I totally agree .. as you can see from my signature .. Fishing is somthing different for everyone, for some it's about catching/hooking fish, for others (and this is the category in which i stand) It's about being out there fishing, in your own world, not worrying about money,work, health, anything.. I grew up (well, got older anyway) fishing salmon on the east coast where (back in my time) you got 10 tags a year to fill .. I can't remember a year where I filled them all, but usually released enough fish to keep your limit..It was about fishing with my dad .. being out there one on one with nature .. it did'nt matter if you caught a fish, hooked a fish or even seen a fish .. you'd fish just as hard and be back at it the next day, regardless of the outcome..a fresh fish for supper (or to land/hook one) was indeed a bonus but not the ultimate goal .. looking back on my childhood its alot easier to understand the values instilled in me by my father .. and I would'nt change it for the world ..