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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Amazing that you had time to fish after all those flower shots!
  2. No... I am actually back in school for law enforcement.. done with truckin.. I am guiding for a summer job this year Another place I am thinking of to eat and it's only open one day a week down by beaver mines... they serve amazing steak but I forget what it's called... anyone help me out on that?
  3. Hawgstoppah


    Not only can he land fish he can do it while screwing with a camera to boot! no wonder he's got the gangsta face! Nice brown
  4. You wont be too terribly far from coleman for an evening forray into the "Rum Runner".. which has IMHO the pass's best food and best atmosphere.
  5. If you dont scare or suprise a bear odds are it's not going to mess with you. I've had multiple encounters with bears... too many to even count... some at extremely close range (I got sniffed/licked/slobbered on by a griz).. but I still fear moose and cougars more. I have been stalked by cougars twice.. once in the Livingstone river and once out steelhead fishing... and have been treed by a moose once for 2 hours... those 3 incidents were waaaaay more aggresive behaviour from animals than bears normally display I feel like a dork yelling "HEY BEAR!" a lot too on my hikes... but I haven't ran into bears on those hikes. One hike I climbed up about 400ft of steep slope to get a picture of a lake from higher elevation and lo and behold noticed 3 black bears eating berries along the trail I had JUST PASSED through.. so making noise works... and I was doing it!!!....otherwise I may have suprised what looked like mama and 2 cubs.
  6. Bow River Adventures is now offering Southern Alberta Walk and Wade Specials through the Fall, on weekends. This is a special for FFC members... your guide for these adventures will be Brian Peace (hawgstoppah) and you will be learning how to fish the southern streams, or learning how to improve your small stream fishing. You will provide you own transportation to a meeting point down south, and you will provide your own lunches on these trips. Due to that we can offer these trips for $250 CDN (one or two people). We can take more if needed but keep in mind these streams are relatively small and groups are best keep small as well to get the most time with your guide learning these rivers. Rivers are: Crowsnest Oldman/Livingstone (and tribs) Castle (and tribs) Other southern streams (ask) The Crowsnest can be especially good in the fall. We often hear of people struggling to find the fish in this river. A day out with Brian will have you onto these fish and give you a good backbone from which to have success on the Crow and other similar streams. The fish are picky, and can be quite spooky in the Crow if they are not approached properly.. the Crowsnest fish even hold in some wacky places when your searching with nymphs.. and most people almost step on them.. but Brian will show you tips and techniques to fool the fiesty rainbows here...even those sly fish in the back of pools. You can reach Brian for these trips at 403-653-3743 or drop him an e-mail and he will get back to you a.s.a.p. Happy fishing from the Bow River Adventures team!
  7. Yeah I agree max those are for sure lake whites, and darn nice ones at that. You get the odd lake white and even lake trout in the bow in the NW for sure. and if it's in the NW it's not the spot I was thinking of... lol. I was thinking of legacy island at the end where the side channel is 200+ feet across... or even the spot up from the MacKinnon launch by about a mile or so along those cliffs.
  8. If alberta would take it's head out of it's azz, you wouldn't have to make that choice. Nice pics!! Better story. Add that to my bucket list (and that one is do-able!)
  9. Bear spray is the best detterent. Other than that.... if one's sniffing you, just pee your pants and that makes them go away (don't ask, use the search function and ye shall find)
  10. well if he doesn't "have the time" to list regs I won't contribute at all... nor do I approve anymore. What... we can get every redneck with bait and a fishing pole to our good trout spots???? then they can say... Oh I didn't know it was C&R and no bait google never said!! Baaaaad idea without regs listings.... veeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry bad stupid actually. :$*%&:
  11. what? no flowers? instead we have to look at a burbot? jeez Boblaw... we've come to expect more... shame shame...
  12. actually in this scenario either E or D is going to be decent starting points but E gives you more options given the distances were talking about now... from E you can dnagle, swing, and skate dries, you can nymph from E with a drop down technique (and also nymph the slow side channel).. and you can also streamer fish very well from E. Given the distances I'd also start at E. Unless I happened to be walking upstream and didn't have my swimming gear on *grin*
  13. come on man ya can't make a 230ft cast with a buncha nymphs and an indicator on???? lolol jeez... you need to step up your game!! LOLOL. There's a very steep hill along D isn't there if it's where I am thinking, actually both spots that come to mind are similar... then nymphing along D and all the way around downstream of D in the main river is very good too.
