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DonAndersen last won the day on June 8 2024

DonAndersen had the most liked content!


About DonAndersen

  • Birthday 09/01/1945

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  • Location
    Rocky Mountain House

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Brown Trout

Brown Trout (8/10)



  1. What is that GMO trout doing in our pristine Bull Trout water? Don
  2. Trout spawn in areas where there is typically upwelling springs. These springs tend to keep the interspacial areas clear of debris in the redd thereby increasing egg survival. These upwellings are transient depending on upstream bottom configuration which may vary from year to year. Don
  3. Brian, In the hundreds of fish pumped out lakes west of Highway #2, I’ve only seen shrimp in Cow Lake. I think the pH doesn’t favour them. Last pH I saw out of Beaver were sub 7 regards, Don
  4. Komp, Wander into the weed growth and see the pile of minnows, that will make you a believer. Don
  5. I did the same thing yesterday picking up Tigers and rainbows using a very simple minnow pattern. Floating long belly WF with 14’ leader. Don
  6. Just to be contrary, forget the motor and battery and row. The exercise will aid in longer life and more fishing. I own a motor and haven’t used it for many years. Don
  7. Doesn’t Fairbanks own Rio lines as well. Rio is the champion of putting 7 wt. lines in a 5 weight box. Don
  8. Big brother looking out for us! https://cottagelife.com/general/transport-canada-considers-making-lifejackets-mandatory-on-recreational-boats/ Don
  9. If it came from a hatchery in Alberta, it could be called a Frankenfish. Who knows what level of gene contamination happened. Don
  10. I’ll make the time today to learn what Orvis does in design. The best graphite I’ve ever owned was built by J.Kennedy Fisher in the early 80’s. A 9’ 0” 6 wt.
  11. Folks, The the charges were to be dealt with In December but were stayed. The charges are coming before the court May 11/22. https://www.aer.ca/providing-information/news-and-resources/news-and-announcements/news-releases/news-release-2021-10-21 Don
  12. As a guy who flogs occasionally and wanta helping of humble pie, how do those young locals do so well? Don
  13. Folks, Prairie Creek SW of Rocky was subjected to a water diversion to supply frac water in late December 2021. The diversion flow was incorrectly calculated for a host of reasons. This may have resulted in a fish kill in the section that is closed to protect the spawners. Please take the time to read the info and write whatever Govt agency and make sure you copy your MLA. Here is further information on the Prairie Creek Water Diversion. http://bamboorods.ca/Prairie%20Creek%20Water%20Diversion%20-%20web.html Please take the time to read it and write a letter or two. Make sure you copy your MLA. regards, Don
  14. See quote on Goretex& Grizzlies Don
  15. What I find curious is why the concept of build it and they will come! if Beaver Lake was a business, the owner would make or build another instead we have Twin Lake where perhaps one fishing boat is afloat. Struble is much the same why does the Govt worship mediocrity? Don
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