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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Today I will reverently and silently mourn the grandfather I never knew, who's great sacrafice has allowed me and my family to live in freedom from oppression and tyrrany. God bless him and all those that served, and especialy those that gave the ultimate sacrafice. May you rest. Brian
  2. subtract insurance. subtract flies/tippet/rods/terminal tackle subtract provided lunches subtract gas subtract boat + depreciation thereof subtract vehicle + depreciation thereof subtract advertising costs subtract accounting costs subtract website associated costs subtract camping fees subtract vehicle / boat repairs / maintenance subtract storage costs subtract shuttle fees add hundreds upon hundreds of hours put in on the other days not guiding. and it all works out to about 8 bucks an hour or less. at least it did according to my last full season running my own guiding company. I am not trying to prove you wrong but presenting the other side. After properly doing your books as a guide, you'll see that you only MAKE about 15,000 a summer (6 months). This is below Canada's poverty line. Guides do it becuase they love the sport, and the lifestyle.
  3. I completely agree 100% with Giovanne on that. Someone check hell. I think it just froze over. If guides were in it to make money "abusing the precious resources", there would be no guides. In fact, a LOT (dare a say a VERY high percentage) of the people getting off their asses and actually DOING something about it, are guides. Guides care GREATLY about the resource. If your told 100 Bow river guides that tommorow some trucking company was going to back up a truck full of fish killing chemicals at the Glenmore boat launch and dump it in the Bow, you'd have 100 people laying in front of the truck. Sure some guides lack ettiquite. I bet at some point ALL guides have inadvertently caused someone to feel crowded or not treated right. And I bet 99% of guides would be very apologetic and try to change what they did that you percieved to be wrong. Remember everyone has their own definations of "too close" and while I may be across the river from you and choose to cast into the run (which I feel is OK)... perhaps YOU don't. You never know, right? I'd hope people could get along a bit better and talk... the best way to avoid issues on the river is to chat. The problem stems from the folks that do not chat to other fisherman on the river. For example.. (married men listen up) if your wife or significant other wants you to act a certain way does she always say it? How do you feel when you get in sh*t for not doing something you had no idea was expected of you? LET THE OTHER GUY KNOW WHERE YOUR GOING AND WHERE YOU WANT TO FISH. Almost every time there will be an amicable solution to splitting the water. When people don't talk to me, I feel I have a right to get pretty damn pissed off at them especially if they step right in on me. I got flamed on the old FFA message board for such an incident, but it looks like it's time to speak out instead of getting stepped on all the time. Getting stepped on by someone who isn't willing to talk to you before stepping into your space? GIVE THEM HELL!!! Cheers.
  4. those brookies are awesome!
  5. I was impressed by the hustle and effort of Hagman tonight in basically creating the tying and game winning goals through hard work. I thought he was the best player on the ice by far.
  6. Do they ever look bad tonight. Hard to watch this. Detroit is out hustling them... that's all this is. It's an effort level thing... that and the fact that Calgary looks like a pee wee team passing practice. Coaching. Period. Fire Sutter. Period. Get someone in here that can get these guys to put 110% into the game every night and they will be fine. I'll be shocked if they actually come out in the 3rd and win this. I'll call it now. 4-1 wings.
  7. It's called being a compassionate hockey fan. I wish the guys on the ice cared as much as some of us die hard flamers do. :$*%&:
  8. I do hope it's an isolated system... however, Let's not degrade the work done here by having a brookie vs. native trout debate on this thread, perhaps? These guys worked hard on this and at least deserve some recognition. I for one, thank them. Brian
  9. I can certainly see this side of the fence as well. I realize that we were up 2-1 but honestly... I don't think we deserved a 2-1 lead at that point either. The first goal was a fluke bouncer of three things including Jokinen's leg, and the second goal deflected off a stick on a play were glenchross should have passed the damn puck and that shot (if not deflected) would have been the average save made in every game. Face it, the flames were badly outplayed, outclassed, and outworked. Even before that 5 on 3. But that's just the way I saw it... and everyone's going to see the same thing from their point of view. Trust me becuase I often come out of watching a game absolutely heated at the reffing... but this one I just didn't see it. The flames had more PP chances than the caps did but what did we do with them? There was only ONE bad, bad call in this game and that was Iggy's interference call... which was complete BS What Iggy needs is some talented linemates who can get him the puck more often in a scoring position. It's not a fluke that he did very well in the Olympics. He DOES need to put more effort into the game though, he look half asleep lately. Someone fight him!
