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Everything posted by ÜberFly

  1. Wolfie! "What are you smokin'"?! LoL Maybe if someone was living directly above a meth or crack lab, they might be effected, but for the other reasons listed, not even close to being possible!! Gotta good chuckle, though, so thanks for that, at least!! P P.S. This reminded me of a training class I was once when working in the airline industry... So this guy asked the instructor (completely out of the blue) that he heard that if all the planes in the world faced in the same direction and all started their engines at the same time, it would effect the rotation of the earth. Was on the floor laughing about that one!!
  2. Wow! In another thread on this site, someone had organized a group event of camping and fishing. Anyway, within the thread someone else had mentioned how they used one of the members "homemade" bait and how successful he was... I checked the regs for where they were fishing and there is a bait ban... Wow! P P.S. Canadensis, definitely complaining about that!!
  3. Duane, yeah, kinda!!
  4. Opinions are like A$$holes, everybody has one... In searching the net this aft I came upon this forum (I'm sure some of you are even contibutors)... Interesting attitudes/opinions... http://www.outdoorsmenforum.ca/showthread.php?t=37813 P
  5. Geeeze Duane... One week you are telling me how busy you are, then I call to invite you out for a coffee and you're golfing... The same week you are reseaching/posting Youtube vids... Sheesh!! LoL P P.S. Love that one!!
  6. Rick always says how much of a "Sexy beast" Taco is!!
  7. You are wrong (can you handle it )!! Though if you were in a crash, etc., and it was determined that you were on your cell, texting, putting on make-up, eating your breakfast, etc., you would be fined for inattentive driving... But currently no "specific" regulations/laws pretaining to driving while talking on a cell phone... P
  8. That's what you get when you allow the "RV'ing" crowd to park over night!! P
  9. Bro-in-law has some REALLY nice Coho replicas out at the cabin in the Shuswap... Can get you the name of the artist if you'd like... From what I was told they were SUPER expensive ~ $1000 + (but look life like). Lemme know. Peter
  10. Why don't a bunch of us head down the beginning of next summer and picket the highway. We can invite the media, MLA, MP, etc. and most likely (and unintentionally) get into some fights as I'm sure it would definitely stir up some *hit!! Hey it works across the pond and for Greenpeace!! P
  11. Brad, I knew it wasn't yours b/c there wasn't any TP left dragging behind!! LoL P
  12. Who ended up winning?! P
  13. Biting my tongue, Rick! But wanting to here that you are in fact the person in question in one or both of those stories!! P
  14. Mike, I'll take 1 doz. please!! P
  15. Mike, Yeah I know, but I thought it might be a little quicker to spray it/get it sprayed... P
  16. Anybody do this as a hobby or know any one that does... Looking at getting some fiberglass painted (simple one colour/2 or 3 coats).... Been quoted $700 +... Can hand paint it for less then $50, but not sure how it's going to look afterwards... Piece has been filled and sanded... You are welcome to PM me directly for more details. Thanks, Peter
  17. Yeah, my sis & bro-in-law needed to do some repairs for a leak in a bathroom for one of their suites they rent out and hired a "friend of a friend", who would have been a great guy I'm sure if he didn't walk away with their deposit as he was a meth addict (who knew!), as well had some issues installing a sump pump with (the former company- which I understand from some recent news spots, has re named the company) "Hire a Husband" - got taken with them as well!! Beware and do your homework! Get references and follow-up with those references! P
  18. Marc, You are right... But it just left such a bad taste in my mouth as all I ever heard before going in was how great the customer service was... I'll go in again some day (I'll have to pack a lunch though ) P
  19. Of course any good retail sales associate should know how to approach a "potential" customer with respect and with undue pressure (notice, I said "should" as 95% don't know how, but seeing that small specialty shops should have highly trained staff, you'd expect that...). Any way, one should at least be "greeted" (acknowledged) when they come in, no?! P
  20. Wow! You're right! They don't move very quickly!! That document was published in 2003 and the committee formed in 2006!! They're really hard at work! P
  21. FYI, the fly shops (and others) in the Crowsnest have a grass roots group organized and are trying to take a proactive approach... Don't have much info, but there is strength in numbers... P
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