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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. Hey dave its not that it bothers me, but red wiggler crucified me and labelled me as a person that struts around and acting like I am better then everyone else, which is totally wrong (anyone that knows me knows that this is wrong), he has also attacked other board members, and no one says anything to him, and he keeps on making his studdle comments everywhere. I for one am not going to take it and since this was a "ANYTHING GOES" I saw this as a perfect place for me to point out this to Red Wiggler,maybe if he doesn't want people to say certain things then maybe he should watch out with what he says..... what comes around goes around!
  2. No offence dave but this is the shack nasties and anything goes as you put it.\ The dumbest thing about this is that red wiggler can make jokes about fat people but once something is said about the word RETARD he gets bent out of shape. This to me is 100% double standard, he has no leg to stand on as far as I am concern and maybe should watch what he says. My parents are both FAT and I take personal offence to him making fun of fat people just like he was pissed when someone makes a RETARD joke.....
  3. I had 0 but then again I am still at work!
  4. Its funny how you get so defensive when some tells you to stop acting like a ****in retard but in the same breath you make fun of people that are over weight.
  5. Whistler, I will also add in that DON'T DROP THAT CLW ON SOILD CEMENT IT JUST MIGHT BREAK!!!!!!!! LoL Aside from that, I have had the oppouruinty to own a wide range of reels from Tiago, Lamson, Phleaguer, Bauer, Loop, Hatch and I have to agree with whistler that a reel is EXTREMLY personal. Not saying Islander is a bad reel but I personally will never own one cause its loud as *hit. Also Brain don't worry about the crap talk, still dreaming of a 6wt trout bum rod.
  6. As it was once said to me I shall tell you all: GO **** YOURSELF in closing I wish my lawn was emo!
  7. I say the mailman, only because I just can't image dave populating our world, nothing will EVER be taken seriously!
  8. Hawgstopper, All those Kipper haters wouldn't come on and say anything cause since they were mouthing off about him he has had 2 shut outs and like 4 games I think, but if he has a couple of bad games then they will be on again!
  9. Rick didn't you know that Clive is a alien and was beamed down from his moher ship when the earth was created! And Ed I see you reading this post so you can shut up too.
  10. write what you want to as long as it doesn't evolve you walking up hill both ways when you were a kid in a foot of snow.
  11. All I can say to this is OWNED!!!!!!!!!! After owning my Sage SLT 7wt 9 foot for a month I broke the tip and 7 months later I STILL don't have a replacement tip, and this is after I sent them the rod and a money order for the replacement tip. I don't think one company is better then the next, only reason why TFO is nice is I can go down the road and get a new tip at Springbrook.
  12. Hey Marc happy bday, if its just another day I think you should give me your loop cost, lol, j/k
  13. By the way I own a Hatch reel, not one for a spey reel but for my single handle and it is a very light weight reel not heavy at all.
  14. Nope my tag is directed at rick and he knows it, but unlike other people rick knows I am just joking~
  15. No not joking, I just outspoken, I have no hate for you cause you never given me any.
  16. Hey weedy, don't take my post to you personal I just did some reserch on your post and found some things flaw.
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