  10. Don't blame the refs too much when the top line doesn't show up for the game for the Flames. I'd like to blame the refs for this one but dude ... SEVEN TO TWO!!!!!!! c'mon who are you kidding? I can see the refs screwing over a 3-2 loss for the flames they do it on a nightly basis... but not a 7-2 loss. This was a product of being outplayed and outclassed in every way. Iginla needs to freekin SHOW UP FOR A GAME!... when do they play next?
  11. this was taken by a spectator on the 2nd or 3rd jump.
  12. I agree it was a brutal call, but it was already 5-2 at that point. That would have only made it 5-3. The flames PP was brutal all night, and they were completely outclassed by a far better team who moves the puck creatively.
  13. another thing I would add to this Jeff, is don't try and plan a big trip... just hit a favorite spot of the Bow or whatever river your closest to (I assume your in Calgary but I could be wrong). When I hurt my back I was in about the same situation as you... I would really want to go fishing but I'd be lucky if I lasted 10 minutes. But I was thankful for those 10 minutes when I did go, especially if I was rewarded with a nice trout. I also found that taking 2 Motrin just before fishing helped me a lot (and still does) cheers
  14. I wonder if that stuff would help my lower back.... might have to give it a try.
  15. LOL. I'd hate to be a tree on the bank behind you on your very next outing becuase Murphy's law says........
  16. I see colin already mentioned a spey. Further to that, maybe find a light spey like a 5wt 11 foot or so switch rod. You could spey cast to nymph runs with your bad hand... but honestly if your having trouble picking up coffee right now you may have line control issues even with your good hand. One good thing, these colder days tend to numb the pain
  17. Those fish are just redonkulous..... if I ever have to move to Calgary again I'll be looking at sundance for sure.
  18. Karlsson had a really rough night tonight. Might have been a bad night to play him... we NEED to beat the Avs.. and he let in at least 4 that Kipper probably would have stopped. Where was the D either. Brutal game by the flames. The 5 goals they scored... I almost wished they had been shut out. They were that bad... they need an a$$ kicking in the dressing room tonight, not a pat on the back for getting 5. Being outshot 36-19 or close to it, not good!!!!
  19. I respectfully have to disagree. When these guys are motivated and determined they are VERY good. When they play lazy they are not. Motivation and hard work are things that come from the coach, not the GM I am going to sit on the fence this season and hope. Analysing the flames to death only frustrates me now. I hope they can play some exciting hockey and get some wins... like the last 3 games. Bring on Colorado! I hear Kipper is getting a rest tonight... I forget the backups name right now but he's good... at least he played very well in the pre-season and vs. Colombus in that 6-2 win.
  20. If you fish bullshead in June you'll want as much backing as you can possibly fit. In June of 2005 in one day I had at least a dozen fish go way, waaaaay, into my backing. Russ can back me up on that. It was amazing how hard those babies were pulling that day. He compared it to fishing for trips' in BC's finest lakes. Having seen that... and it sorta came out of the blue becuase before that I'd rarely had fish go into the backing... I'd suggest making sure you have a minimum of 50 yards. I commonly go with over 100 now.
  21. Speaking their minds in a constructive manner would be welcomed. There's nothing wrong with that. Singling out people and repeatedly taking shots in every thread is ridiculous. Find me 5 constructive posts between the two of them and I'll leave it alone.
  22. so true, so true. just when you think you got a river figured out, the humbling experience will teach you better!!
  23. Haven't said a thing about them other than in defense of one statement I made about the one day I spent on a certain drainage this year. There dragging it out into every thread they can get it started (including this one). Enough already. If they put that much effort into doing something for the resource maybe they'd get somewhere? I don't see their names on the donor lists for multiple organizations which help our streams out. Actions speak louder than words. People who know me know who I am and what I stand for and if a couple people on an internet board are going to continue to publicly attempt defamation of my character I will be looking into legal possibilities. The simple fact that you and others are started to see me in a different light is a direct result of their endless barrage. The fact. I guided about 15 days this year. I only fished myself about 15 days. I donated 7 days on the water to charities. Abusing the resource? Hardly. In it for the money? Hardly. Makes me wonder what the agendas are on here. Now, moving along... if we can have a thread anymore without people being abusive....
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