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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Explore some water that is new to you. You never know.... sometimes you find that special spot... I have found so many of those when I have gone poking around down around here Or the way the water is this year you could spend 4 wks building an ark. Include a fly tying station though.
  2. fish move in and out of prime feeding lies all day. If the prime lie is 20-30 yards of a riffle or drop-off then work it, hard. If the feeding lie could be anywhere in a 300 yard long seam then yes you must work it all to find the fish.. once found usually they will be within 50 yards of where they where found for at least the next little while. I think fish don't spook in the Bow much (if they are feeding in 4-5 foot deep chop water) until you hook' em. Especially in less than 2ft vis. Now if it's totally clear it's a bit different... they will spook when one of their friends gets hooked
  3. no idea, but the fishin' is pretty good!! think they can wrap 'er up tonight on the road? I'm thinking it's going to be a close game, probably OT... unless vancouver scores 3 early ones and then SJ will lose their cool and it'll end up 7-3 again
  4. Hawgstoppah

    The Morning

    Great Bow. Heck I've had fish out of bullshead run 20-21 inches that would have been 5 pounds easy. They get solid and thick... cheers
  5. I've made the odd fire over the years on the bank of the river (outside of town). I never posed a fire risk when I did it. What about the overnight camping on islands?. Or when a freak snowstorm hits but the fishing is still good... haha.. one time I made a big fire and we fished all afternoon, warming up by a fire before making another pass through a run. fishing was fantastic but it was freekin cold... if we didn't make that fire we woulda been frozen.
  6. don't need a camera angle to make this freakishly large rainbow look impressive! well done gents!!!
  7. My Wardell's have lasted through a beatin' and ask anyone who knows me I am hard on gear... I fish a LOT. Just now (after 2 years and probably 400 days on the water) they are starting to leak in the seams of the feet, which I can get fixed! No holes yet! I've rubbed them up against barb wire and other nasty things too... I'm actually really suprised how long they've been good for.
  8. they should be in pretty good shape if they can get Luongo to stop playing the puck out front.
  9. is it just me or are the Canucks winning games they aren't realy playing their best in? (which is good I suppose)
  10. Thanks for all the ideas. I think I'll just keep fighting the good fight and cutting them off like I have always done (I don't really like chemicals either, they just end up in the river at some time). Already been out a couple times with the dandelion poker thingy (I have no idea what it's called but you get under the whole weed and it'll cut it off way down deep)
  11. Bow River Adventures - a proud supporter of Fly Fish Calgary - is pleased to announce a special long weekend event. Bow River Nymphing Clinics. Saturday May 21 and Monday May 23 - We will meet at a location TBD, and learn the basics of nymphing, rigging lines, leaders, indicators, casting and mending techniques, when to strike, reading the water, prime lies for trout, basic fly selection for nymphing. - We will also go through seasonal patterns in both fly selection and trout activity levels (where we find fish now usually will not be where they are in the heat of summer). - We will break for lunch and serve a hot BBQ lunch (hamburgers and GOOD hot dogs) and we will supply pop, drinks, water, and chips and snakcs for everybody as well. - You will be taught by some of the most experienced and friendly guides on the Bow River. - This is an excellent opportunity to see how to get into Bow River fish the way the guides do, and learn how to be a more successful fly angler yourself. One day at a clinic will increase your chance of success on the Bow for years to come. - The clinics will run from 8AM to noon, break for lunch, then again from 1 until 6 or 7PM (or later, if the fishings on fire for us). Clinics will be held on Saturday May 21, and Monday May 23. There is room for up to 6 people each of those days. Cost is just $150.00 per person. Morning sessions will be held in fish creek park, the afternoon sessions after lunch will be held wherever the water and weather conditions dictate our best chances at fish may be. To book your spot call Richard at 403-995-3677 or Brian at 403-653-3743 or PM either Dutchie or Hawgstoppah on the FFC board. Or drop an e-mail to us: Richard at dutchflythebow@yahoo.ca or Brian at bowcrow1@telusplanet.net Take a visit to our website for information on any other guided fly fishing you may be interested in this year! BOW RIVER ADVENTURES See you on the water!!
  12. yesterday there were none to be seen and today they are all over the place down here. NooOOOOoooooOOOOO!!!!!!! I hate the little buggers. There are so many down here that people just ... give up, so when I have 3 lawns west of me covered in them and I try to keep mine dandelion free it's a pain in the arse. Anyone got any suggestions? Does a strong fertilizer really do any good.. some people say the better your lawn is the less the weeds grow, but I haven't seen conclusive evidence and I feel like if I fertilize my lawn I am just fertilizing the weeds. share your dandelion fighting tips/ tricks / stories in this thread!!
  13. sometimes you walk that 15 minutes only to find someone in the run you had your heart set on though There's lots of water though! I never have trouble finding GOOD water to fish, that's for sure. So much of the Bow is overlooked by so many people. Most guys fish typical spots ALL the time. I have found that by fishing it all sometimes you find little hidden gems, maybe a 4 foot deep by 3 foot wide trough in a riffle, that no one else fishes, and boom... you have your own spot that you get 3 fish from almost every time. I'm sure I walk right past other people's private heaven's as well!!!
  14. for chronies I like tying off the bend: the reasoning behind that, the bead on the chronie imitates a gas bubble which the insect uses to get from the bottom of the lake to the surface. When it is suspended in the water column of the lake, it is basically "hanging" from that bubble, therefore, your fly should look good to the fish if it is sitting straight up and down as opposed to sideways. For nymphs, I use eye to eye.
  15. I've been out there a few times swinging as well .... always fun to get 'em slapping the streamers.. usually get a few hits each time I spey for a while. Been using the good old black bugger and white bugger combo to good success
  16. I never even noticed it until you pointed it out. Weird. I know he had a bit of scarring / sores on his back too. I was more concerned with snapping a quick shot for Greg and keeping it in the drink. Might have been the same fish, we were in that area yesterday... did you notice how dirty the water got around about 2pm until 5'ish? before then it was quite clear in town.
  17. I have pretty much the same rod. Mine is a 7'3" though, perhaps a bit older of a model (I've had it going on 10 yrs now) and I wouldn't trade it for the world. It is indeed a medium action.. even though they call it fast. It casts very nicely and you can lay line down without so much as a ripple or sound most times.... great for tricky dry fly fish.
  18. Glad to help you out there Greg... beauty of a fish! You'll be hitting a lot more of those bad boys now!
  19. if your right handed and like to fish evenings, go with the south bank of the river somewhere near or across from the lodge down there 9north bow lodge). can't go wrong, if you can afford it! If you do buy it, I'd gladly come test out the water for you a lot and make sure it's fishing well
  20. I cant even remember the last time I posted on here. Getting flamed for every picture or every day where a lot of fish were caught made me think, why bother? I rarely post reports anymore. having said that, I do take pictures of fish. Colourful pretty ones. Not so much big ones anymore, I like color, or nasty looking jaws on browns, or scenery... just the other week I was on the crow in a blizzard and shot some awesome pics! I'd post them here but someone would probably say we shoulnd't be fishing in the snow for them..... :$*%&:
  21. Rick, I was meaning, WHERE to make the payments? How do I pay? cheers Brian
  22. Rick, can you put the payment info in your original post so all the info is in one spot for us stragglers?
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