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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Looks like another phone call to Jenny Craig is in order!
  2. Ok that does it! I am gonna skip a week of school! LOL. *sigh* I am really gonna be twitching badly here in a week or two. I have fever bad and can't go for 2 yrs.
  3. the moment you make your first cast over very active rishing fish... and your fly is drifting towards where they are, and you KNOW it's good.. the moment AFTER you pull back too soon on above fish when one very large fish slowly rises to your fly... ps. nice fish rick... wanna try this coming saturday?
  4. Agreed. I hardly even care about the upcoming season. It'll just be "same old same old"... either squeek into the playoffs in 8th and get whacked in the first round, or miss the playoffs altogether. It's time for a total teardown... I mean we need to toally suck..... league last place bad.... so we can rebuild through the draft
  5. Rick. Found the camera. PM me your e-mail addy
  6. what pics? LOLOL... I seriously can't find my camera right now Have not emptied the car out competely, but doing that tommorow anyways to pack it up for school.
  7. Taco that sounds like a spot on the upper OM that I go to sometimes. Check for some of my 3 or 4 grey drakes that may or may not be on the same log And... that was the one rickr got. He showed his better side on the ones he missed!! LOLOL.. There were birds spooking out from streamside vegitation taking flight.....
  8. LOL.. Rick.. remember our run out to bullshead? You, sir, are the ONLY person I know who can talk that whole entire time. I was like, holy CRAP we're here already? I'd do that again with you anytime! 3 hours go by pretty quick!!
  9. That pretty much summed up a fun day out there! After you left Rick, I went back down to that side channel... and was into THREE more biggun's!!! Landed one at 21"... the other two got off and one was signifigantly larger than any of my other fish by a long shot. It was one of those endless moments for me when seemingly stationary and doing nothing, the hook just popped/slid out of him about 1 minute into the fight while he was holding unmovable in about 3ft of water, in plain view. All I could do was go "wow". so when ya coming down again? Oh and PS: today sucked. switch day. bad weather tommorow. the fish knew it. I got one early but the rest of the day was tough. Neil got a couple smaller ones.
  10. If it makes you feel any better I chased a particular rainbow on the Crowsnest for literally years. I even had a name for it. "Iron Lips". If I was lucky enough to stick it (4 times) it shook the hook without seconds. I had people I took to this fish hook it a total of 16 times. I fished for it well over 200 times over 3 to 4 years I would say. The score? 0 for 20..... We never did get it landed. All but ONCE the fish was off within 3 seconds, the other fight lasted 15 minutes and about 500 yards of river and right almost at the net it just popped off, and winked at us as it slinked back into the deep. Through the grapevine I heard someone had landed it.. and it was even larger than I guessed it to be (and I thought around 28-29 inches). So enjoy your time trying to catch this fish James and enjoy the defeats too... tip your hat to the fish when it screws off on your first cast, and when you finally do catch it... you'll have a great moment!!!
  11. I know it's sometimes overused... but... that's EPIC!!
  12. I wonder what kind of weight there talking on the ones that are "large" . might be pretty good for bulls.
  13. The one I landed was probably only about 19'ish? sure had a funny round face. no pics, none were taken, she fought pretty hard and was returned a.s.a.p...I find myself taking fewer and fewer pics now... even of unique stuff. How many fish pics can a guy have, anyways? It did look rounder, like the sundance fish, for sure. If yours was caught a couple years ago Gil, it would only have been about 14 inches or so at the time you got it, to possibly be the same fish
  14. I fish in BC and love it. I confess!! Too bad I can't go for chrome this year...
  15. Saw a white bear cross in front of me in the yukon, while driving. It was somewhere around the Kluane Lake nat'l park... near destruction bay... on the alaska highway. At the time I assumed it may have been a lost polar bear? This is about 100 miles northwest from whitehorse. Might be getting pretty close to the area described by Peter, though...
