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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. my 0.02, standard beadheads make little differnce for weight compared to lead or tungsten, I tie a some nymphs wrapped in lead with a tungsten head for my "heavy flies", lead with standard bead (the ones i use are not actually for tying so they are pretty light) for my medium flies, and just a straight bead head for regular or unweighted nymphs...however most times I use split to control my drift, unless its in shallow or slow moving water where fish can get a better look..then i use weight nymphs to try for a more natural drift..
  2. LOL..thats pretty witty..for a girl..oops did I type that out loud..
  3. thats more like it... :lol:
  4. LOL..here we go...LOL EDIT: ding ding
  5. I dunno....mini groan I guess its, neither here nor there...applaud the effort..the old bird probably interfered with the old guys fishin'...
  6. Pflueger Trion on a Sage Z-Axis
  7. They are around, you looking for a misses so there will be a set of mudflaps?
  8. The Summit is a lowerer end Pflueger reel, should be able to pick one up for 40-50 bucks or so..never seen one but I own a few different Pflueger products and have yet to be dissapointed..The Trion will be your next step up, I have a couple (56 & 78) and both have been nothing but perfect for me, should be able to pick one up for under a c-note. ...if times is not a factor..shop around on e-bay...
  9. don't remember the name but theres a good place on Edmonton trail N around 10-12th I guess..hav'nt been there in years, but they had the best hailbut. and i second TNT & boyd's as well .. those are your best bets, (that i know about) .. considering where you are, its the best you'll get in town..If your in the Olds area check out Oceans Alive .. great stuff, great prices.
  10. crazy...I've been seriously wondering about a pet trout or two .. what kind of set up do you have?
  11. toughest part of winter fishing I believe is finding fishable water than is also "fishy" (technical term) .. think of all the deep runs you fished this past summer, next to a cliff or bank on a big bend in the river..these are probably your best bet for finding some fish..find one and usually you'll find a bunch, fish will hold deep in the runs and spend as little energy as they have to so alot of times you'll have to drop it right on their nose..although warmer weather will bring activity up..fish creek offers some good winter fishing conditons most days, its frustrating alot of the time, but atleast your out fishing..
  12. Mucilin, on your line and guides
  13. I tie a couple differnt Clouser Minnow patterns, one with eyes, one without. (the ones w/o are wrapped in lead) I never noticed, but i think they perform eqaully well..the eyes however will offer a little more bling to they fly and maybe draw more attention..or spoke weary fish on a sunny day..??? good question alhuger
  14. hmmmmm...Ive seen Salmon jump and suceed through less water..but not at the rate at which these trout are trying to jump.. If this was actually the case I don;t believe you'd see 4 trout attemping that close together..Ive seen pools of a thousand fish or more jumping over waterfalls and very seldom will you see more than a couple at a time through a small channel..my 0.02 = trout being dumped . although it's quite possible a trout could escape through that pipe..
  15. I have a Renzetti Apprentice, I like it, simple rotary, nice hard jaws, good value for 100 bucks
  16. proud to be a newfie .. birthday present a couple years ago .. east coast rash...lol thats funny bbt ..
  17. kinda fishing related i suppose ..
  18. (setting up a Shaw account) .. sounds pretty cool, sorta like satellite radio..
  19. cool line for sure .. dunno about the noise though .. have to be tougher on eyes
  20. gooder..well done
  21. yes the Cougar was very lucky to get away .. poor young juvenile male cougar cornered like .. lucky to get away indeed..
  22. I enjoyed, Kings Quest / Space Quest / Police Quest - Ran on an 8088 .. probably the last time I was "into" games ..
  23. Tickets were $ 200 , said a broadcast I watched last night ..although I looked for some on e-bay about 3 months ago and could'nt find any under a grand .. anybody in attendance is lucky indeed ..
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