
  10. And every time he shares that opinion he does it in an extremely degrading way to the person who he is belittling. There is a difference between educating, and trying to make someone look and feel stupid. Sure he has a valid point, it's a point I agree with, leave the freekin' browns alone in the city at this time of year. There ACTUALLY spawning there. Cheers.
  11. What a big suprise that Jayjj11 has to come into a thread and try and start something. Woulda never saw that coming.... *sigh* Nice fish.
  12. How can a team that was so bad against florida come out so strong last night against the oil? They played a full 60 minutes, and looked hungry. THATS the team I want to watch!! Not this lazy, crap team that played florida.
  13. haha no kidding I was watching the end of the toronto - pittsburgh game and they were like " oh yeah the difference this year is that toronto would have choked that lead last year, this is a whole new team this time around, blah blah blah..." Meanwhile Pittsburgh DOMINATED the last 15 minutes of play and did everything but get ANY luck around toronto's net. LUCK saved the leafs, not a "whole different team". TSN The Sports Numbskulls.
  14. I haven't seen the flames look that bad in a long time. They were completely useless. What a waste of my time to sit down and watch 2 and a half periods. The sutters HAVE to go. NONE of these guys are playing any system at all... they look like a bad WHL team.
  15. I've seen Eberle's goal about a bizzilion times since he scored it on all kinds of highlights. Ever since I watched those world juniors I have been a huge fan of his. He sure looks good in blue + orange. I'm one of those weird kinda fans that like a few teams... the Oilers and Flames are like my #1 and 2... the 'nucks about my #3. I hope they can all make the big show this year.
  16. Boy it's sure been quiet around THIS water cooler to start the season!!!
  17. Nice shots! Is that a lobster in one of them? LOL
  18. BBT no need to explain yourself to those who don't read well, or can't actually take the time to read through a thread before posting there damned uneducated opinions as usual on this board.. The ORIGINAL POST that started this thread said this! yes it says BULL trout Hence people adding their bull trout. If this was only for browns and rainbows, there wouldn't be as many 30+'s ...
  19. I am thankful I live in a free country, which allows me to go fishing when I want to, and I am also thankful for another shot at the Bow today. Happy Thanksgiving all! Enjoy that turkey!
  20. Well it's a day late but happy B day Greg. I hope your spending it chasing chrome!!
  21. I was calling for their heads last year As noted, nothing has changed. The sutters do get a good solid effort out of their teams, but combine effort with a bunch of old or untalented players... sorry flames. 10-12th place
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