  14. If it was me I would stand at "D" (after checking for risers and being sure not to spook anything that might be there)... and cast up on the drop off I would assume is at "E" (can it be reached with a cast or are we talking about a 100ft wide side channel?). So... I'd stand at D and survey the whole scene for risers... if found I would position myself for a drag free drift at them... if no risers I would nymph...I'd fish the seam starting my drifts at E and having them float through both C (a bit faster) and B (deep slow drift) with nymphs. I'd try a few lighter nymph presentations in "A" as well... assuming that's a slow side channel there would be lots of small mayfly nymphs and leeches and whatnot in there so I'd go about 3 and 4 ft under an indy with a small set of nymphs at A, if that didn't work I'd streamer fish all of A with small black woolly bugger too. Then I'd stand at E later on and cast way out into the main current and let my streamer rig (2 streamers) come back into C, and B, and see if anythings lying there in an aggressive state.
  15. I'm not going to say anything one way or another... not wanting to cuase any conflict here... but if you do go ahead with something like this PLEASE put the REGS for each place listed, right in the GPS... so it says "BEAVER LAKE, NO BAIT!!!!!, LIMIT 1 OVER 50CM", etc etc... so that we don't have a surge of new people claiming that they never knew the regs for places like buyllshead, beaver, police lake, etc etc. I can't see it being too terrible if it's restrcited to PUBLIC parking lots that are universal fisheries access sites (ie: boat launches at lakes, public access spots on rivers like policeman's flats/mackinnons/ lundbreck falls campground, etc etc) good luck with your project and I hope you take my recommendation seriously. cheers
  16. If you live up near there stay safe.... was just looking at the weather network... tornado warnings for edmonton and area and a lot of saskatchewan as well... What a crazy weather month! down here in cardston I was awakened at 400am by heavy thunder / lightning.. then it rained, and rained, and rained heavy for hours till noonish... suprisingly the rivers didn't rise too much. (though, lee creek had fallen to 10m/sec and went back up signifigantly but nowhere near the 300+ of a few days ago)
  17. do a google search for "bow river hatch chart" and I am sure something will come up whereas you will have a decent knowledge of what to expect for certain times of year. For me, it's almost all about nymphing... wire wrap #4 san juan plus one or two other seasonal nymph patterns right now the second nymph is a bit of a trick... if your fishing rocky chop fast water stonefly works good, but also be fishing caddis pupae or even big hares ear etc... if your fishing more slackish deeper water I'd even nymph a leech pattern and swing it at the end of a drift... so many combinations... just find one that works for u
  18. with this thread title I was figurin... "you gotta tie up a good mastercard imitation and cast slightly in front of her... lead her onto it... good places to fish are near pay less shoes, walmarts, or the mall"
  19. head on up to alsaksa and stand in a river that 50 million "reds" or sockeye have gone upstream in. (EG: the Kenai below the mouth of the Russian River). You'll see the entire river flowing by you is a cesspool of eggs. Therefore, a "hatch". LOL... of course I am figuratively speaking, but if it's in the drift and in the fishes faces and is a good source of protien of course the fish are going to eat them.
  20. I like to watch good old "a river runs through it" and then tons of youtube vids about BC steel. Or go through pics... like my alaska ones... speaking of which...I went with a guide up there for rainbows and all they use is flesh / egg patterns. That's what the fish eat. That's the "hatch". Why have salad when you can eat steak? Up there they could give a rats ___ about what's "proper", they do what it takes to catch fish. If more people concerned themselves with that, then worrying about what flies people use, they'd stress themselves out a lot less. Unless of course your talking about using real eggs. Then that's bait and bait kills fish we all know that.
  21. No idea who you are frypan but every post of yours is useless *hit disturbing. Gee, welcome to the board... new member on May 19, 2010... pretty much every post has been some kind of negative comment aimed at members here. Good way to introduce yourself.
  22. well if you go this year she's fantastic, if you really know how to catch bow river trout. a great day (full day) for me right now would be somewhere in the range of 20 or more landed fish. An average 3 hour session (picking of course the best time of day, etc) could result in anything from zero takes ... doh picked the wrong fly, spot, or time... or else maybe a hayday of fish 10-12 in that 3 hour period to hand type of outing. I had one like that last week... got a dozen in about an hour once I found what water type they were in for that day and what they wanted (so happened to be stonefly nymphs in about 3 feet of fast chop next to a big drop off / slack water area) I should add too that I really no longer care too much about numbers. I used to... big time. my logs religiously counted them. Now, as I get older, I find anytime I land more than about 10 I am not sure quite how many... LOL
  23. I'm stuck in my office down south here....
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