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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. *sigh* same old flames. "A" for effort, especially in the second when the game was still undecided, but no talent to bury it.
  2. I'm not into a pissing match with this guy. He's attacking my ONE day of fishing the oldman this year, calling ME a hypocrit, and I am defending my day. I don't back down. What started as an HONEST statement of fact by me has been turned into this *hit show by Giovanee. I can't stand the pot calling the kettle black, so to speak. If he has fished at all this year, he's the pot. and with that... I bid this thread farewell... where is toolman, missinthebow, clive, and others? not posting here, that's for sure. I wonder why.
  3. I understand where you are coming from but.... you don't understand where I am coming from. Thye ONLY good fishing left is where I was, and it's always been that way. Did I catch a single fish over 10 inches? I don't think so. Maybe 1. My beefs with the system are the lower reaches that hold the larger fish. They are overfished, and underpopulated, and I HAVE SPENT ZERO DAYS in the last year on areas I would propose closed. Hypocrisy can also be viewed as someone always complaining about peoples numbers and fishing reports, yet having NEVER posted a report (good or bad) of your own. And look how YOU are exaggerating my initial claim of 300 to 400 based on a possibility stated in ONE thread..... Touche'
  4. some good pics in there for sure but they are so small I can barely see 'em
  5. well it would probably placate the masses who simply can't grasp the truth.
  6. So a guy gets out for one stellar day all summer and gets 300 that day, and catches a few throughout the rest of the summer on limited outings. Or the guy who fishes the Bow every day and catches 15, and has his 100 fish days on some streams during the year too, AND has his big bull trout avatar's? (you picked at me Jayhad I am going to pick back... it's human nature) so can we get back on topic ?? or should we degrade this thread into an all out pissing match becuase someone said they had a great and fun day on a stream and a bunch of other people just can't let it be for whatever reason... which I will use some discretion and not bother to post my guesses as to why...I'm not even going to guess.
  7. Your right. Keeping score is a bit difficult. but even at the worst times of that day I was landing a fish every 2 or 3 minutes. that's a low point of 20-30/hour... x 10 hours = 200-300 fish... as a MINIMUN. But the best hours it was well over 50/hour. Keep in mind these are 6-10 inch cutties that pretty much FOUGHT over my fly, sometimes the fly did NOT hit the water before a fish had it, and some riffles produced in excess of 30 fish for EACH my friend and myself... if you've never had that kind of fishing I wish it upon you so you have no need to lie about it, ever... It may have well been 400+. Please forgive me for not counting properly. next time I'll keep exact track just for you.
  8. I'd be lying if I said that I did NOT have a 300+ fish day this year on the Oldman. It was almost all small fish. And it was about a 10 hour day... maybe 12. Those small cutts aren't difficult some days... and when there on, they are ON. and I'd also be lying if I said a certain southern stream hasn't handed me more defeats than successes this year too. I've been shut out on it 4 times, got 2 or less 7 or 8 times, and only once have I landed 5 in a day. And RickR, you were there for that one I don't doubt numbers on here.... people are going to say what they are going to say. I have seen with my own eyes what an experienced fisherman who's onto a hot pattern can do... total ownage. Even on the Bow. I recall one float last year with forum member Reellife and Dutchie. Tim outfished us like crazy and it was becuase he was on the hot fly. He outdid us 3 to 1... he ended up with at least 40 to dutch and mine's combined 20. As far as sizes... break out the popcorn and grab a seat, that's another thread!
  9. It's amazing how all the people on this thread who say "it can't be done" are talking about browns or rainbows, and totally ignoring the fact that people could have landed a bull, or, in fact, even a laker. I've heard tales of large lakers come out of the NW below bearspaw... The only photo evidence of a brown larger than 30 on here is dean's photo, though. I sure wish I had gotten mine to shore... and I'm sure anyone else who's landed a monster like that and not had the good fortune to get a picture feels the same way. For those that are skeptical about the largest Bull picture (of the 33 incher) that I posted... I ask "what more do you want"... On a sidenote. I know if I leave the camera at home I'm almost bound to catch either an extremely large fish, or one so brilliantly colored that I wish I had taken the hour to go get the forgotten camera from home.
  10. the aurora shots are amazing, as are the caribou in the red colored backgrounds... amazing.... stunning, and truly humbling photos. Thanks for sharing those!
  11. pretty amazing the diversity we have in Alberta when you can do all THAT.... in one day. Thanks for taking us along on the journey!
  12. My inability to concentrate in school right now is directly in relation to posts like this! Please stop posting pictures of steel!! Just kiddin. awesome shots... crap I wish I was there!!!
  13. well I don't know enough about the issue to comment much further than that... which I heard on the news. If cops are getting taken down by long arms, then it should be dealt with. In what manner and which way, perhaps the gov't is making a mess of right now...
  14. 12 of the last 14 police officers killed in the line of duty in Alberta where killed by "long guns".
  15. awesome picks!!! yeah studs and smooth rocks are a recipe for disaster.
  16. LOLOL no kidding... *sigh** I'm sure you'll track down the bigguns soon Jeremie.. good start!
  17. sweet. (I hate you too... I'm in school this year too. ya bastard )
  18. Special extended through the fall season on weekends (Saturday or Sunday) up until the end of winter.
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