  16. You, sir, are absolutely NUTS! I love it! keep the pics coming...
  17. People made fun of folks like me who kept count of fish, kept stats, and kept records. Every fish I caught years ago was documented, time of day, water temp, wind, cloud or sun?... barometric pressure? and of course fly, depth, water type. I know what to tie on and when. Maybe not every single fly in your box, but there's a time for everything... some stuff works better under certain conditions.. on a rainy day, for example, this time of year... I'd go with a large sjw, small sjw, and a baetis nymph, and hit riffles in the 3-6ft depth, that are slowish but at the heads of a pool. After which I would rig up my dry rod and start hunting the banks with a #18-20 b.w.o. If it was a bright sunny day I'd be using a hopper dropper rig in medium to shallow fast riffles and deflections right along the banks, and expecting fish in the 2ft deep water zone often. The hopper would be yellow bodied, and probably foam, and the dropper would be a small copper john, lighting bug, or hare's ear, and fished approx 18 inches from the hopper. At about 930 -1130a.m. I'd be stalking along the banks in very slow sections observing for any large fishing rising to trico's... and if found, I'd fish those on a 9ft 5x tippet, size #20-22 trico spent wing. If I had to nymph on a day like this I'd use a peeking caddis (poor man's prince will do), golden stone, and a sjw. In moderately fast deep riffles, maybe 6ft deep. (8-9ft leaders) I don't mind sharing. Can't see why it seems to bother you to no end to do so...
  18. I am still LMFAO at this post... everything from calling jenny craig to getting it a pair of sweats that say "juicy" made me laff so much... still does when I look at it. Simply the thread title of the year...
  19. Rad! nice mix of fish. Is that a brittany spaniel or a springer? I had a sringer growing up but that one of yours I just can't tell which it is... great dog though... brought back a lotta memories chillin' streamside with mine... well, WHEN he'd actually stop for 5 seconds and chill instead of race through every possible inch of terrain!!!
  20. I think we're using different words to get at the same thing. Your presentation changes depending on location. If your not willing to adjust what's in your presentation, your day will go badly. If your willing to adjust to each situation accordingly, you will have a great day. There are a few presentations I use on the Bow that are suitable for any water type, and work in almost all holding zones. I assume your hot fly and / or technique is similar, and hey... I for one don't blame you for not wanting to share everything. Especially if you guide on it. I don't know if you do or not but if your a guide that has other boats asking what you are using becuase you are far out-producing them, ye might want to cut off your flies at the last bend before MacKinnon's
  21. I guess your definition of presentation and mine are a bit different. Presentation to me, is "fishing wherre the fish are feeding" exactly. Your friend that stands on the bank false casting is not making good rpesentations then. Presentation to me does not involve line in the air unless your dry fly fishing to a specific trout that is feeding on the surface. Presentation on the Bow is all about mending and getting nymphs down into the feeding lanes. I used to tell folks... that you can cast like sh*t and mend like a god and catch a ton of bow river fish, but the opposite will not net a single one. I've watched the most beautiful casters fail to catch fish because they couldn't figure out how to mend or grasp the concepts. The fish are in feeding lanes, once your there, and know why the fish will be there, either you can guess what fly will be best .... like coming up on a deep pocket after a long shallow fast riffle, flip a rock or two in the shallow riffle section collect some bugs, match whats in it, or try a golden stone kinda thing... it's not rocket science. Now if your rolling them all on a dry, props to yah! I usually only fish to them on hatches, or this time of year on hoppers
  22. well since I won't be going steelheadin' this year I decided to spend a bunch of time trying new sections of river within a 45 minute radius of home. I have not been dissapointed at all with what I have found... perhaps some new "favorite" water has been discovered for me. Had a great day of rising fish on one stream, and some sweet hopper fishing on another. So many rivers, so few time!!! Here's a brown and rainbow on small dries, caddis and / or small BWO.. I can't remember if these pics were taken b4 or after I switched the BWO out becuase it got totally wrecked by fish LOL... and then a big toad of a bow taken on a hopper... one thing that's nice down here this time of year... I don't think I've watched an indicator for ages!!!
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